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Full Version: Trump fined $350 Million
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Oh good ,Russia Russia Russia again.
(02-22-2024, 01:54 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Trump gave wrong (very wrong) numbers on forms that the government saw, that the banks were supposed to use to decide if he would be leant money at what interest rate. 

The government has a regulatory role to play to make sure that the bank is operating like a public bank and not a private club.  That's why the forms exist.  So even if the banks didn't use those numbers, Trump's actions still frustrated a legitimate government activity and should be punished.  Punished to what extent? Hard to say.

Now what numbers did the bank actually use, and are they actually the victims in all of this? Why are they not suing? Simple answer: it's Deutsche Bank, which has long been suspected of international money laundering for Russian kleptocrats and other bad actors.  They want their internals exposed as little as possible in all of this.  But it doesn't mean they weren't victims and it doesn't mean Trump shouldn't be punished.

The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser has it at about $30 million. It does not have a homestead exemption.
(02-22-2024, 06:59 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser has it at about $30 million.  It does not have a homestead exemption.

This just goes to show, one of the main weaknesses of these proposed "wealth taxes" is that it is very hard to put a value on a unique property unless it is sold on the open market.  Palm Beach County says it's worth $30 million.  If you google "what is Mar-A-Lago worth," some people say over a billion dollars.   It's all a guess until the property goes up for sale and then you find out what it's really worth.  But one big problem for any potential buyer is that it is deed-restricted and can only be used as a private club.  So you would be buying a property with gross revenues of about $25 million a year, which would bring in net income of not much, maybe zero, which would mean that lovely property is really not worth as much as you might think, because the deed restriction would keep you from ever making any money on your investment.  

And in 2020, Trump said the Palm Beach Property Appraiser had the correct valuation.  

Trump says Mar-a-Lago is worth $1.8 billion. Not long ago, his own company thought that was over $1.7 billion too high. - CBS News
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