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Full Version: This team looked shameful in front of a national audience. Starters stunk
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Quote:Isn't Geno Atkins the best player at his position in the NFL? Doesn't he do similar things to even very good guards throughout the season?

Understood, however, there has been plenty of praise for Joeckel after the 1st two pre-season games.  This brings it back to reality.  Atkins or not, Joeckel is not a long-term solution at any starting position on the O-Line.  This is one of the top draft priorities for 2017.
Quote:Understood, however, there has been plenty of praise for Joeckel after the 1st two pre-season games.  This brings it back to reality.  Atkins or not, Joeckel is not a long-term solution at any starting position on the O-Line.  This is one of the top draft priorities for 2017.

Totally agreed. Nothing is set in stone long term at that position. Joekel has to play much better this season than that, but there does not seem to be anyone else on the roster to plug into the LG right now.


Having said that. He may not be up against anyone as good as Atkins all season, at least no one with any similar history of excellence.


If anything this may be a good gut check moment in a game that does not count. At this point you have to hope. 


I know it will never happen, but I would love for them to have the first team offensive line for 1 drive against the Falcons. Just for the sake of better cohesion.

Quote:My point is you don't see this kind of sloppiness with a Belichick coached team, or Coughlin, etc.
not to defend gus cause this was trash but it happens all the time to a variety of different quality teams bad and good, great coaching and not.
Remember preseason is a mess of penalties too. The refs blow for stuff they would never blow for during the regular season.

Happens every year, they get "points of emphasis" by the league and try to push them to the extreme.

I'm just waiting for the year that holding is the point of emphasis and a preseason game has 80 penalties called...
Quote:Totally agreed. Nothing is set in stone long term at that position. Joekel has to play much better this season than that, but there does not seem to be anyone else on the roster to plug into the LG right now.

Having said that. He may not be up against anyone as good as Atkins all season, at least no one with any similar history of excellence.

If anything this may be a good gut check moment in a game that does not count. At this point you have to hope.

I know it will never happen, but I would love for them to have the first team offensive line for 1 drive against the Falcons. Just for the sake of better cohesion.
I'd have both Joeckep and Beachum playing in the final game, probably Linder too.

I'd then swap around various guards to see how they work with Beachum and Linder. Edwards looked decent last night and I'd like to see him with them 2.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...


It's preseason. We will be alright.


Preseason is for getting mistakes out, and trying new things.

Quote:I've said it before and I'll say it again...


It's preseason. We will be alright.


Preseason is for getting mistakes out, and trying new things.
That's true but Joeckel at LG was a new thing last night and he got pummeled. Collinsworth couldn't stop talking about it and showing tape of him getting put on his behind.


Usually the starters don't play the fourth game but we seriously need to get the LT/LG positions locked down. We don't want another 2013 (I think it was) situation when we didn't really know who the starting centre was until week 3. It's risking too much hoping for the best come week 1, we need to get that side of the line locked down asap.
Quote:That's true but Joeckel at LG was a new thing last night and he got pummeled. Collinsworth couldn't stop talking about it and showing tape of him getting put on his behind.


Usually the starters don't play the fourth game but we seriously need to get the LT/LG positions locked down. We don't want another 2013 (I think it was) situation when we didn't really know who the starting centre was until week 3. It's risking too much hoping for the best come week 1, we need to get that side of the line locked down asap.

I totally agree on what you're saying regarding LT/LG - but I think there is a hell of a lot of unneccessary panic over a lot of other things, personally.

Preseason os no excuse to play like trash people... And stop trying to find excuses... This teams performance was shameful

I'll save my concerned face until the season starts.

Yeldon shouldn't have fumbled the ball.

Play good:  It's just preseason.



Wasn't it preseason for the Bengals also?
Quote:Wasn't it preseason for the Bengals also?

Quote:Play good: It's just preseason.

Yeah, its weird. Its like, would u rather look great in a losing effort or look terrible and squeek out a win.

Kinda like the Yeldon fumble. Had that been in the end zone, it wouldve been deemed incomplete because he didnt secure full possesion b4 losing the ball. Yet in the field of play, all of a sudden that same play (not maintaining control through to the ground) is a fumble. But hey! whatever
Quote:Wasn't it preseason for the Bengals also?

The gus apologists will never stop


As a miami hurricane fan, I can attest to this as al golden was defended by the same people for his entire career there when real fans saw since game 1 against maryland where he couldn't make a simple adjustment to stop a WR screen they used non stop that he couldn't cut it.
They looked terrible, but it did allow Bortles to have that awesome interview with Michele Tafoya. Hopefully when the regular season starts we will win enough games to where that is what we remember about this fiasco.

Quote:They looked terrible, but it did allow Bortles to have that awesome interview with Michele Tafoya. Hopefully when the regular season starts we will win enough games to where that is what we remember about this fiasco.

Don't know about you, but when the regular season starts I forget all about the preseason.
Quote:Don't know about you, but when the regular season starts I forget all about the preseason.

Blaine was the preseason king. I remember that one year we beat the SuperBowl champion giants, 1st game of the preseason. In my mind, we took the title that day. Then the regular season began.
STOP SAYING ITS JUST PRESEASON. Bad teams still suck and great teams look great.

This was hyped by the coaches and players as our "test run" to see how we have progressed.

Now was just an off night by an offense that has looked good in limited action? Or a test that we failed with personnel, preparation, and coaching? We'll find out 4 games into the season. No more excuses. 

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