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Quote:The one thing that came to mind as I watched the game last night was why bother keeping Henne? Allen is good enough to lose a bunch of games miserably, as Henne would do if he were ever required to go into the game, and he'll be cheaper and have a possibility of improvement with time in the league.


Plus then we can get to see the feeding frenzy as everyone in the league jumps at the opportunity to sign Henne.

I am coming around on this issue.   Are we screwed if we lose Blake anyway?   So if we can make do with 2 QBs, Bortles and Allen, which player can we then keep and not have to cut?   A WR?   A DT?   If we cut or trade Henne, does that mean we can keep Michael Bennett, for example?  


It's hard to justify keeping 3 QBs if your 3rd QB looks about as good as your 2nd QB, and you have some very difficult decisions to make at the bottom of the roster.  


Plus, there's that $4 million that we would save if we discarded Henne.   I know we don't have any cap issues right now, but the money would get carried over and carried over to the point where it eventually would be very important.  Some day, we will come up against the cap, and this would mean we were $4 million better off.  
Myers is terrible and Allen should be the backup instead of check down Henne.
Quote:I am coming around on this issue.   Are we screwed if we lose Blake anyway?   So if we can make do with 2 QBs, Bortles and Allen, which player can we then keep and not have to cut?   A WR?   A DT?   If we cut or trade Henne, does that mean we can keep Michael Bennett, for example?  


It's hard to justify keeping 3 QBs if your 3rd QB looks about as good as your 2nd QB, and you have some very difficult decisions to make at the bottom of the roster.  


Plus, there's that $4 million that we would save if we discarded Henne.   I know we don't have any cap issues right now, but the money would get carried over and carried over to the point where it eventually would be very important.  Some day, we will come up against the cap, and this would mean we were $4 million better off.  

The only problem is Dave, in the same infinite wisdom that had him hire Gus I'd guess, decided he had to have Henne, even if it meant making a salary guarantee for 2016. So essentially what the Jaguars save by cutting Henne is a roster spot and the possible risk of another team lifting Allen because that other team isn't obsessed with keeping a bottom of the league QB around as their backup.


The Jaguars need to take a lesson from the Patriots, don't pay big money to backup QBs, get a young guy and keep your starter healthy.
Quote:Other than the lowly drafted part, Dante Fowler fits your point #9 fairly well.

Yep, looked great beating up on terrible players that weren't even trying hard in practice but has absolutely disappeared since he's faced guys in game situations.


All of the chest thumping at people who questioned the pick seems to have dried up, too.
Brandon Allen played himself onto the roster.  There are going to be some tough defensive decisions namely Holmes, Bennett, and Pullard.  I haven't seen the game yet since they did not show it in Central Florida.  I will record it Saturday morning on NFL Network.  So I am not sure what backups did not play.  Those guys might be put on the IR to open up some extra spots. 

Quote:Thank you, sir. Pay special attention to the first two defensive series. If you aren't a fan of Jack now, you will be after that.

He was one of my favorites, just because he seem like a hard worker and a good guy. But I'll take your word for it. He is also a beast. WILL is much easier for a rookie to learn and play more off instinct, so I'm not suprised Jack flashed.
I agree with those questioning keeping Henne.  I think you try to trade him for whatever you can get, and move to Allen who was surely going to be your backup next year anyway. 

If we could get a 6th for henna, I think you should get gm of the year.

Make it happen D.C.!!
Great post Bullseye. Not much to add tho - the cuts will make things interesting
How loaded up on coffee are you before you make your posts?   :teehee:

Quote:Before I talk about tonights game, I want to pay tribute to all of the guys who either have been cut or will be cut by the time this weekend is over.  To most fans, including myself, the guys to whom I pay tribute are little more than names on transaction announcements.  But there is a part of me that thinks even though they will likely never play for this team again, somehow they deserve better.  Much like the guys talented enough and fortunate enough to make this team, these guys had the guts and desire to put on the pads for the first time and step out on that field and hit and be hit.  Like the guys we'll cheer for-and against- beyond this weekend, they endured years of grueling practices in the hot sun, the rain, and the cold, being chewed out by demanding coaches, fighting through pain and injuries to do something many people-athetes or not-don't have the courage to do-actually make an effort to pursue their dreams.  Some of these dreams will be merely deferred, as a few will catch on with other teams at some point in the future.  Others will see their dreams denied, as all of their efforts to play professional football will be for naught.  On a more basic level these men will join the ranks of the unemployed, and will have to look elsewhere to find their niche in the world.  Even though they didn't make the team, they helped make the team better on some level, by providing the competition needed to get out the very best.  The thing is, all of us fans, were entertained by their efforts, dating back to pop warner.  I, for one, salute them, and wish them all well in their future endeavoers, as long as they do not adversely impact the Jaguars. Now, my thoughts on the game...


