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(01-01-2023, 11:18 PM)RicoTx Wrote: [ -> ]I’ve finally got almost all of the crap food, that I got over the holidays, out of the house.  It should be gone by Monday or Tuesday.  Then I dive into attempting to lose this holiday tonnage.

We purged most of ours today into the garbage can. My wife brought home a huge Whitman's Sampler box of chocolates earlier this week. I put a dent into it, but it is now verboten. It's the last temptation which must be dispatched, and it can't go down my gullet.
(01-01-2023, 11:33 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-01-2023, 11:18 PM)RicoTx Wrote: [ -> ]I’ve finally got almost all of the crap food, that I got over the holidays, out of the house.  It should be gone by Monday or Tuesday.  Then I dive into attempting to lose this holiday tonnage.

We purged most of ours today into the garbage can. My wife brought home a huge Whitman's Sampler box of chocolates earlier this week. I put a dent into it, but it is now verboten. It's the last temptation which must be dispatched, and it can't go down my gullet.

Meh, I’ll finish my stuff.  We never have it in the house.  Besides that, my wife bought it for me and I’d get a ration of [BLEEP] if I tossed it.  It’s only here because of Christmas.  I have a half bag of ‘family size’ M&Ms and two ‘movie size’ boxes of Dots.
(01-01-2023, 07:04 PM)Butters Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-31-2022, 08:09 PM)Butters Wrote: [ -> ]I always plan on losing weight, but never turns out that way. Will try again though. I also hope next year to do some more traveling, especially go to Europe.

Welp..have eaten almost 100 wings today so maybe will start the weight loss resolution another time haha.

In two months, Craigslist will be full of ads.

For Sale - treadmill/exercise bike, used once.
[Image: nyr.jpg]
Try keto. For drinking, do Diet Coke with bourbon. Zero carbs. For foods, stay away from carbs and sugars. Walk 10,000 steps a day and watch the pounds disappear.
(01-05-2023, 03:58 AM)Jagsfan4life9/28/82 Wrote: [ -> ]Try keto. For drinking, do Diet Coke with bourbon. Zero carbs. For foods, stay away from carbs and sugars. Walk 10,000 steps a day and watch the pounds disappear.

Bourbon doesn't have carbs, but it does have calories.  70 calories per ounce.  It requires about 2,000 steps to burn off the calories from that one ounce of bourbon.  So, one will lose a lot more weight if they cut out alcohol completely.
Weight loss used to be my go to resolution but I have really cleaned that up over the last two, almost three years since my Son's birth. Was 310 pounds a week after he was born. Weighed 241 this past Monday. That's with fluctuation of course with up's and down's around binge eating and holiday's.

However, I will say this. For anybody looking to lose weight. Two things have worked for me in particular after many years of off and on diet specific trends, etc. I did Keto, I did Paleo, I did Vegan, I did Vegetarian, I did Atkins, I did the Blood Type Diet, etc.

None of that was sustainable for me over the long haul. What did work for me was:

1. Fasting
2. Calorie Counting

That's about it. I started off with fasting 16 hours between my first and last meal, then, I gradually got up to 18 hours, then 20 hours. Now my average is basically 20 - 22 hours between my first and last meal. Essentially OMAD (One meal a day) where I eat whatever I desire. Could be a few pieces of pizza, some Ben and Jerry's, maybe a sandwich and some chips. Just as long as it fits my daily caloric allowance of 2,200 calories per day.

I now do a 36 hour fast every week. Essentially I stop eating on a Wednesday night, go all day Thursday not eating and then break my 36 hour fast (in some cases, I can go even longer if needed) on Friday morning. That 36 hour fast is enlightening for me. Really allowed me to focus on my body and hone in on how it was responding to specific foods. My gut cleans up really well and turns everything into [BLEEP] pretty quickly so you learn the do's and don't post 36 hour fast real FAST.

That's my goal though. I need to stay right at or under 2,200 calories per day in order to average 1 pound of loss per week to hit my goal of 225 pounds. I do next to nothing in cardio. I like weight lifting which I do on a 2 days on, 1 day off rotation. Incorporating dumbbell work on one day for each muscle group and then heavier, compound movements for strength training.

It works. At least for me. This year the goal is to stay within those same guidelines but just clean up the food I am putting into my body daily. Instead of ben and jerry's let's aim for more fruit or yogurt. Instead of processed stuff just try and keep it simple on my end.
(01-05-2023, 09:36 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Weight loss used to be my go to resolution but I have really cleaned that up over the last two, almost three years since my Son's birth. Was 310 pounds a week after he was born. Weighed 241 this past Monday. That's with fluctuation of course with up's and down's around binge eating and holiday's.

However, I will say this. For anybody looking to lose weight. Two things have worked for me in particular after many years of off and on diet specific trends, etc. I did Keto, I did Paleo, I did Vegan, I did Vegetarian, I did Atkins, I did the Blood Type Diet, etc.

