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I've got a problem with trump now calling himself a globalist, I thought he was campaigning on anti-globalism.

More things Change the more they stay the same.

100 days more war, more spending, nothing done about the surveillance state, no movement on immigration control, and a passive tax plan still implementing the income tax.

Not impressed but about what I expected. Conservatism is dead the best you can hope for now is to simply obstruct the states growth.
Quote:Trump would be honored to meet with Kim Jong Un and invited Duterte
to the White House, two documented mass murderers (one admittedly) of their own countrymen. Do you reckon he'll be refusing their hands, or are they just not quite as bad as Merkel?
I don't recall any quote about him being 'honored' to meet Kim Jong Un. As far as Duterte goes, he is highly popular in the Phillipines, but I am not a fan. Due process is a right, and people deserve it. Although with the way judges are anymore, due process isn't what it used to be.
Quote:I don't recall any quote about him being 'honored' to meet Kim Jong Un. As far as Duterte goes, he is highly popular in the Phillipines, but I am not a fan. Due process is a right, and people deserve it. Although with the way judges are anymore, due process isn't what it used to be.

Quote:If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honored to do it.

Duterte is a thug who built a reputation as Mayor of Davao City when he summarily executed drug dealers AND users. He is popular among those who think drug users should be killed. Meanwhile, meth is easily found in the Philippines, because competition has been killed. Follow the money.


Trump is who I feared too.  Someone who made vague promises of 'draining the swamp' when his idea is to fill it with a new, murkier swamp.

The skewed optics are baffling.


If some can't drop their partisanship and be more objective, this will become a political culture war that will not end well.


We will simply destroy ourselves from within if we stay on this path.


Objectively, he's doing a much better job than the left ever imagined he could or would.


We need to get out of this childish, middle school mentality of I hate x so therefore everything about x is wrong and bad.


He is who I expected.  An outsider that's being treated like an outsider from all sides.  Yet, he's still finding success in spite of the resistance from all sides.


It's unfortunate, though it isn't being sold that way by an nonobjective media who are out to purposefully deligitimize and marginalize his presidency.

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