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Full Version: ***Jaguars vs Bengals Gameday***
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Not Cisco!
Just terrible defense
What the hell was that Jenkins..

and now Cisco is down [BLEEP]
Defense is playing soft. Jenkins gets Cisco hurt now.

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93 yard TD drive by the Browning Bungles. Cisco hurt
Stopppp with the injuries ugh
Jenkins with the powder puff tackle attempt, if you can even call it that...
What der hell
Dewey knows how to tackle
Jags D letting this crap QB show them up.
Dropping like flies right now.... Kirk, Herndon, Cisco.

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Campbell not ready to play but he's playing for some reason

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Nooo. That is not a td
Defense just got carved up... what the [BLEEP] was that
Team needs to blitz
No words
Defense not finishing
[BLEEP]. It looks like it was.
Cmon D

You guys forget the Bengals still have good players?