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Full Version: Target Stores: Sexism in our time
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Quote:isn't washing a car a traditionally manly thing to do?

Um.....no? I've not looked at the most recent data on "car washing demography", but I think it may be pretty equal in terms of basic labor.
Quote:Deacon - I'm picking up what you're putting down and I like the outside the box analogy.


Saying it's 'only a shirt' or the 'women need to change how they're dressing' to make the changes happen is akin to the "she deserved it because she was flirty".... I'll leave that alone because we're delving into a much broader subject than a sexist shirt. And lets not kid ourselves, it was a low key sexist shirt even if it was 'just a shirt'. 


JJ - you can't create a topic and then think it ridiculous that not everyone agrees with your take. I may have seen this story and not taken the time to create a topic on it, but you did. The fact of the matter is, as seemingly harmless as the childs shirt appears, it doesn't dismiss the fact that there are people up in arms because it's just another example of feeding into the issues we STILL face. Racism exists, sexism exists, age-ism, as Deacon pointed out, DOES exist. No matter how unimportant you feel this particular example may be, these discriminatory issues exist and to deny any of it is to be wantonly ignorant. 

I am not saying that the world is perfect, I have said that already.


I started this thread as an illustration of PC going overboard.  A t-shirt that talks about a teenage girl dry cleaning her cape isn't preventing a young woman from being an astronaut or CEO or anything of the sort. 


Peter Parker wasn't a billionaire, so he had to clean his own suit.  That's just part of the personal responsibility required of every citizen within the super hero community.  Next thing you know there will be petitions and protests outside DC comics to write in a sales tax credit for Batgirl on her dry cleaning because Bruce Wayne doesn't have to. 


I believe that in order for a society to be complete/whole that we need contributions from everyone of every background circumstances race gender or creed.  To deny women the ability to realize their potential, plot their own course and make their own decisions makes society as a whole weaker and less perfect.  Celebrating and encouraging women to pursue excellence in whatever endeavor they see fit is the true essence of equality and justice, not  demonizing a shirt.
Quote:isn't washing a car a traditionally manly thing to do?

Have you ever seen Cool Hand Luke?
Quote:isn't washing a car a traditionally manly thing to do?

[Image: 29xjkg0.jpg]
Quote:Have you ever seen Cool Hand Luke?

Quote:I am not saying that the world is perfect, I have said that already.


I started this thread as an illustration of PC going overboard.  A t-shirt that talks about a teenage girl dry cleaning her cape isn't preventing a young woman from being an astronaut or CEO or anything of the sort. 


Peter Parker wasn't a billionaire, so he had to clean his own suit.  That's just part of the personal responsibility required of every citizen within the super hero community.  Next thing you know there will be petitions and protests outside DC comics to write in a sales tax credit for Batgirl on her dry cleaning because Bruce Wayne doesn't have to. 


I believe that in order for a society to be complete/whole that we need contributions from everyone of every background circumstances race gender or creed.  To deny women the ability to realize their potential, plot their own course and make their own decisions makes society as a whole weaker and less perfect.  Celebrating and encouraging women to pursue excellence in whatever endeavor they see fit is the true essence of equality and justice, not  demonizing a shirt.
That all sounds really great, it really does. However, if you don't start with the small things that may not matter to the adult male, but could in a real sense subconsiously matter to a 7 year old girl, then all your rigamarole about CEO's and Astronauts may not mean a hill of beans. Is this hyperbole on my part? Perhaps. By isn't this entire section of this forum a GREAT BIG PILE OF HYPERBOLE anyway?


Also - How is this for or against being politically correct or even related? This term has become so darn irritating and over-used it's not even funny.


PC = A crutch statement to be used by anyone who disagrees when things are no longer 'stood for' anymore and change is demanded to bring about equal and fair rights. This is a small and inqonsequential blip on the radar to you, but if you don't start with the small inconsequential things, how will you ever succeed in changing the large, important issues. Start small. Start asking these old fasionioned ideals be stopped.   
Teaching kids to set goals and achieve goals is about instilling a sense of confidence and self determination. I'd that can be distilled by a batgirl shirt then we have bigger problems.

