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Quote:You already know what you will get with Hillary. Most are willing to at least give Trump a chance to see what he can do. He will likely win in a landslide after this. Your girl is already crashing and burning before August.

Dream on.


Who is this "most are willing"? You mean angry white men are willing. 


My girl? I've stated numerous times I'm not voting for her. Try to keep up.


Win in a landslide? That's why you Trumpettes are an endless source of amusement. It must be nice living in that alternate universe.
Quote:You aren't really a big fan of facts, huh?

Facts? Like the ones Trump made up in his acceptance speech? No, I don't drink to excess.
Quote:You're the clear-eyed one? You want a carnival barker reality show host as your president? Go for it.
And you want a corrupt politician who rigged the political process, had control of the media making a mockery of journalism and put our national security at risk all in an effort to protect her back door dealings. Imagine all the things we don't know.

Schultz resigns due to rigging the political process (she of course is a scapegoat as there were many involved in rigging it) and Hillary hired her. Think about that. What kind of message does that send? I'm untouchable?

Saw you state you aren't voting for her. I definitely could not tell with your posts. Who are you voting for?
Quote:Dream on.

Who is this "most are willing"? You mean angry white men are willing.

My girl? I've stated numerous times I'm not voting for her. Try to keep up.

Win in a landslide? That's why you Trumpettes are an endless source of amusement. It must be nice living in that alternate universe.

He is leading in the polls.
Quote:He is leading in the polls.

Like I said, Adam2012 doesn't like facts very much.
I'm willing to bet the reason Adam2012 isn't voting for Hillary is because he's not old enough to vote. That would explain a lot.
Quote:I'm willing to bet the reason Adam2012 isn't voting for Hillary is because he's not old enough to vote. That would explain a lot.

Good point. Never thought of that.
Just give trump a chance? Sounds like the calls for tebow. I'd wager there is a large amount of cultural overlap between those two groups as well. 

Quote:He is leading in the polls.

Think so? Which ones? If you don't like today's poll don't worry, there will be about 100 more before election day.


You're counting on a poll on July 25 to mean something? Let's see if the Dems get a bump from their convention.


I've resigned myself to voting Libertarian. No way will I vote for Benito Trump. If Bill Clinton's years were any indication Hillary won't be nearly as leftist as the yahoos would have you think, or as Bernie will want. Clintons tend to be center-left.


For all this talk of Hillary being corrupt the Trumpettes don't seem to be bothered by the fact that Benito is not releasing his tax returns. Where is Byron LeftTown et al with the conspiracy theories? Have to assume he's hiding something.


And do you really want Vlad Putin as your vice president?
Quote:Good point. Never thought of that.

And I assume you post from an assisted living facility. Sure you have enough white belts? I'm sure FBT will loan you some.
Quote:Think so? Which ones? If you don't like today's poll don't worry, there will be about 100 more before election day.

You're counting on a poll on July 25 to mean something? Let's see if the Dems get a bump from their convention.

I've resigned myself to voting Libertarian. No way will I vote for Benito Trump. If Bill Clinton's years were any indication Hillary won't be nearly as leftist as the yahoos would have you think, or as Bernie will want. Clintons tend to be center-left.

For all this talk of Hillary being corrupt the Trumpettes don't seem to be bothered by the fact that Benito is not releasing his tax returns. Where is Byron LeftTown et al with the conspiracy theories? Have to assume he's hiding something.

And do you really want Vlad Putin as your vice president?
I'm not wasting my vote this time. My first chance at an election, I did what you are planning on doing... I voted Nader instead of gore... And, while my vote didn't matter in terms of the state I lived in, the lesson I learned is that I would never let my vote be one where I let my idealism out weigh the reality that elections matter.

I'll never say I didn't vote for the better candidate as a protest that my ideal candidate wasn't available to vote for.

The struggle is real, and each yard is worth fighting for, even if you would prefer a td. Sometimes you have to play the field position game...
Quote:I'm not wasting my vote this time. My first chance at an election, I did what you are planning on doing... I voted Nader instead of gore... And, while my vote didn't matter in terms of the state I lived in, the lesson I learned is that I would never let my vote be one where I let my idealism out weigh the reality that elections matter.

I'll never say I didn't vote for the better candidate as a protest that my ideal candidate wasn't available to vote for.

The struggle is real, and each yard is worth fighting for, even if you would prefer a td. Sometimes you have to play the field position game...

I get where you are coming from, but you are a lot more liberal than I. I tend to be center-right. I've never voted for a Democrat for a national election.


As I said, no way am I voting for Benito. If I think it could really matter I might vote for Hillary - but I doubt it. Don't care much for The Queen.


I'll probably hold my nose and vote for Johnson.
Quote:I get where you are coming from, but you are a lot more liberal than I. I tend to be center-right. I've never voted for a Democrat for a national election.

As I said, no way am I voting for Benito. If I think it could really matter I might vote for Hillary - but I doubt it. Don't care much for The Queen.

I'll probably hold my nose and vote for Johnson.
Honestly, I can respect that. Johnson is socially liberal, militarily isolationist, and economically conservative. He is a real alternative to both parties. He checks several boxes for level headed voters. Heck, that ideology seems valid to most voters.

I won't try to dissuade you, but I will say that an insane candidacy like trump is one that should create a mandate vote.

Trump is running on an authoritarian platform. He said "only I can fix this". He said that. Only trump can fix this. This statement should be a disqualifier.. No one man or woman can fix America. We live in a democratic republic that has checks and balances that balances power between justice, legislature, and execution.

The fact that trump cannot understand this, and places himself as the savior of the nation, verifies he's not worthy of the office.
Quote:Think so? Which ones? If you don't like today's poll don't worry, there will be about 100 more before election day.

You're counting on a poll on July 25 to mean something? Let's see if the Dems get a bump from their convention.

I've resigned myself to voting Libertarian. No way will I vote for Benito Trump. If Bill Clinton's years were any indication Hillary won't be nearly as leftist as the yahoos would have you think, or as Bernie will want. Clintons tend to be center-left.

For all this talk of Hillary being corrupt the Trumpettes don't seem to be bothered by the fact that Benito is not releasing his tax returns. Where is Byron LeftTown et al with the conspiracy theories? Have to assume he's hiding something.

And do you really want Vlad Putin as your vice president?
It was the first time he has led so in that respect it is significant. It at least shows the trust factor is having an impact and Clinton trust level is at a career low. You can Google the polls and they are easy to find. Don't take my word for it.

Of course there is plenty of time for things to turn and change and I'm sure they will unless the wikileaks next email leak on Clinton are as bad as he says they are.

As far as Trump goes, I don't know what I'll do. 3rd party is certainly a possibility, but I'll dig in more once debates start. I just know I won't vote for Hillary.

Is Trump corrupt? I'm sure he has skeletons in his closet, I think his Trump University took advantage of people, he is hiding something on his Tax Returns, but that is anyone's guess as to the reason.

I know who I do not want as President. I'll let you know closet to November who I do want based on what I have to choose from.
Quote:Just give trump a chance? Sounds like the calls for tebow. I'd wager there is a large amount of cultural overlap between those two groups as well. 

Terrible example because everyone already knew the best Tebow had to give. Tebow is Hillary in your example.
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