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Quote:his strong stance against illegal immigration alone is worth voting for

Have you thought about what that even means?

And who is he really targeting.

Please explain what his strong stance on illegal immigration means to you... I'm honestly curious.
Quote:That is his last name on his birth certificate. I assume you didn't know?? Don't read much? Cassius Clay will always be Clay to me...



Quote:Well I'm not going to lie, this is appealing.


Its just funny what people are willing to do to justify and the hypocrisy they are willing to ignore to retrofit a candidate into their moral and political dogma. 

I'm not sure people are willing to ignore or retrofit. I think it's called being an adult and understanding we can't always get what we want. Thus you vote for who you think seems best suited for the job, or will do the least harm.


That's what is starting to bother me about the Sanders followers - they seem immature. They'll take their ball and go home if they don't get their way. Even with the possibility of a Trump presidency on the horizon.
Quote:Have you thought about what that even means?

And who is he really targeting.

Please explain what his strong stance on illegal immigration means to you... I'm honestly curious.

ya, it means there will be stricter immigration vetting and increased security for our borders.  very important in this day with cartels and terrorists working together.


then you also have Clinton pulling the EU company line like a good little globalist wanting to increase the infusion of refugees. no thank you.


i would even be willing to grant exemptions to illegals who are law abiding citizens like the young girl the DNC had speak as propaganda.  OH SEE THEYRE ALL CHILDREN. No, they aren't.  But ok, let the kids and their mommies stay.  They aren't the problem.

Quote:ya, it means there will be stricter immigration vetting and increased security for our borders. very important in this day with cartels and terrorists working together.

then you also have Clinton pulling the EU company line like a good little globalist wanting to increase the infusion of refugees. no thank you.

i would even be willing to grant exemptions to illegals who are law abiding citizens like the young girl the DNC had speak as propaganda. OH SEE THEYRE ALL CHILDREN. No, they aren't. But ok, let the kids and their mommies stay. They aren't the problem.
Here's my concern... You talk about stricter immigration vetting...

Do you honestly believe we don't vet immigrants that are following the proper procedures and paper work to enter the USA?


The fear of cartel and caliphate seems pretty scary... But only If you concede that the caliphate has no basis in Islam. After all, it is a mortal sin for Muslims to soil the temple of the body with pork, as well as alcohol, or coccaine, or weed.

Therefore, are you willing to concede that this is not a war on radical islam?

I agree with you that women and children from these war torn countries--these war torn countries that we are responsible for because of neo-conservative war mongering-- should be allowed refuge. But we must be aware that the struggle is real.

We only create peace when we recognize our complicity in the chaos.
Quote:Here's my concern... You talk about stricter immigration vetting...

Do you honestly believe we don't vet immigrants that are following the proper procedures and paper work to enter the USA?


The fear of cartel and caliphate seems pretty scary... But only If you concede that the caliphate has no basis in Islam. After all, it is a mortal sin for Muslims to soil the temple of the body with pork, as well as alcohol, or coccaine, or weed.

Therefore, are you willing to concede that this is not a war on radical islam?

I agree with you that women and children from these war torn countries--these war torn countries that we are responsible for because of neo-conservative war mongering-- should be allowed refuge. But we must be aware that the struggle is real.

We only create peace when we recognize our complicity in the chaos.

weapons used in fast and furious have been tracked to ISIS.  the cartel does not discriminate on who they sell to. they work with terrorists.


we do have vetting for LEGAL immigrants entering the country.  increasing the scrutiny is not a bad thing to do unless you are naive.


Hillary is a neo-con. WAKE UP.  Trump is a wild card.  We dont know what he is, but from what he says id say he is far from Bush-Clinton-Obama foreign policy of playing God around the globe.

Quote:weapons used in fast and furious have been tracked to ISIS. the cartel does not discriminate on who they sell to. they work with terrorists.

we do have vetting for LEGAL immigrants entering the country. increasing the scrutiny is not a bad thing to do unless you are naive.

Hillary is a neo-con. WAKE UP. Trump is a wild card. We dont know what he is, but from what he says id say he is far from Bush-Clinton-Obama foreign policy of playing God around the globe.
Trump is a wild card?? In what way?

As for legal immigrants... Can you quote me what trump thinks in terms of our legal immigrant vetting process?
Can you quote me any substantive, solution-oriented thoughts that Trump has on anything?


Not buzzwords and fear mongering. Actual strategies and plans?

Quote:Trump is a wild card?? In what way?

As for legal immigrants... Can you quote me what trump thinks in terms of our legal immigrant vetting process?

i dont think this needs explaining for the millionth time


no, but im sure it's not good enough in his eyes and i would agree.  if it's truly already SUPER VIGILANT VETTING, then good let's keep it that way.  however, that does not include the infusion of refugees 
Quote:Can you quote me any substantive, solution-oriented thoughts that Trump has on anything?


Not buzzwords and fear mongering. Actual strategies and plans?

what's more substantive than a physical wall?  but in addition to that stricter vetting is not pie in the sky. it's easily achievable through common sense vetting.  very different from current policies of "let em all in because we're very nice and loving".  if you think the EU importation of refugees is out of love you're simply naive.


get over the fear mongering.  everybody does it. i got people posting facebook articles day and night about how frightened they are of a Trump candidacy. freaking pansies.

Merkel of Germany. Ya she's just a sweet old lady. Very concerned and loving person for the arabs coming in.  that's why she's doin it, cause she's so friendly and loving person.

Hillary: just a grandma with cookies. she wants the refugees to come in and have cookies so we can laugh and hug. so nice.

