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Full Version: Devastating Comparison Between Obama’s Baton Rouge Flood Response And Bush’s Response To Katrina Speaks Volumes
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Quote:if memory serves, there were resources in place on the federal side and the mayor of LA, who is in jail now iirc, didn't use them well.

I believe they call this Revisionist History. Luckily there are plenty of resources you can utilize to refamiliarize yourself with the federal government's preparation and response which don't simply finger point to Ray Nagin.
Quote:I believe they call this Revisionist History. Luckily there are plenty of resources you can utilize to refamiliarize yourself with the federal government's preparation and response which don't simply finger point to Ray Nagin.

It was actually the Louisiana governor (a Democrat) who held up the federal aid.


All this blame is wrong in any case. New Orleans was fine after Katrina passed. It was the next day, after the hurricane was gone, when the levees failed and New Orleans was flooded. Nagin should have used the school buses to evacuate the city before Katrina hit. It was a Cat 5 hurricane until it got close to shore. But having not done so one couldn't expect that to be done after the hurricane was over and things seemed OK.


But the point stands. The media gives Obama a pass, but blasts Bush. And it wasn't just because the aid workers were late in arriving, Bush was bashed for flying over but not actually landing there.

Quote:I believe they call this Revisionist History. Luckily there are plenty of resources you can utilize to refamiliarize yourself with the federal government's preparation and response which don't simply finger point to Ray Nagin.

Quick, someone get jj a bunch of first aide bandages that sick burn
Quote:I believe they call this Revisionist History. Luckily there are plenty of resources you can utilize to refamiliarize yourself with the federal government's preparation and response which don't simply finger point to Ray Nagin.

Well, yes, they also point at Governor Blanco. Lets be honest, it took a personal phone call from Bush on the 28th before those [BAD WORD REMOVED] actually ordered an evacuation or requested Federal assistance. The whole of the result lies at the feet of the Louisiana Democrat political machine.

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