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She certainly is padded to help aid in the event of a fall.  Safety precaution.

Quote:She certainly is padded to help aid in the event of a fall. Safety precaution.

Lol, it does look like that out fit would inflate if the gyroscope detected the slightest change in vertical axis
Quote:I think you have a secret crush on HRC.  That fancy blue dress/jacket thing she wears kind of does it for me too.  Oh, if I wasn't married, I'd be all over it ..........  Banana


[Image: 2177.jpg?w=300&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&f...3a24eb99e6]

You mean her Dr. Evil attire? Yeah, it suits her well. 
Since we're talking about appearances, and are already off topic:


[Image: o38u0m2mhsix.png]


What's fair, is fair...   :pirate:

Quote:You mean her Dr. Evil attire? Yeah, it suits her well. 

Who knew Austin Power's Doctor Evil and Frau Farbissina would become a fairly accurate mockumentary of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin?


[Image: Frau_Farbissina_APIMOM.jpg]


[Image: giphy.gif]


"E Mails"
Quote:Since we're talking about appearances, and are already off topic:


[Image: o38u0m2mhsix.png]


What's fair, is fair...   :pirate:

That is a warped picture and it's no secret he uses fake tanner. Keep doing what you do best TAM. 


Just keep deflecting, just keep deflecting, just keep deflecting.


[Image: rs_300x300-150814144007-600.Dory-Finding...081415.jpg]
Didn't you notice the Bobby pin???

Lol the guy is a train wreck in terms of his physical appearance.

And I'm not deflecting. What's fair is fair.
It's so funny to watch trumpettes get all freaked out when you mention der fuhrer's appearance!!

I even poked fun of Hillary's out fit. But the moment someone points out what a dumpster fire trumps look is, and it's like I kicked your mom in the uterus.

Calm down, and get some thicker skin. Lol
Quote:Didn't you notice the Bobby pin???

Lol the guy is a train wreck in terms of his physical appearance.

And I'm not deflecting. What's fair is fair.

There are so many things wrong with your picture. 


1. His head is skewed.

2. His head is 1000x bigger than the microphones.


Typical left propaganda. Nothing to see here. How do you sleep at night?


[Image: hillary-clinton-scrunched-face.jpg?w=240&h=300]


[Image: unnamed%2B%25283%2529.jpg]

Quote:There are so many things wrong with your picture.

1. His head is skewed.

2. His head is 1000x bigger than the microphones.

Typical left propaganda. Nothing to see here. How do you sleep at night?

Lol!!! Der fuhrer eez under attack!!

Shnell!!! Ve moost protect der fuhrer!!! Shnell, shnell!!!

[Image: hillary-clinton-scrunched-face.jpg?w=240&h=300]

If I was Stroud, I'd be triggered.

I'm not Stroud....

So instead I give you a quote from America's national treasure, weird al yankovic ---

The pavement cracks when I fall down

I got more chins than China-town
Quote:If I was Stroud, I'd be triggered.

I'm not Stroud....

So instead I give you a quote from America's national treasure, weird al yankovic ---

The pavement cracks when I fall down

I got more chins than China-town

Trump isn't winning any beauty contests, but you are trying to deflect the health of your candidate. All of your people do it.
Quote:Trump isn't winning any beauty contests, but you are trying to deflect the health of your candidate. All of your people do it.

This isn't that thread, genius.

This is the press conference thread that YOU STARTED.

The topic got derailed into Hillary's appearance - Not her health - and I thought it would be fun to also poke fun of trump.

Again, calm down. There was no discussion of anyone's health in this thread.
Quote:Trump isn't winning any beauty contests, but you are trying to deflect the health of your candidate. All of your people do it.

Doesn't the health issue benefit us all.


Kaine in 2017 !!!
Quote:This isn't that thread, genius.

This is the press conference thread that YOU STARTED.

So tell us. Why would she not do any press conferences?  You know, not the scripted "interviews" that she does.

Quote:So tell us. Why would she not do any press conferences?  You know, not the scripted "interviews" that she does.

According to one of the cankle crew....



When your up don't do anything stupid. Her team is really smart. Matter of fact, if this team can get her elected as hated it she is, they will be working elections for the rest of their lives.



 Apparently, her supporters consider doing a press conference as "stupid". Comforting, huh?

Quote:According to one of the cankle crew....

When your up don't do anything stupid. Her team is really smart. Matter of fact, if this team can get her elected as hated it she is, they will be working elections for the rest of their lives.

Apparently, her supporters consider doing a press conference as "stupid". Comforting, huh?

Wait.... Think Hillary is an awful candidate. For me Trump is not an option!

When you going up against a narcissistic candidate like Donald, you sit back and watch him shoot his feet over and over.

Hillary is about to become President. It's truly amazing that she rarely had to campaign because the other guy was so bad.
Quote:So tell us. Why would she not do any press conferences? You know, not the scripted "interviews" that she does.

I think she needs to do press conferences. If I was advising her, I'd knock some sense into her and make her do one every time another email thing hit the news cycle.

She's not doing them because she's a status quo politician that thinks she can get away with it.

I think it's a load. I don't agree with it at all. It increases the livelihood that her presidency is going to be secretive and not transparent at all. Which means she'll more than likely be a 1 term President.
Quote:When you going up against a narcissistic candidate like Donald, you sit back and watch him shoot his feet over and over.

Hillary is about to become President. It's truly amazing that she rarely had to campaign because the other guy was so bad.

If by the slim chance your woman becomes president, do you think she is all of a sudden going to change? Listen to yourself. You are blaming the sheer laziness of your candidate on the perceived short comings of her competition. 
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