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Full Version: Best radio show to listen to for someone cross country?
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I don't live in Jacksonville so I don't have the opportunity to just turn on the radio to listen to a weekly broadcast. I live in Southern California.


So I am wondering what is the best and most consistent broadcast to listen to that you would recommend for the Jaguars? What's the website link?


I would prefer something that isn't on ITunes.



Just subscribe to the Jaguars radio network shows. You get the daily Jaguars Today shows with Mike Dempsey, the Bradley Show and Jaguars Thursday. There's even an occasional interview by Shadrick that pops in occasionally.

See but where do I find that? Does it cost money? Link?


I want something that I can pull up later in the week if I miss the actual live time it was broadcasted.

I just have it on the podcast app on my iPhone. 


Its on the team site too.






edit: this is a link to 1010XL live stream here in Jax

1010 also does podcasts on their website. 'Jaguars Today' is a decent show, catch it there sometime.
Just don't listen in the morning bc Processer and Hicken scream and Holler like little girls.

Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyy hooooooooooo processer over talks in a very high pitch.....But look Dan why not, I mean...

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy. (Dan ignores)