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Full Version: Hillary freaks out as animal rights activists unfurl a banner
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Quote:I think Hillary was just shocked they were protesting at her function when, as you stated above, the Trump kids are the ones shown hunting down animals.


Also, anyone hunting in a fenced in area is a loser.

I'm not seeing anything wrong with her in the OP video, she looks like she's trying to figure out what they are yelling about. It's much different than the other incidents with her odd facial expressions.


She does look very tired, though.
Quote:I'm not seeing anything wrong with her in the OP video, she looks like she's trying to figure out what they are yelling about. It's much different than the other incidents with her odd facial expressions.


She does look very tired, though.
To me, she appeared to be frightened. her security staff also acted in a manner in which I found to be very odd. As if a physical attack was eminent. It was a banner and some yelling.
I don't see anything in that one either, if anything, she's probably ascertaining whether she needs to get the hell out of dodge after 25 years of Secret Service handling.

Now that other video out there? That one is seriously odd.
I don't see what the big deal is regarding the video in the OP.  Her attention and focus turned to "something going on".  SS felt that there was a need to get near her.  SS wouldn't react unless there is a reason.

Quote:I don't see what the big deal is regarding the video in the OP.  Her attention and focus turned to "something going on".  SS felt that there was a need to get near her.  SS wouldn't react unless there is a reason.

As a man that is 100% against Hillary, I agree completely. If Secret Service acted it must've been something. Obviously it wasn't major or else they wouldn't have walked away. But something happened to spook them a tad. But, that's just my opinion from watching the video from the OP. And I must say the first time I watched it, I had it muted. Then I had to unmute it (forcing me to hear her) and even then I can't see anything wrong with her in that video. However, it is clear from other videos she's got something wrong with her. Unless you're Indy2indy or whatever his name is
Quote:Oh a burn. Good one

Most ethical doctors wouldnt make a diagnosis without seeing the patient. Not so important with amateur film makers. I would defend Trump, Johnson, or Stein the same.

I am passionate about mental health.
Quote:I cant say about his mental health. I am sure it fine.

But he again shows be knows absolutely nothing.

So what does he want from Japan?
Seems like it's just her mental health you're passionate about, I must have missed all the posts of you grilling people about their medical degrees when they bring it up regarding him....
Quote:I don't see anything in that one either, if anything, she's probably ascertaining whether she needs to get the hell out of dodge after 25 years of Secret Service handling.

Now that other video out there? That one is seriously odd.

I agree with your first sentance.  I have a feeling the protester had some sort of prop that freaked her and the secret service out..


As for the face she made at the convention:


I watched the actual video, her reaction isn't to the balloons!  Its the the pyrotechnics that went off directly above her.  It's a goofy face, but one that makes sense if a bunch of fireworks go off directly above your head when you weren't quite expecting it.


It wasn't a reaction to the balloons falling, as is the meme that is going around.  


Here's the proof:  It's the best video I could find...  No need to watch the entire speech, LOL.  Just skip to 1:26:45





Quote:Seems like it's just her mental health you're passionate about, I must have missed all the posts of you grilling people about their medical degrees when they bring it up regarding him....

Daaayuum!!! I'd say that this would make him look stupid, but his posts are doing a pretty darn good job of that on their own.
Quote:Seems like it's just her mental health you're passionate about, I must have missed all the posts of you grilling people about their medical degrees when they bring it up regarding him....
Golly gee. I said I am sure his mental health is fine! What more do you want?

It's just a wrong to diagnose him as it is The Democratic nominee!

And lest you doubt, I work daily with the mentally ill. I have spent time in Washington working to get more help for our most over looked population.

I deal with people who suffer from terrible mental illness that have stolen their livelihoods. While you and others treat it as some joke. I actually work to try to improve the lives of the forgotten. So spare me your lecture as it falls on deaf ears if someone who does and doesn't just talk.

Of course I am sure this is just another service that out think should be cut, correct? Why should our government treat our mentally ill?

Good day to you sir or ma'am.
Quote:Golly gee. I said I am sure his mental health is fine! What more do you want?

It's just a wrong to diagnose him as it is The Democratic nominee!

You went from demanding medical degrees and accusing posters of "word vomit" to meh...I'm sure he's fine. A thread titled "Questions arise about Trumps mental health " and it's nine pages in before your lackluster defense of his mental health. UUUUGE contrast for an issue you are so passionate about.
Quote:Golly gee. I said I am sure his mental health is fine! What more do you want?

It's just a wrong to diagnose him as it is The Democratic nominee!

And lest you doubt, I work daily with the mentally ill. I have spent time in Washington working to get more help for our most over looked population.

I deal with people who suffer from terrible mental illness that have stolen their livelihoods. While you and others treat it as some joke. I actually work to try to improve the lives of the forgotten. So spare me your lecture as it falls on deaf ears if someone who does and doesn't just talk.

Of course I am sure this is just another service that out think should be cut, correct? Why should our government treat our mentally ill?

Good day to you sir or ma'am.

Methinks he doth protest too much.
Quote:Methinks he doth protest too much.

We would be happy to have your help. Anytime you would like to put actions to your words just let Hayes know.
Quote:Methinks he doth protest too much.

He just wants to show us how PASSIONATE he is about the subject while simultaneously trying to make me out to be an awful, uncaring person that wants to cut out services for the mentally ill so you'll forget that he was called out for his obviously biased defense of the candidates on this issue. I hope he's a lot more balanced with his passion when dealing with this in his everyday life.
Are we really talking about Hillarys facial expressions? There's this other guy running, not sure if you've seen the dozens of videos with his face turning inside out or not.....
Quote:He just wants to show us how PASSIONATE he is about the subject while simultaneously trying to make me out to be an awful, uncaring person that wants to cut out services for the mentally ill so you'll forget that he was called out for his obviously biased defense of the candidates on this issue. I hope he's a lot more balanced with his passion when dealing with this in his everyday life.
And yet your argument is I didn't defend hard enough? Then forgive me but at least you are now on record as in agreement that it's ridiculous to diagnose someone from videos and news feeds. Glad we could come to that stance correctly.

Oh and we can clear up one thing.

I am biased. I am biased that Trump should never be let in the White House Oval Office! But its not because of any mental health issue. It's because he is a hate filled man spreading hate through the country like a disease! And thankfully the majority of America is seeing it! And in less than a 100 days he will be but a memory. A blip on history similar to McGovern.
Quote:And yet your argument is I didn't defend hard enough? Then forgive me but at least you are now on record as in agreement that it's ridiculous to diagnose someone from videos and news feeds. Glad we could come to that stance correctly.

Still trying to make this about me I see. At least you can defend something consistently....
Quote:Still trying to make this about me I see. At least you can defend something consistently....

Nope just acknowledging your agreement!
So, one who works with people with mental issues can't see in the other videos of Hillary that something clearly isn't right? I don't think it takes a doctor to identify abnormal behavior. That clip of her in the blue dress, that's not normal. Especially not for someone running for president and supposed to be professional. I know Trump doesn't act professional, but let's face it, that was never his thing.
Quote:Nope just acknowledging your agreement!

Too bad you didn't acknowledge all the posts diagnosing Trump with a mental disorder and berated those that did the same to Clinton because, you know...so passionate.
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