Quote:Can you quote me any substantive, solution-oriented thoughts that Trump has on anything?


Not buzzwords and fear mongering. Actual strategies and plans?

We just have to trust him, he's the only one who can fix anything.
Quote:Can you quote me any substantive, solution-oriented thoughts that Trump has on anything?


Not buzzwords and fear mongering. Actual strategies and plans?

He did publish a detailed plan of exactly how he would get Mexico to pay for the wall.  It's gonna be a beautiful wall.  The best.
Quote:i dont think this needs explaining for the millionth time


no, but im sure it's not good enough in his eyes and i would agree.  if it's truly already SUPER VIGILANT VETTING, then good let's keep it that way.  however, that does not include the infusion of refugees

So you're too lazy to explain your position? Or is it that you do not truly know your position? You can make fun of me as much as you want, but nobody can say I have not understood the position I hold. You, on the other hand seem to not have the dedication to fully understand and have the veracity to defend your position. Which makes me think your position has not been fully thought through.

I know my position, and jump at the opportunity to discuss it. You know why? Because I've thought it through, and welcome the challenge to defend it.
Quote:So you're too lazy to explain your position? Or is it that you do not truly know your position? You can make fun of me as much as you want, but nobody can say I have not understood the position I hold. You, on the other hand seem to not have the dedication to fully understand and have the veracity to defend your position. Which makes me think your position has not been fully thought through.

I know my position, and jump at the opportunity to discuss it. You know why? Because I've thought it through, and welcome the challenge to defend it.


Ladies and gentlemen, The Anchorman.





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Quote:[Image: 7zYG0Jr.jpg]

She plagiarizes Michelle's speech and is now trying to copy Hitler's style. 


<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.snopes.com/donald-drumpf/'>http://www.snopes.com/donald-drumpf/</a>

I was making a birth certificate joke - guess it was a little toooo intellectual... Sorry
Quote:I was making a birth certificate joke - guess it was a little toooo intellectual... Sorry

Or just not funny.


Ruth: Trump's investment in Pam Bondi pays off

Attorney General Pam Bondi has a decision to make. Does she truly want to be Florida's chief legal officer? Or does she want her office to be known as the Kmart of state attorneys general, with blue-light specials flickering great deals on selling justice to the highest bidder?

She Who Must Be Lovingly Portrayed found herself "devastated" by an Associated Press report that Bondi personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump about the same time as her office considered joining a New York state investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.

And poof! Just like that Trump University, at least in Florida, was off the hook amid allegations the school for suckers was scamming "students" out of thousands of dollars for dubious real estate investment courses.

It turned out that the check arrived from a Trump family charitable foundation, which is barred by federal tax law from making political contributions. Bondi's political committee deposited the check, then attempted to return it and wound up with a personal check from Trump after the foundation voided the original check. Either way, she got the cash.

The attorney general went into full Little Bo Peep mode, claiming the contribution and the appearance of a conflict made her an unfortunate victim of circumstance. Bondi said it was impossible for her office to run away from an investigation into Trump University when there was never an investigation in Florida to begin with. That suggests the attorney general is afflicted with a virulent case of political attention deficit disorder.

After all, in September 2013, after her office had received dozens of complaints from Floridians claiming they had been grifted by Trump University, Bondi publicly proclaimed her office would be joining with the New York attorney general's office to pursue an investigation into the sham institution of higher shucking and jiving.

Four days later the check arrived. And as if by magic Florida did not join the New York investigation or launch its own.

Now caught with her hand in Trump's caviar jar, various apologists for Bondi have been arguing there was no need for an investigation on her part because New York already was looking into Trump University. But Bondi has never been shy about sticking her nose into other states' legal actions. For example, in 2014 she needlessly meddled in an effort to prevent the implementation of a federal program to clean up pollution in Chesapeake Bay — 800 miles away from Florida — even though the six surrounding states along the Chesapeake's shores all agreed to the plan.

Trump and his ivy league of hucksters aren't the only ones who have seen an investigation (or not) disappear into Bondi's dead zone of indifference. Earlier this year, Bondi was more on the run than The Fugitive in avoiding officials from the Florida Commission on Ethics who had questions about allegations she had accepted all manner of questionable hospitality from the former prominent Washington law firm, Dickstein Shapiro, on numerous all-expense-paid junkets to swanky resorts to attend Republican Attorneys General Association soirees.

It turned out to be a great investment for Dickstein Shaprio since clients represented by the firm being investigated by Bondi saw their cases go buh-bye, too.

Yet Bondi could not spare the time it takes over a cup of coffee to meet with the ethics commission to explain the tawdry appearance of a quid pro quo. Not a minute. Not a second. Nothing. For 16 months. But she had time to schmooze Trump for a cool $25K.

In the end, the hapless victims of Trump University got stiffed — twice. The first time it was by an avaricious opportunist who preyed on their naivete about believing they could become rich by attending a make-believe for-profit "university" selling make-believe dreams.

And when they figured out they were being played for chumps and turned to the state's top legal officer to open a fraud investigation, it turned out Bondi was a pal and paid-for political ally of the very guy who had just fleeced them.

You'd have a better chance at finding fairness in Deadwood.

Of course, it is always possible all these legal air kisses tossed Trump's way were done without Bondi's knowledge. This is an attorney general who is not known for burning the midnight oil in Tallahassee reading the legal opinions of St. Thomas More.

So busy. Busy flying off to bogus conventions. Busy suing the Obama administration. Busy campaigning for the headmaster of Trump University.

Who has time for justice?
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