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Cliff Huxtable

Lucy Ricardo

Tony Soprano

JR Ewing

Hawkeye Pierce

Dr. House

Buffy Summers

Frazier Krane


Charles Ingles

Al Bundy

A lot of these people are on shows I didn't watch, so I figured that if the character is so good that you know who they are without even watching, that's a great character.
Quote:Apparently "All Time" means post-2000 with a token 90's character thrown in.

Well let's face it, TV is better now than it's ever been. Shows like the ones listed here are much better than the shows in the 60s, 70s and 80s IMO. It's the golden age of TV.

But for the sake of your argument, I'll throw in Gopher from The Love Boat. Smile
1 Al Bundy

2 Archie Bunker

3 Fred G Sanford

4 Fox Mulder

5 Cartman
Quote:Well let's face it, TV is better now than it's ever been. Shows like the ones listed here are much better than the shows in the 60s, 70s and 80s IMO. It's the golden age of TV.

But for the sake of your argument, I'll throw in Gopher from The Love Boat. Smile

If you're talking about traditional network productions, I couldn't disagree with you more. There's a few exceptions, but most of the stuff I see nowadays is either cliche or resorts to shock humor. It's a generational thing, I suppose.
We do these about once a year, but I'll play along:


In no particular order:


Jim Rockford

Maggie O'Connell


Dr. Johnny Fever

George Costanza


Ask me next year, and there'll be 4 different ones.  Jim Rockford is all time.

Personal Top 10

1. The Doctor

2. Buffy Summers

3. Castiel

4. Dean Winchester

5. Sawyer

6. Mr. Feeny

7. MacGyver

8. Desmond Hume

9. Shawn Spencer

10. Claudia Donovan

Quote:If you're talking about traditional network productions, I couldn't disagree with you more. There's a few exceptions, but most of the stuff I see nowadays is either cliche or resorts to shock humor. It's a generational thing, I suppose.

Well I'm 46 so I'm not sure if it's generational or not.
Kyle Chandler. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.
Walter White

Col. Henry Blake

Tony Soprano

Cosmo Kramer

Archie Bunker

Cosmo Kramer


Barney Fife

Jethro Bodine

Ragnar Losbruk

^^Lol. Barney Fife! He truly belongs as one if the best chatacters, no doubt.

"Here at the ROCK, we have two rules. Number One: Obey all rules.

Number Two: Do not write on the walls, as it is very difficult to clean writing off the walls."

HAHA,, Timeless!
Walter White

Jax Teller

Michael Scott

Saul Goodman

My 6 - 10


6 Cousin It

7 Professor Hubert Farnsworth (Futurama)

8 Columbo

9 Mr Kotter

10 Quincy

Quote:Kyle Chandler. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Coach Taylor!!

Archie Bunker

Red Forman

Al Bundy

Quote:^^Lol. Barney Fife! He truly belongs as one if the best chatacters, no doubt.

"Here at the ROCK, we have two rules. Number One: Obey all rules.

Number Two: Do not write on the walls, as it is very difficult to clean writing off the walls."

HAHA,, Timeless!

I forgot Barney, he certainly makes my list at 5a, at least.


Quote:Well I'm 46 so I'm not sure if it's generational or not.

Or a matter of preference.
Quote:We do these about once a year, but I'll play along:

In no particular order:

Jim Rockford

Maggie O'Connell


Dr. Johnny Fever

George Costanza

Ask me next year, and there'll be 4 different ones. Jim Rockford is all time.

I have to agree with Jim Rockford. He was a favorite of my dad, as well. The writers and James Garner did a fantastic job of balancing hard nose and humility. While not a push over, Rockford got it handed to him once in a while. And who can forget the theme music?
Quote:I have to agree with Jim Rockford. He was a favorite of my dad, as well. The writers and James Garner did a fantastic job of balancing hard nose and humility. While not a push over, Rockford got it handed to him once in a while. And who can forget the theme music?

As the fog of Alzheimer's settled over my dad, one thing he enjoyed was watching Rockford Files episodes on Netflix. There was something familiar and comforting about the show that always calmed him.

Michael Scott

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