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Quote:We should just have an "open carry" zone outside.
You mean like a safe space for people who believe in the Second Amendment?
Quote:You mean like a safe space for people who believe in the Second Amendment?

No, more like a "Free Speech" zone where they can be free to exercise their rights.


[Image: modestofreespeecharticle.jpg]

Quote:No, more like a "Free Speech" zone where they can be free to exercise their rights.

[Image: modestofreespeecharticle.jpg]
Please tell me that stupid square was a joke.
Quote:Please tell me that stupid square was a joke.



[Image: freespeechzone.jpg]


It's pretty common:


[Image: MAP_TRUMP_RALLY_REV_1464376080710_391064...40_480.jpg]

It'll be ok in Cleveland. After all, isn't one of the Duck Commander dudes a guest speaker at the convention.


Quote:Just saw where either the Governor or Mayor is requesting temp suspension of open carry during the convention. Dont think it will be granted though. 

Neither can do anything about it.  Kasich has already said that he can't just arbitrarily suspend rights provided in the Ohio or US Constitution. 


Quote:We should just have an "open carry" zone outside. 

The areas outside of the arena off the property are open carry.  People were complaining about this yesterday when a protester showed up with a long rifle slung over his shoulder. 


As Marty already pointed out, this is a tinderbox waiting to ignite.  Soros funded protesters have already made it clear that they intend to disrupt the convention by any means possible.  With the current wave of attacks on law enforcement around the country, this puts them at additional risk.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see half the police force in Cleveland call in sick with the blue flu this week. 


Quote:No, more like a "Free Speech" zone where they can be free to exercise their rights.


[Image: modestofreespeecharticle.jpg]

Some folks wish it was that small, but the cordoned off areas for organized protesters is a tad bigger than that.  Protesters will actually have pretty good access to the arena in comparison to the DNC convention later this month where anti-wall Clinton's convention will have a huge perimeter fence around the area keeping protesters out of earshot.  She didn't want any of Bernie's fans causing problems for her coronation.
Quote:Neither can do anything about it. Kasich has already said that he can't just arbitrarily suspend rights provided in the Ohio or US Constitution.
I wish Kasich was the nominee.
Quote:I wish Kasich was the nominee.

No thanks.
I'm kind of mixed when it comes to open carry.  I was raised in an open carry state (New Mexico) and it was common to see, especially in some of the more rural areas.  That being said, there were certain places where open and/or concealed carry was not permitted such as a bar, a bank, various government property, etc.  When I was young it was pretty much a normal thing.


However, I can see where this could lead to problems, especially in today's world.  Open carry at a political convention where there is likely going to be several demonstrators is probably not such a good idea.

It seems to me the idea of opposing groups of protestors with such bitter dislike of each other carrying firearms openly is a recipe for disaster unanticipated by the framers of the Constitution.

Quote:But isn't it also true that open carry means anyone, including the people you might be afraid of.  


Look at Cleveland right now.    There are going to be demonstrators of all stripes carrying guns during the demonstrations.   How do you think the cops feel about that?   They'll be facing off with people who are yelling at them and carrying guns.  And what is going to happen when the cops inevitably have to arrest some people, for valid reasons, but those people are carrying guns and they aren't in a mood to get arrested that day?   And which one of those people carrying guns in Cleveland is an ISIS sympathizer?   Or just some nut who's having a bad life? 


Granted, as you say, open carry doesn't mean you (in particular) want to start shooting people, or that you (in particular) want to be some sort of vigilante.   But you're not necessarily representative of everybody, and open carry laws mean that inevitably there are going to be people carrying guns that make you (and me) very very nervous. 
where I come from, we really don't have that problem...I do understand what you mean, but one would have to know Idaho to understand what I mean...Guns have always been in Idaho resident"s life since the state was just a territory...There is low crime, and the biggest industry Idaho has ever had is farming...The biggest thing about Idaho is because of the abundant farming jobs available, we have a lot of illegal aliens, who carry firearms illegally...There is never going to be a perfect system, but there is very low gun related injuries/death/accidents or clashes with police mainly due to the fact that most of us have had our own firearms for as long as we can remember...I got my first shotgun at 8, my first rifle at 10 and my entire generation did so as well...
Quote:First off, the proposal to open carry at the convention was actually a poll done by a Soros funded group that started a petition on Change.org. It wasn't a serious proposal made by anyone inside the GOP.

There are all sorts of stipulations for open carry laws that vary from state to state. It's up to each state to determine how they restrict the laws. Gun free zones are strictly off limits in Ohio. I understand the logic behind the laws as a deterrent, but I think it's debatable if that is actually the case. I've seen the videos where open carry activists do so in order to get a reaction from law enforcement and others, and I find it as ridiculous as those who post videos taunting the police. For me personally, if Florida ever went open carry, or I was visiting a state where it was permitted, I'd still go the concealed route 100% of the time.

I'm not a fan of open carry laws because, as a concealed permit holder, I prefer the anonymity of not broadcasting when I'm carrying, mainly because of the concerns it causes for others to see a gun on the hip of someone not in law enforcement. I think it had the potential to make you a target.


