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Congrats on wasting your vote. You may as well stay home
Quote:Congrats on wasting your vote. You may as well stay home

eh...  I don't know.  Making a protest vote is fine.  I think staying home is the real diservice.  I didn't vote in 2000...  I regret that vote with all my heart now.  I didn't vote in 2000 because I saw Gore as the continuation of the Clinton hypocrisy.  And I saw Bush as a Republican that was gonna hose workers over as well.  So, as a young guy that really didn't see the difference I stayed home.


Bush turned out to get us into a never ending occupation of the middle east, divided this country to the point that we are now, and pretty much drove the entire country into the greatest economic recession we've ever seen.


I know, Pirk is gonna come and say I'm dumb and that it was Obama, not Bush that destroyed this country.  And in reality, the entire 2 party system was compromised and corrupted which lead to where we are from 35 years ago...  


But that election in 2000 was the one that I had a choice to vote in.  And I didn't.  And I regret it.  I should have voted.  I should have voted the way I wanted to.  Gore would have been better.  But we got Bush.  And I didn't put my 2 cents in.


Don't ever stay home, kids.  You'll regret it.  



This ends the Life Pro Tip from The_Anchorman for this evening.


They guy who spent less than anyone, got more primary votes than anyone, and is still currently in a virtual tie with a media backed, anointed candidate?



Virtual tie? Hahahahahahahahahaha


Got one source that shows your boy with a fighting chance in the Electoral College? Didn't think so.


You do know we vote by states to elect a president, right?
Quote:I gotta ask. What is wrong with teleprompter speeches? Its all our current POTUS does. Is it all of a sudden bad because Trump does them?


Honestly, I think it makes you a little uneasy that things are turning....

Ask your buddy FBT about teleprompter speeches. Apparently it disqualifies you from any elective office.


Things are turning? Into a train?
Quote:I'm sure all the seizures she's been having is gonna kill her well before the first debate.

Then you'll have trump running against the former governor of Virginia...

Lol, you realize the democrats would win by a landslide if that happened.

A normal politician with no baggage against a madman? It wouldn't even be close!

And if the stupid Republicans didn't nominate a reality-TV madman and had nominated a real conservative like Marco Rubio The Queen would be losing by 10 points. And Clinton would be worried about the upcoming debates.
He regrets not changing his campaign team earlier. Seems the new one's have him well controlled at the moment
African American vote is going to start swinging in his favor here shortly.

Quote:African American vote is going to start swinging in his favor here shortly.

After he called them poor, unemployed, and basically stupid. Ha no, no they won't.
Quote:After he called them poor, unemployed, and basically stupid. Ha no, no they won't.

He never called them stupid, not sure why you have to lie, but their inner city communities are overwhelmingly poor and unemployed. Are you allergic to reality?

Quote:There's an avatar bet going on. Put your bet where your mouf is. Unless...
Quote:Cute.  What's the point?  I'm not guaranteeing either will win.


We've had 8 years of the biggest [BAD WORD REMOVED] of a president we've ever had, and if Trump loses it's not going to get any better.  There's no victory for anyone in that.  Except Soros and others funding funding, influencing, and hedging on global downturn as to line their pockets and take more power.

Got it. Not confident on the guy you have on your pedestal. Just complain about the opponent. America is doomed. The edge of the cliff is near. So in other words, knowing your guy won't win and setting up the complaint dept..
Quote:He never called them stupid, not sure why you have to lie, but their inner city communities are overwhelmingly poor and unemployed. Are you allergic to reality?

It was as condescending as you could get. And someone's perception of a speech does not equate to a lie. That's Donald's game to tell lies.

For example black and white unemployment in Detroit is pretty close to each other. Unless you add in the school age kids if blacks to bloat your numbers.
Quote:African American vote is going to start swinging in his favor here shortly.

lol ... I'd really be worried for you if I thought you believed half the things you post.
Quote:He never called them stupid, not sure why you have to lie, but their inner city communities are overwhelmingly poor and unemployed. Are you allergic to reality?

Doesn't matter. It's not about the black vote. It's about giving cover to the white voters he's courting.
Quote:lol ... I'd really be worried for you if I thought you believed half the things you post.

[Image: 10v1l0.jpg]
Quote:For example black and white unemployment in Detroit is pretty close to each other. Unless you add in the school age kids if blacks to bloat your numbers.

Michigan's black unemployment rate much higher than white rate, but why?

"The unemployment rate for black workers in Michigan is 18.7 percent, compared to 7.5 percent for white workers in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to a recent report from Washington, D.C.-based Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning think tank."


[Image: 12760120-large.jpg]




The rate is much higher than whites and there is nothing wrong with pointing it out. Trump associates the massive unemployment levels with a lack of available jobs and opportunity. Michigan as a state, and specifically its urban centers (where the majority of black communities are) have been hit the hardest by the global trade deals established over the past 24 years. Trump's more protectionist trade policies coupled with decreased regulation and lower taxes for businesses could help restore inner cities that have been devastated by outsourcing, corporations leaving the United States for cheaper labor, and inability for small businesses to compete with major corporations.

CNN - ever so classy.


[Image: 99tk5p50ingx.png]

Quote:CNN - ever so classy.

[Image: 99tk5p50ingx.png]

So apparently all felons are black? Is that the lesson we've just learned from CNN?
Quote:African American vote is going to start swinging in his favor here shortly.

Ok. Yet, when invited, he has refused to speak to NAACP, Urban League,National Assoc of black journalists.

You think that'll turn things around for him?

He is polling in single digits with the black vote. Not sure on Hispanic. Then there's the women, LBGT and others who he's way behind in.

What have you got to lose,? He says. You're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no job, 58% of your youth have no jobs...is he using third person terminology? Who was he addressing? There were virtually no black attendees at the rally where he was saying this.

The vote is going to start swinging in his favor?

I think you underestimate the charisma of the "white lives matter" group that spoke in front of a Houston based office of the NAACP wearing Trump 2016 gear (to accent their white power shirts and confederate flags).
Quote:It was as condescending as you could get. And someone's perception of a speech does not equate to a lie. That's Donald's game to tell lies.

For example black and white unemployment in Detroit is pretty close to each other. Unless you add in the school age kids if blacks to bloat your numbers.

The only thing he could do worse is take their votes, then turn his back on them.


Kinda like what the Demorat party has done for decades, and continues to do.
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