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Situational football and vanilla defenses.  What you're seeing isn't real, especially in the second half where they're trying to get certain guys reps and evaluate probably 10 to 20 borderline guys fighting for just a few roster spots. 

If a team gets through a pre-season game w/o any significant injuries to starters,  key role players, quality depth players, and developmental players with potential,   anything else is gravy,   Far too many seasons for NFL teams have been altered negatively or totally derailed because of pre-season injuries. 

Quote:Seriously if your soul had a face I would most likely punch it.

Last time i threaten somebody, i got suspended... But i do find it ironic that you used the word soul. Because i doubt you would walk up to a 6'3 215lb black man and punch him.. If you dont have a useful comment just save it.. And if its anybody soul you should be wanting to punch as a jag fan its Gus Bradely for these miserable seasons he has given.
Quote:Is this really a win/loss thread about exhibition games, wow, just wow.

No its not..Its about trends with Gus teams over the last few seasons.. Just to clear things up i personally dont care about preseason and wins or losses.. I do think its important for the team to have some kind of positive momentum headed into thw season tho
The final score in preseason games doesn't matter.  You have guys that will be working at Zaxby's in a few weeks on the field during crunch time.  The only thing that you can really take away from these games are ones against ones and perhaps twos against twos.  Also consider they don't game plan for these games in general (even the third game is only very basic game planning, mostly just to go through the exercise).

Quote:Last time i threaten somebody, i got suspended... But i do find it ironic that you used the word soul. Because i doubt you would walk up to a 6'3 215lb black man and punch him.. If you dont have a useful comment just save it.. And if its anybody soul you should be wanting to punch as a jag fan its Gus Bradely for these miserable seasons he has given.

[Image: 28191623.jpg]
Quote:<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Yo Boy" data-cid="791953" data-time="1472033723">
Last time i threaten somebody, i got suspended... But i do find it ironic that you used the word soul. Because i doubt you would walk up to a 6'3 215lb black man and punch him.. If you dont have a useful comment just save it.. And if its anybody soul you should be wanting to punch as a jag fan its Gus Bradely for these miserable seasons he has given.
[Image: 28191623.jpg]</blockquote>

So perfect.
In seriousness, our first team is up what? 21-7 at thus point?

Penalties are not a "norm" for Jax. We're generally one of the least penalized teams in the league, so I'm not worried about that at this point.

I think you're just reading into preseason too much while trying to find a way to bash Gus. At least that's how it comes across
Quote:No its not..Its about trends with Gus teams over the last few seasons.. Just to clear things up i personally dont care about preseason and wins or losses.. I do think its important for the team to have some kind of positive momentum headed into thw season tho

This statement literally contradicts itself, if you don't care about win/loss then you could dissect what you see and determine that there is plenty to be positive about heading into the regular season.
New York's and Tampa's future bag boys are better than our future bag boys. So what?

Quote:Last time i threaten somebody, i got suspended... But i do find it ironic that you used the word soul. Because i doubt you would walk up to a 6'3 215lb black man and punch him.. If you dont have a useful comment just save it.. And if its anybody soul you should be wanting to punch as a jag fan its Gus Bradely for these miserable seasons he has given.

What if he is a 6'4" 220lb Asian man with a black belt? He might then.
Quote:If a team gets through a pre-season game w/o any significant injuries to starters,  key role players, quality depth players, and developmental players with potential,   anything else is gravy,   Far too many seasons for NFL teams have been altered negatively or totally derailed because of pre-season injuries. 

Aaron Rodgers understandably said something about that last year when Jordy Nelson tore his ACL. His feelings about that are why Brett Hundley started the first game.


But if there were no preseason games, how would Dave Caldwell make cutting decisions from 90 to 75 and then to 53? How could players compete for jobs and settle into new positions? It is a necessary evil for some players.
Quote:I agree... But as a fan do u feel anymore confident about Gus if win ?? Or it doesnt matter?
Beyond getting some practice for the starters and evaluation of second and third tier players, the pre-season games are pretty meaningless. They aren't used to evaluate the coaches as a result. As long as I see the starters performing moderately well, and most importantly, not getting injured, I really don't care what the pre-season final scores are. It's the 'pre-season'... it doesn't count!


There's really nothing about the pre-season games that make me think one way or the other about the coaches, including the head coach. What will matter to me as far as my evaluation of Gus is concerned is the record at the end of the season. Another losing season... Gus should be fired. Reaching at least  8-8... he's good enough to keep at least one more season. Reach the playoffs and he has secured his position as HC here, at least for a while. This will be the first season Gus will have the pieces on the field to have a legitimate shot at a winning season.


Let's see what happens.

So now we're going to judge things by 'lifeless second halves' of pre-season games when the majority of the people on the field will not be on an NFL roster...or at the very best play a very small role...come the regular season,



Quote:The NFL really kicked Gus in the nads with those first 4 games though. Even they hate him.

Really are sched as a whole is pretty tough. Seems to be the norm though.
We will see players Sunday night who stay on the 53-men roster as emergency backups or move to the practice squad.


We also will see players competing for rotational and backup roles.


But when the starters play, we will see more real competition than players can imitate in practice.

Oi, will we stop complaining about preseason losses, Please? The only things I care about in a preseason game are how our starters have done (well), how the overall O-Line and D-line have looked (pretty solid for starters, even without Beachum, but a large drop off in Oline after starters), and overall team cohesiveness (getting there). oh, and definitely no major injuries!


I think Gus and Co have done a pretty admirable job in managing injuries this year, they have been very conservative with getting players back on the field. This is an important year for the team, and they are doing their best to have our best players available to be out there when the games do count while getting a little game time for the starters, and those that they need to evaluate if they are going to be a role player on the team this year and going forward.

Quote:We will see players Sunday night who stay on the 53-men roster as emergency backups or move to the practice squad.


We also will see players competing for rotational and backup roles.


But when the starters play, we will see more real competition than players can imitate in practice.

[Image: captain-obvious3.jpg]
Preseason is a joke.

Quote:[Image: captain-obvious3.jpg]

Thank you for this.
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