<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">It doesnt matter to me if it was done by George Soros or George Costanza. The irony here is that many at this convention have the 2nd amendment as a platform, and the NRA is a huge supporter, But, point being, too many times Ive heard ..well if there was a good guy present with a gun, the bad guy wouldnt have tried anything,or his damage would be less. Ive heard Trump say more than once, including someone packing in a bar wouldve reduced the carnage at Pulse. But now when the shoe is on their foot. legal or not...or with a petition,amendment,etc made to pack at the convention..these proponents of pack square n fair have reservations of allowing it. 

<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">Its insane to allow it, and I'll agree that open carry is not a good idea. It asks for trouble in cases like Cleveland where there are some unsavory characters protesting. 

<p style="font-size:12px;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">I guess what Im trying to say is, so many on the stage tout the right to bear arms,etc...but its a faux pas to do it in their presence. The law is the law, but obviously addendums have to be put in place, like sure you can pack...but not in social gatherings??  


It doesnt matter to me if it was done by George Soros or George Costanza. The irony here is that many at this convention have the 2nd amendment as a platform, and the NRA is a huge supporter, But, point being, too many times Ive heard ..well if there was a good guy present with a gun, the bad guy wouldnt have tried anything,or his damage would be less. Ive heard Trump say more than once, including someone packing in a bar wouldve reduced the carnage at Pulse. But now when the shoe is on their foot. legal or not...or with a petition,amendment,etc made to pack at the convention..these proponents of pack square n fair have reservations of allowing it. 

Its insane to allow it, and I'll agree that open carry is not a good idea. It asks for trouble in cases like Cleveland where there are some unsavory characters protesting. 

I guess what Im trying to say is, so many on the stage tout the right to bear arms,etc...but its a faux pas to do it in their presence. The law is the law, but obviously addendums have to be put in place, like sure you can pack...but not in social gatherings??  


Where it's different at a political convention is that no civilian is going to be allowed to have a firearm present period.  That goes for both parties and is common at many political gatherings, especially if there are a lot of political dignitaries present.  It's not the candidates or politicians that won't allow it, it's the Secret Service.


I remember going to see Bush at then Alltel Stadium.  There were metal detectors and scanners, and at the time I had to turn on my digital camera to prove that it actually was a camera.


Put it this way.  Weapons aren't allowed in a courthouse.
Quote:I wish Kasich was the nominee.
He would beat Clinton I believe...I'd take him over the current clown show
Quote:Where it's different at a political convention is that no civilian is going to be allowed to have a firearm present period.  That goes for both parties and is common at many political gatherings, especially if there are a lot of political dignitaries present.  It's not the candidates or politicians that won't allow it, it's the Secret Service.


I remember going to see Bush at then Alltel Stadium.  There were metal detectors and scanners, and at the time I had to turn on my digital camera to prove that it actually was a camera.


Put it this way.  Weapons aren't allowed in a courthouse.

Yes, because it's very important that the King have his Praetorians, but you unwashed commoners must go without defense.
Quote:Where it's different at a political convention is that no civilian is going to be allowed to have a firearm present period.  That goes for both parties and is common at many political gatherings, especially if there are a lot of political dignitaries present.  It's not the candidates or politicians that won't allow it, it's the Secret Service.


I remember going to see Bush at then Alltel Stadium.  There were metal detectors and scanners, and at the time I had to turn on my digital camera to prove that it actually was a camera.


Put it this way.  Weapons aren't allowed in a courthouse.
They shouldnt be allowed in bars, football stadiums , movie theaters and other venues of that nature...I agree with you. I guess its a stretch but IF the GOP wanted to take a stand on their beliefs, they should offer no objections. Of course theyd know it would be "shot" down just as Kasich says he cant stop the open carry law, they would know these pack laws wouldnt apply to them at this juncture.

Doesnt give me warm and fuzzies thinking the NBP party is outside with weapons brandished. 


Gotta go...going to see if the Duck Commander has started his speech, or if Scott Charles in Charge Baio is on yet. Important speakers who may swing the pendulum in Trumps favor...or is Duck Commander there as a subliminal messenger ...quacks quacks quacks??

Quote:They shouldnt be allowed in bars, football stadiums , movie theaters and other venues of that nature...I agree with you. I guess its a stretch but IF the GOP wanted to take a stand on their beliefs, they should offer no objections. Of course theyd know it would be "shot" down just as Kasich says he cant stop the open carry law, they would know these pack laws wouldnt apply to them at this juncture.

Doesnt give me warm and fuzzies thinking the NBP party is outside with weapons brandished. 

Gun Free Zones do a great job of attracting guns. Almost like magnets they are.
Quote:Gun Free Zones do a great job of attracting guns. Almost like magnets they are.
Hmmm..so there in the convention hall somehow,eh? Whew. Not good
Quote:Gotta go...going to see if the Duck Commander has started his speech, or if Scott Charles in Charge Baio is on yet. Important speakers who may swing the pendulum in Trumps favor...or is Duck Commander there as a subliminal messenger ...quacks quacks quacks??

I'm interested in seeing what's so hot about Ivanka Trump that her dad would date her if he wasn't her dad.
Quote:No thanks.

He is perfect for Foreign Policy.
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