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Full Version: Did Hillary just say THAT?
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Quote:Lol, how exactly does Obama gain power over the purse?

But he sure is a democrat. And a black Muslim to boot.

And trump has research that shows he's a Kenyan.

So let's blame him for what constitutionally is the responsibility of the congresss...

I'll buy anyone a coke if they can tell me who is currently in control of the congress...

A cookie and a coke...
1.  I find it humorous how quickly any disagreement of a liberals view of the world has to be because those in opposition must be racist.  

2.  How shall I collect my cookie and coke when I post:  Big money, whether it be from business, unions or any and all special interest group that buys a candidate?
Quote:My husband is very white, very smart, earns decent money, and has 2 Bachelor degrees. One in business management and the other in architecture. He paid his way through college without one single loan or grant. He worked his butt off for that education. And he is most definitely a Republican. I know many others like him so screw you Nancy Pelosi, you psycho hose beast.
I just reread this and realized a whole section somehow got deleted. My laptop is demented sometimes.


My other thought was that though my husband has his accomplishments and is not who Pelosi was referring to, I know many white, non-college educated men who are very smart. own their own businesses and actually make better money than my double degree husband. And yes, they vote the way they do because of the three G's. They don't vote down to any level and dang sure don't need what the government has to offer in social welfare. They're landscapers, bricklayers, stonemasons, cabinet makers, and farmers and all own what they do.  She wouldn't know what it is to actually own something she earned if it slapped her in the face. 
Quote:I'll buy anyone a coke if they can tell me who is currently in control of the congress...

A cookie and a coke...

The Washington Post editorial board.

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