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Full Version: Trump Really Helps LA Victims - Especially the Extra Hate-y Variety!
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I guess it was really good that he went there...  Not good to give money to a hate group.  I could have sworn he was talking about how he was gonna be a freind to the LGBTpopulation.




<p style="font-size:20px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Crimson Text', serif;">Trump visited the church, located in the Baton Rouge suburb of Greenwell Springs, and made other stops in the area at the invitation of Perkins. The church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, which believes that being LGBT is a sin. The Greenwell Springs church’s website includes a “Statement on Marriage and Sexuality,” which reads in part:

We believe that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, [BAD WORD REMOVED], incest, [BAD WORD REMOVED] or any attempt to change one’s sex, or disagreement with one’s biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God.


So what's the big deal?  Many churches help people in need and have the same or similar beliefs.  Were you this outraged when you heard Jeremia Write's speeches?
First, I doubt Obama gave Jeremiah Wright's church 100k

Second, as a politician that says he's gonna protect lgbtq communities, it's a bad look to give 100 large to a church and pastor that blames natural disasters on that same community.

You don't see that as a bad move, politically?
Quote:First, I doubt Obama gave Jeremiah Wright's church 100k

Second, as a politician that says he's gonna protect lgbtq communities, it's a bad look to give 100 large to a church and pastor that blames natural disasters on that same community.

You don't see that as a bad move, politically?

What the heck is lgbtg?  Do you mean gay people?
Quote:What the heck is lgbtg?  Do you mean gay people?
Going out of your way to be as insufferable as possible? You are definitely on the trump train now. 
Quote:What the heck is lgbtg?  Do you mean gay people?

Quote:Mrs. Abedin is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood.  This is the female subset of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Unproven, suspicions based purely on parental associations with groups connected to the MB.


<sup>Huma Abedin was an associate editor of the Journal for Muslim Minority affairs while working for Clinton while she was First lady.  During that time, the journal published several articles written by the elder Abedin advocating for female genital mutilation, pedophilia, condoning domestic abuse because of the STRESS put on men as the chief bread winner, refusing to recognize single mothers, working mothers or same sex couples with children as families, and most importantly rejecting the idea that women working was positive for society.  </sup>


<sup>Huma Abedin was an intern assigned to the First Lady in 1996, when she was listed as an assistant editor for the Journal. Her father died in 1993. Do you have links proving there were articles written by him on the subjects you mentioned, specifically condoning genital mutilation and pedophilia and then published posthumously? There are accusations that Huma's mother edited a book addressing those subjects, but the cited book doesn't show up in searches. </sup>

How many female radical Muslim extremists don't wear the hajib, marry Jews and get put on an ISIS hit list as an apostate?


You take anything published criticizing or questioning anything Islamic at face value without looking any deeper than what satisfies your preconceived opinions.
Quote:What the heck is lgbtg? Do you mean gay people?

Lol, I'm just using the term trump did!! I don't know what they are called anymore. I just assume call them all gay. But I don't think it's our call...
Quote:What the heck is lgbtg?  Do you mean gay people?

Your boy Trump used the acronym, maybe ask him?
Quote:How many female radical Muslim extremists don't wear the hajib, marry Jews and get put on an ISIS hit list as an apostate?

You take anything published criticizing or questioning anything Islamic at face value without looking any deeper than what satisfies your preconceived opinions.

+1 It's nice to know other people notice it too.
Quote:Your boy Trump used the acronym, maybe ask him?

He's not "my boy" so I wouldn't know.  Is Hillary "your gal"?
Quote:How many female radical Muslim extremists don't wear the hajib, marry Jews and get put on an ISIS hit list as an apostate?

You take anything published criticizing or questioning anything Islamic at face value without looking any deeper than what satisfies your preconceived opinions.
I said the elder abIdin. I meant the mother. Also this is the basic manifesto of the mma ideology and the Muslim sisterhood. They also blame America for 9-11.

And I said Muslim sisterhood not isis.
Quote:Your boy Trump used the acronym, maybe ask him?

Did you know he's been diagnosed with Dyslexia? I really read that somewhere, and not in The Anchorman satirical way. I could see how an acronym using a "q" could be translated in his mind as a "g" if that were the case. Or maybe he's just a moron. Or both.
Quote:First, I doubt Obama gave Jeremiah Wright's church 100k

Second, as a politician that says he's gonna protect lgbtq communities, it's a bad look to give 100 large to a church and pastor that blames natural disasters on that same community.

You don't see that as a bad move, politically?

Yeah, Obama was actually an attender/member/acolyte of Wright's hate filled congregation/gathering/cult, whereas Trump may or may not have given a flyby donation to one during a crisis (I don't know the details). No one legitimately thinks Trump is active in that church.
Quote:It's flipping message board and I am to lazy to hit the arrow on my phone. Get over yourself.

If you want to sit down and discuss thermodynamics and jet propulsion. Let me know.

Why doesn't your thermaldynamics and jet propulsion school require basic level English?
Quote:Why doesn't your thermaldynamics and jet propulsion school require basic level English?
Grammar Nazi's making mistakes while calling people out is delicious. 
Hillary gets millions of dollars in donations from governments who oppress gays and women's.

Trump gives local Christian church a "get well soon" card.

Obviously, the card is the bigger problem here. Let's focus on that.
Quote:Why doesn't your thermaldynamics and jet propulsion school require basic level English?


#'s > words

#'s > words



An integer is actually < than a string.
Quote:What the heck is lgbtg?  Do you mean gay people?

"Q" not "G" ---- also, you need to throw in a "I" and an "A" for intersex and asexual 
Quote:Is she running for President? Did Hillary give her a big donation?
She'll be the new Monica under the desk.
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