1 .  Prior to the start of the preseason, I remarked that I would hate to see cutdown day this year because I know there will be some players released from this team who can play in this league, and might have even been starters on Gene Smith teams.  One such position that will see this is at RB, where, as Kouvaris observed, there are three guys (Robinson, Banyard, and Grant) vying for two roster spots.  All three of them had some very good moments tonight and throughout the preseason.  You could make a credible argument for any of these guys to make the team.  My gut tells me Banyard and Grant make the team, with Robinson being cut.  I would hate to see Robinson get cut because by all accounts, he is a great guy and has proven he can be a productive back in this league.  But I would feel kinda queasy about Banyard and Grant being cut, too. 


2.  Wide receiver is another position where some painful cuts are going to happen, only the competition is even more fierce, as essentially there are three guys (Benn, Walters, and Evans) vying for one spot.  With his size and speed, I know if he could just stay healthy, Benn can play in this league.  I think he would have made the team last year had he not separated (?) his shoulder.  But I don't think he has shown enough this year to make the cut.  I think Evans also has the potential to play in this league, and he has an ally of sorts in Izdik, who had him with the Jets.  But his release and subsequent re-signing shows his tenuous hold on a roster spot.  I think Walters makes the team because he can return punts.


3.  Still more tough decisions have to be made in the secondary, most notably CB.  This was made this way due to the aggressive and fortuitous offseason this team had, as Amukumara and Ramsey were added, and guys like Gratz and McCray, who was the 2nd or 3rd CB within the last two years now found themselves, at best 5th and 6th CBs by late April.  McCray was cut last week.  Now, I'd say there is one and a quarter positions available (because Colvin is suspended for the first four games).  Like the top two positions described above, the survivors have all added plays on tape to help their cause.  Gratz has experience in the scheme as a starter, and had an INT.  Johnson has two INTs, including a pick 6, and and INT tonight.  Nick Marshall also had an INT tonight.  Boddie Calhoun has had at least 2-3 beautiful pass breakups on deep passes.  I think when the dust has settled and the smoke has cleared, Johnson makes the team before Gratz and Marshall, in part because of his ability to return kicks-despite his fumble tonight.  I think Calhoun goes to the practice squad.  The questions between Gratz and Marshall will be whether Gratz' experience or Marshall's longer term potential win out.


4.  Linebacker presents another interesting area of competition.  I think the two bubble guys with the best chence to make it are Hayes Pullard and Ryan Davis.  Pullard had the pick 6 last week against the Bengals, and tipped the ball that got INTd tonight.  Ryan Davis has had a sack and tonight had a pass deflection.  Davis can rush from a 3 point or two point stance, from the inside or the outside, and he just tends to make things happen.  I think both of them flash enough playmaking ability to give them the edge over their competitors.


5.  There are three guys at TE vying for two spots, and none of them were particularly impressive tonight.  Sterling got blown up at the point of attack by a LB, and looked like a WR trying to block in line.  IIRC, Koyack and Bowman had penalties and drops.  Not sure who is the odd man out at this point.  I think Sterling is the best athlete of the three, but he is also the most raw.  I think Koyack is the most versatile of the three, playing TE and H-Back/FB, but doesn't seem to have the most consistent hands.  Bowman is the best all around TE, I think, but was less knowledgeable in the offense than the other two.  I don't think any of them looked good.


6.  I can only hope the end of the preseason marks the end of all of the stupid penalties.  I think we hit double digit penalties again (or were close to it).  It has to stop.


7.  Rookie Watch:

                                          A.  Jalen Ramsey-DNP

                                          B.  Myles Jack-This was his first game action at WLB, and he was absolutely all over the place.  He seemed to be in on the tackle the first 4-5 plays of the game and chased a FB down the field on misdirection he bit on later.  Granted, he played against bottom of the roster guys who won't be in the league in a few days, but he stood out like you would expect a guy considered to be a top 5 talent.  Telvin Smith is a favorite of mine, and when it was announced that Jack would play Will against the Falcons, I was kind of taken aback.  But given how good he looked out there, if he wound up starting over Smith, I'm not sure he wouldn't be an improvement.

                                        C.  Yannick Ngakoue-DNP

                                        D.  Sheldon Day-Got his first action of the preseason tonight after a back injury.  I noticed him get pressure a couple of times (and it stood out more than Fowler or Ngakoue).  I still want to see more of him.

                                        E.  Tyrone Holmes-Saw him get a hit on the Falcons' QB from the blind side.  I think he gets caught in a numbers game, but he goes to the practice squad.


                                        F.  Brandon Allen-Had a good game tonight for the most part.  Showed some zip on his passes and good decision making-even on his INT.  As I watched the INT and the replay of it, it appeared he had Walters open behind the underneath overage, but he didn't get the ball up high enough, but I was not familiar enough with the offense and the coverages to know whether he made the right decision or underthrew the pass, but Caldwell cleared it up and said he didn't put enough air under the pass.  Some of the pre-game roster speculation on the radio indicated Allen makes the 53 man roster.  I could see that, but given the competition and quality at so many other positions, it would be tough.  But him being a QB-likely the backup of the future-might give him the edge at staying.