None of that was sustainable for me over the long haul. What did work for me was:

1. Fasting
2. Calorie Counting

That's about it. I started off with fasting 16 hours between my first and last meal, then, I gradually got up to 18 hours, then 20 hours. Now my average is basically 20 - 22 hours between my first and last meal. Essentially OMAD (One meal a day) where I eat whatever I desire. Could be a few pieces of pizza, some Ben and Jerry's, maybe a sandwich and some chips. Just as long as it fits my daily caloric allowance of 2,200 calories per day.

I now do a 36 hour fast every week. Essentially I stop eating on a Wednesday night, go all day Thursday not eating and then break my 36 hour fast (in some cases, I can go even longer if needed) on Friday morning. That 36 hour fast is enlightening for me. Really allowed me to focus on my body and hone in on how it was responding to specific foods. My gut cleans up really well and turns everything into [BLEEP] pretty quickly so you learn the do's and don't post 36 hour fast real FAST.

That's my goal though. I need to stay right at or under 2,200 calories per day in order to average 1 pound of loss per week to hit my goal of 225 pounds. I do next to nothing in cardio. I like weight lifting which I do on a 2 days on, 1 day off rotation. Incorporating dumbbell work on one day for each muscle group and then heavier, compound movements for strength training.

It works. At least for me. This year the goal is to stay within those same guidelines but just clean up the food I am putting into my body daily. Instead of ben and jerry's let's aim for more fruit or yogurt. Instead of processed stuff just try and keep it simple on my end.
You mentioned calorie counting.  I’ve done that in the past.  I’m not “overweight” but I’ve done this a few times in the past.  It worked for me really well.  I’d actually write down what I ate and the calories.  Some may be surprised to know how few you can eat while still not starving.  Plus having a visual reference to where you stand lets you know you’re heading in the right direction.  I always needed out and did the math 3500/lb stuff.  I’d lose more than what’s recommended but it works.

Me personally, I drink my calories.  The times I quit, I drop it fast.  I drink mostly water all day every day, some unsweetened tea and a diet soda.  The beer however… is not zero cal.
(01-05-2023, 09:36 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Weight loss used to be my go to resolution but I have really cleaned that up over the last two, almost three years since my Son's birth. Was 310 pounds a week after he was born. Weighed 241 this past Monday. That's with fluctuation of course with up's and down's around binge eating and holiday's.

However, I will say this. For anybody looking to lose weight. Two things have worked for me in particular after many years of off and on diet specific trends, etc. I did Keto, I did Paleo, I did Vegan, I did Vegetarian, I did Atkins, I did the Blood Type Diet, etc.

None of that was sustainable for me over the long haul. What did work for me was:

1. Fasting
2. Calorie Counting

That's about it. I started off with fasting 16 hours between my first and last meal, then, I gradually got up to 18 hours, then 20 hours. Now my average is basically 20 - 22 hours between my first and last meal. Essentially OMAD (One meal a day) where I eat whatever I desire. Could be a few pieces of pizza, some Ben and Jerry's, maybe a sandwich and some chips. Just as long as it fits my daily caloric allowance of 2,200 calories per day.

I now do a 36 hour fast every week. Essentially I stop eating on a Wednesday night, go all day Thursday not eating and then break my 36 hour fast (in some cases, I can go even longer if needed) on Friday morning. That 36 hour fast is enlightening for me. Really allowed me to focus on my body and hone in on how it was responding to specific foods. My gut cleans up really well and turns everything into [BLEEP] pretty quickly so you learn the do's and don't post 36 hour fast real FAST.

That's my goal though. I need to stay right at or under 2,200 calories per day in order to average 1 pound of loss per week to hit my goal of 225 pounds. I do next to nothing in cardio. I like weight lifting which I do on a 2 days on, 1 day off rotation. Incorporating dumbbell work on one day for each muscle group and then heavier, compound movements for strength training.

It works. At least for me. This year the goal is to stay within those same guidelines but just clean up the food I am putting into my body daily. Instead of ben and jerry's let's aim for more fruit or yogurt. Instead of processed stuff just try and keep it simple on my end.

Thanks for sharing. Going to give some of this a try.
(01-05-2023, 09:36 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Weight loss used to be my go to resolution but I have really cleaned that up over the last two, almost three years since my Son's birth. Was 310 pounds a week after he was born. Weighed 241 this past Monday. That's with fluctuation of course with up's and down's around binge eating and holiday's.

However, I will say this. For anybody looking to lose weight. Two things have worked for me in particular after many years of off and on diet specific trends, etc. I did Keto, I did Paleo, I did Vegan, I did Vegetarian, I did Atkins, I did the Blood Type Diet, etc.

None of that was sustainable for me over the long haul. What did work for me was:

1. Fasting
2. Calorie Counting

That's about it. I started off with fasting 16 hours between my first and last meal, then, I gradually got up to 18 hours, then 20 hours. Now my average is basically 20 - 22 hours between my first and last meal. Essentially OMAD (One meal a day) where I eat whatever I desire. Could be a few pieces of pizza, some Ben and Jerry's, maybe a sandwich and some chips. Just as long as it fits my daily caloric allowance of 2,200 calories per day.

