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In my hometown of Pittsburgh, we had a few popular organizations as follows:


PAK -- Polish American Club -- they had some Polish traditions but mostly utilzed their building as a drinking haven.


VETs - Originally only included Vets of WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.  Expanded membership to include immediate relatives of Vets, and subsequently expanded to include anyone that wanted to hang out and drink a lot.


Masons - Organization that kept everything secretive except for the fact that they were more moderate drinkers than the PAK and VETs.  
Quote:You think the Freemasons are a secretive bunch.

Ever heard of the Jailedmasons?

That's what I thought.


The same thing happens when people think about Ninjas. They only know about Japanese ninjas but maybe that's because they are the crap ones.
Anyway, I'm a Freemason so if anyone wants to discuss some super top secret information feel free to PM me with the secret you wish to discuss Wink
My paternal grandpa was one.  I never knew until he passed away several years ago and left me a gold watch with some weird symbols on it.  Dunno what that's all about.

Quote:My paternal grandpa was one.  I never knew until he passed away several years ago and left me a gold watch with some weird symbols on it.  Dunno what that's all about.

[Image: pulpfictionkoons.jpg]
Quote:Anyway, I'm a Freemason so if anyone wants to discuss some super top secret information feel free to PM me with the secret you wish to discuss Wink

Since Freemasons are a male only organization, do they have female restrooms?  
Freemasons are supposedly into the dark arts. Crowley allegedly unlocked their secrets and was approached by a 33rd degree Mason and was unaware of what he had done. Crowley was then brought into the Masonry right there on the spot. They are also linked to a lot of shady moves in the political and banking fields. Rothchilds, Rockefellers, etc. 


BUT. The biggest concern I have is Saudi Arabia being aware that they're sitting on top of the legendary city of Atlantis. 

Quote:My dad is one, he says it's not a secret organisation, it's an organisation with secrets.


I'm totally uninterested in the whole thing.


Plus you have to strongly believe in some sort of religion, so I'm out.


(I'm not an atheist, I'm just undecided on religion).

You do not have to strongly believe in some sort of religion. But rather a Supreme Being. It leaves a wide interpretation.

Some " rules" have been relaxed. You can actually ask someone, and then he can decide to nominate you. There are many off shoots, Scottish Rites,et etc.

it's a giving , helpful organization. Very patriotic that take care of people,especially their own.

Many founding fathers were Masons.

It can get pretty deep.




A few years back my avatar was the symbol and I got a lot of "hate PM's" asking how I could possibly post that.  It was around the time that The Da Vinci Code came out in theaters.
Quote:[Image: pulpfictionkoons.jpg]

Hey, that's it!
Quote:You do not have to strongly believe in some sort of religion. But rather a Supreme Being. It leaves a wide interpretation.

Some " rules" have been relaxed. You can actually ask someone, and then he can decide to nominate you. There are many off shoots, Scottish Rites,et etc.

it's a giving , helpful organization. Very patriotic that take care of people,especially their own.

Many founding fathers were Masons.

It can get pretty deep.


I see what you're saying.. but it could also be slightly different Internationally.


I, for one, will never join. It's just not for me.
I just wanna be a Shriner so I can drive the little cars
Quote:I just wanna be a Shriner so I can drive the little cars

Be honest, we know you just want to belly dance on the parade float.
Quote:Be honest, we know you just want to belly dance on the parade float.

Why should this weekend end differently than the rest.
Yeah... I'm a little disappointed that the video was released without my permission, but I woulda just youtube'd it anyway.
Quote:What fascinates me about the freemasons is how much they are involved in the makings of America. I believe the society started with a conversation at some bar in England, but somehow it spread to America. George Washington was a freemason famous for wearing their garb, and much of our origins as a nation may be based on his thoughts. The one dollar bill is full of mason imagery including the triangle with the all seeing eye above it, and it's now common knowledge that the layout of Washington DC was based on masonic ideology and their use of megalithic geometry and measurements. The Presidential seal likewise
includes masonic images.
George Washington wore their false teeth as well.  A bit on the brittle side, but that's how he liked it.
Quote:Kinda unrelated but do you know Jim Morrison's Dad orchestrated the Gulf Of Tonkin incident?

Even more unrelated, but Jim Morrison was a total nerd in High School (possibly in Tampa or nearby?). Google his yearbook pic
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