And hyperbolee has nothing to do with my level of Shakespearean dissertation.
The Jags Message Board; where the opposite of instilling is distilling.

Quote:Teaching kids to set goals and achieve goals is about instilling a sense of confidence and self determination. I'd that can be distilled by a batgirl shirt then we have bigger problems.

And hyperbolee has nothing to do with my level of Shakespearean dissertation.
You're losing me. We're talking about a sexist shirt, no? A blatanly sexist shirt if you want the truth. Stearing girls towards goals and to have confidence is a given.


I'm gathering you try really hard to just have a general issue with anything that may fall under the branch of being PC. It reads as if you don't disagree that women are equal because you brought up the Astronaut/CEO thing, but you're issue lies more in everyone elses issue with the shirt? 


Honestly. The ANTI PC people are way more annoying than the PC people at this point. I didn't realize this was a bait and switch thread about being PC, so never mind. 
... Its a SHIRT
Quote:... Its a SHIRT
It's the message? Doesn't matter where it's written. It's the reinforcement of outdated ideals. Who cares how it was delivered. The shirt for 7.99, well it's Target, so 13.99, isn't the point. It's the message that people have issues with. Stop selling bad outdated 1950's ideas. Doncha think that's kind of more the point?
This is so stupid.. People get offended over the dumbest [BLEEP].. Don't like the shirt? Don't buy it.. This is supposed to be America, where we have the freedom to wear [BLEEP] gear, sit during the National Anthem and sleep in on Sundays.. Some of ya'll need a [BLEEP] hobby other than [BLEEP] about an article of clothing thats sold in a store for pretentious feminine hygiene bags.
Talk about first world problems.. Jeez..
Quote:This is so stupid.. People get offended over the dumbest [BAD WORD REMOVED].. Don't like the shirt? Don't buy it.. This is supposed to be America, where we have the freedom to wear [BLEEP] gear, sit during the National Anthem and sleep in on Sundays.. Some of ya'll need a [BAD WORD REMOVED] hobby other than [BAD WORD REMOVED] about an article of clothing thats sold in a store for pretentious feminine hygiene bags.
You're so angry with your 'bad words removed', I can't imagine you don't get peaved all the time since you seem incessed that people kind of don't like "do the dishes" shirts for little girls! If someone has an issue with a shirt and some sexist remarks on it that is their prerogative like you said. 


All of you PC crazed people had a hissy fit over someone sitting down, but this is just too much.....ok


*How I ever thought a discussion about sexism would go very far on a football message board with a bunch of guys was poor thinking by me. Sexist statement I just made? Maybe, but's it's just a message board. shrugs...
Quote:It's the message? Doesn't matter where it's written. It's the reinforcement of outdated ideals. Who cares how it was delivered. The shirt for 7.99, well it's Target, so 13.99, isn't the point. It's the message that people have issues with. Stop selling bad outdated 1950's ideas. Doncha think that's kind of more the point?

I think that's a stretch.

I remember being violently berated because I called my speech teacher ma'am.
Quote:You're so angry with your 'bad words removed', I can't imagine you don't get peaved all the time since you seem incessed that people kind of don't like "do the dishes" shirts for little girls! If someone has an issue with a shirt and some sexist remarks on it that is their prerogative like you said.

All of you PC crazed people had a hissy fit over someone sitting down, but this is just too much.....ok

*How I ever thought a discussion about sexism would go very far on a football message board with a bunch of guys was poor thinking by me. Sexist statement I just made? Maybe, but's it's just a message board. shrugs...

Sometimes, you need some bad words removed to get your point across..
Quote:I think that's a stretch.

I remember being violently berated because I called my speech teacher ma'am.
Look, I don't personally have an enormous issue with a lot of things. I'm not a PC police person, I kind of like chivalry and being called Maam, rather MISS, but in this particular case, I can see how peeps might take issue with the sentiment on the shirt. Allssss I'm saying. 
Quote:Sometimes, you need some bad words removed to get your point across..
Damn potty mouth!
Like I said, if they keep selling the shirts, it's because they're being purchased. It's a business based on monetary value. If bottles of my urine sold for $5 a bottle, I'd be drinking 100 gallons of water a day..
Ma'am, this is the definition of PC culture...

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