8.  Not that I know anything about kicking, but I am beginning to wonder if technique wise, there is something off with Myers because he misses an inordinate amount of FGs wide right.  Why he seems to push so many right I have no idea, but I sincerely hope he and the coaches figure it out fast or scour the waiver wires for a kicker who can make those kicks.  Starting now, the games count.  Starting now, the epectation is form bradley to win.  This team is too talented for its hopes to be dashed by the inconsistent level of kicking Myers has provided.


9.  One thing I have noticed that was missing from this training camp/preseason is the training camp phenom.  You know the guy-lowly drafted/undrafted/unheralded guy who comes in and is the talk of the beat writers and message board until the pads come on, only to disappear. I think that is a testament to the quality of the roster that Caldwell has assembled here.


10.  Bottom line:  Fortunately, we seem to have gotten through this preseason without any major injury to any starter or likely contributor.  Considering we seem to have a young, talented team, the health gives us an added advantage, at least for now, over the other teams that are not so talented and/or not so healthy.  This means this team needs to be well prepared to win.  That means ironing out all of the penalties and mental lapses that has weighed this team down for far too long.  Though they are not division rivals and I don't hate them, I am eager for this team to kick some Packer [BAD WORD REMOVED] come September 11th!  It's way past time for us to have a fast start over a playoff team at home, and just about everything seems aligned for us to be able to do it.  In the meantime, those of us in the areas affected or likely to be affected by Hermine please stay safe.
The most important cut will not happen and cost us games (Jason Myers) I believe he will be the reason we don't have a winning record this year.
For those of you who have yet to see the game, here are some clips of Myles Jack from last night.



Quote:How loaded up on coffee are you before you make your posts?   :teehee:
Judging by the number of typos I saw, perhaps not nearly enough.
Quote:The most important cut will not happen and cost us games (Jason Myers) I believe he will be the reason we don't have a winning record this year.
It's sad to think that could be the case.
Quote:Brandon Allen played himself onto the roster.  There are going to be some tough defensive decisions namely Holmes, Bennett, and Pullard.  I haven't seen the game yet since they did not show it in Central Florida.  I will record it Saturday morning on NFL Network.  So I am not sure what backups did not play.  Those guys might be put on the IR to open up some extra spots. 

Bennett was injured, so he could be stashed on IR, although he hasn't exactly stood out so far. The Jags might as well just cut him.


Denard Robinson was poked in the eye. Is that enough of an injury to go on IR? Here too, keeping him on IR serves no purpose, since we've seen a lot of him and none of it was impressive.


I hope the Jags go with just two QBs. Whether that means Henne is cut, or he makes the team and Allen is placed on the practice squad, doesn't make much difference to me. Players rarely get picked up in the final cutdown, and a developmental rookie QB would take up a valuable slot on the 53-man roster, especially one who has no familiarity with a new team's offense. Remember that every team had the opportunity to draft Allen. When was the last time a player who had no previous NFL experience was cut by the Jags and picked up by another team? Offhand I can't remember any.


In the same light, Braedon Bowman will most likely be safe to send to the practice squad.


Hopefully they cut Gratz and give the CB slot to Josh Johnson. Gratz has shown nothing for 3 years plus a preseason. Johnson at least has a chance to develop, and has good ball skills.

Thanks for the comments and updates. The game wasn't on TV here and it isn't on NFL Network until Sunday morning at 5:00 a.m.

Quote:If we could get a 6th for henna, I think you should get gm of the year.

Make it happen D.C.!!
I wouldn't give you a half eaten bag of potato chips straight out of a dumpster for Henne. Good luck with trying to get a 6th.
Quote:For those of you who have yet to see the game, here are some clips of Myles Jack from last night.



Notice the handstand on the 3rd play? 
Quote:Notice the handstand on the 3rd play? 

Wasn't that sweet?!?!
Quote:That's a great problem to have.  But consider how quickly a guy can fall in the NFL.  If Jack supplants him in the lineup, he will have gone from celebrating being one of five Jaguars named to this years NFL's top 100 players list and an emerging team leader by calling the players only meeting in minicamp, to possibly coming off the bench.  As for Joeckel, I have to think there are or will soon be guards available who, in time, would provide more consistency than Joeckel at LG.

The coaches talk about putting in our best players. It is the case with the OL, and it absolutely should be the case with the LB spot. Who are our best LBs? Its Poz, Telvin, and Jack. I mean, we created the OTTO, the LOTTO, the OW for much less talented players like Watson, Ryan Davis, and Denard. Just create the JACK and play Myles wherever.
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