I now do a 36 hour fast every week. Essentially I stop eating on a Wednesday night, go all day Thursday not eating and then break my 36 hour fast (in some cases, I can go even longer if needed) on Friday morning. That 36 hour fast is enlightening for me. Really allowed me to focus on my body and hone in on how it was responding to specific foods. My gut cleans up really well and turns everything into [BLEEP] pretty quickly so you learn the do's and don't post 36 hour fast real FAST.

That's my goal though. I need to stay right at or under 2,200 calories per day in order to average 1 pound of loss per week to hit my goal of 225 pounds. I do next to nothing in cardio. I like weight lifting which I do on a 2 days on, 1 day off rotation. Incorporating dumbbell work on one day for each muscle group and then heavier, compound movements for strength training.

It works. At least for me. This year the goal is to stay within those same guidelines but just clean up the food I am putting into my body daily. Instead of ben and jerry's let's aim for more fruit or yogurt. Instead of processed stuff just try and keep it simple on my end.

I basically do the same thing except for the long 36 hour fast.  I used to way around 250 pounds, this was a little over 10 years ago.  Got into fitness and began learning all about nutrition, it's amazing how much you realize you're consuming and how much a portion is once you start tracking everything you eat.

I lost around 55-60 lbs over a couple of years and have sustained it since then always weighing between 190-200.

I think it's also important to remember to not let one bad day or one bad week ruin your goals.  As long as you're good the majority of the time, it's pretty sustainable.  Progress > perfection.
All the very best to those who have posted on this thread, I hope the new year finds you still going strong. I had to get a wee bit fitter a few years ago myself for work and I still loathe it but i find having a target or goal helped... Knocked a lot of the alcohol on the head to a large degree at the same time... I'll still enjoy getting cabbaged in a good cause, but the general day to day drinking surprisingly i don't miss!

But especially wanted to say I admire post #7 'Jags' and I wish you all the best ... I hope the new year finds you winning the good fight, I'm no self help merchant but if I may be allowed to say a good start would be to avoid calling yourself 'sad' ... I don't know about your situation but I know a ballsy post when I see one. Im honest enough to admit that's not something i could write to a group of strangers so to find that strength is very admirable and a long way from 'sad' ... If a man can't hope to improve himself to see his daughter down the aisle we may as well all give up ... So good luck, and keep plugging away one day at a time!
Jags, I don't drink much alcohol, only one a night, but I know people who used to drink way to much beer, and for one of them, NA beer was helpful. It might be worth a shot.

Also, there are lots of psychologists who can help, or at least get you started on the right path. Don't be afraid to see a licensed shrink.
Cat Bells/Mike.  Thank you both for your thoughts and suggestions.  It is appreciated.  I don’t want to make this thread about me.  So I’ll attempt to acknowledge both in a very abridged fashion. 

Mike, I’ve tried NA.  Doesn’t work.  Psyc, not happening.  Don’t need anything disqualifying myself from purchasing certain items.  (I’m the happy drunk, that is if “drunk@ is what you call me)

Cat bells, I do in fact have balls.  Big balls, the biggest balls of all(ha, sorry for the Ac/dc reference). But I’d have to check the time stamp when I posted it.  It may have been balls, may have been liquid courage.  When I say I’m “sad”,  I’m not a sad individual.  Im a happy guy, drinking only makes me mad whenever the rare confrontation comes about.  Very, very few and far between.  I like to think I’m a kind and caring person.  Even when I drink.  I say I’m sad because I know my problem, yet continue to do that.  And for that reason I am sad.  Im a successful man, my wife even more than me(except my wife is not a man but a woman) and I have the sweetest, most thoughtful little girl.  Yet I still CHOOSE to drink.  That is sad!  I acknowledge my shortcomings.  I know right from wrong.  What I do is wrong.  As stated previously I pray about it daily, but also understand I am the one to make the changes.  It’s up to me.  My wife, I’ve asked her help, but she is a wife.  She gives it to me straight.  She’s a good woman despite her “helping” doesn’t exactly help.

That being said, I’ve made a conscious effort to buy less each day in order to ween  myself off. I will get headaches and get pissy whenever I go with for days on end.  Sadly, the 2 night games this year are the only two days aside from one other I only drank a couple.  Mainly to stay up to watch the darn thing since I’m used to going to bed around 930-10.  Will take some more work on my part. That’s my approach so far.  I’ve gotten to where I don’t crave it; yet buy it “in case I want/need it”.  Yet, I still open and drink all I bought.  I really do appreciate you two and thank you both. I don’t want to hijack the thread.  Any additional help, please feel free to pm me.  To you two or anyone else that has been in a similar situation. Sadly, facing 15-20 for a crime I didn’t comment and a week in jail got me off of it years ago.  A bout of anxiety got me right back to where I was.
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