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Full Version: Corrine Brown indicted on 24 federal counts
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She outta call up Hilldog and ask to borrow one of her hitme...erm I mean negotiators,  to force...erm I mean convince one of her staffers to fall on the sword. 

Quote:Federal charges. She will do jail time no matter how hard she may try to plea it down.

I listened to the press conference after her hearing, and the woman showed just how vile she is. After ranting on about how she got the money to pay for the courthouse, and how she demanded minority participation in the construction of the facility, but that after the fact she found out that minorities weren't involved in the construction, so the courthouse itself, and all the agents inside are officially racist. She then went on this tirade about how the shooting in Orlando, saying that the agents investigating her for these frivolous charges could have prevented a shooting that killed 50 people in her district if they'd done a better job of investigating the shooter.

During the press conference, her lawyer complained that she was required by the court to appear today, and that they could have moved the date of the hearing to accommodate a sitting member of congress instead of treating her like a common criminal. Apparently, she had some serious business to attend to with votes on the Zika virus, and an FAA continuation bill. I don't know how congress managed to survive, but the common criminal didn't get the date changed to be more convenient for her. Her lawyer then went on to call this a racially and politically motivated assault on her client. Huh? Black president. Black AG. All democrats. What am I missing here?

The best part was at the beginning where she had her bishop, and another minister speak on her behalf. You would have thought the Justice Department just indicted Mother Theresa, Ghandi, and Martin Luther King Jr. based on how they spoke gushingly about her and what a wonderful human being she is. It was painful to listen to.

Corrine says she wants her day in court. My guess is that before that day arrives, she'll have cooked up a deal to assure that she doesn't actually die in prison.

I actually thought it was entertaining! When demos turn on each other it gets REAL!
Anyone that has the guts to say if they didn't focus on her, they could have prevented the Orlando Pulse situation is a disgusting person. She is so out of touch with reality it's unbelievable.

The sad part is if they didn't change her district she would have won again.

Quote:Anyone that has the guts to say if they didn't focus on her, they could have prevented the Orlando Pulse situation is a disgusting person. She is so out of touch with reality it's unbelievable.

The sad part is if they didn't change her district she would have won again.
<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/politics/browns-attorney-slams-government-relates-her-case-to-pulse-shooting/267902985'>http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/politics/browns-attorney-slams-government-relates-her-case-to-pulse-shooting/267902985</a>

And that's the reason she's finally getting busted for all the crap she's done...they don't need her anymore!
Maybe she was just sandbagging funds for a rainy day....... :whistling:

When she tried to imply that the investigation into her corruption pulled resources away from investigating the shooter in the Pulse nightclub incident that could have prevented the slaughter of 50 people, that was arguably one the most vile, reprehensible things that have ever spewed from that woman's lips.  She's said a lot of pretty stupid things over the years, but that was just beyond anything I can recall.


Now it's being reported in the local media that the "supporters" that were there chanting and holding signs when she exited the courtroom were promptly paid as their signs were collected after the cameras were turned off.  She paid homeless people to come down and play the part of Coco Brown supporters.


Here was the initial report documenting the "supporters" holding signs which, oddly enough, were all in the same hand writing. 


Turns out that at least a good portion of the "organic" group of sign-waving supporters were nothing more than a rent-a-mob.
There is nothing that repulsive woman won't do to stay in office!
Quote:There is nothing that repulsive woman won't do to stay in office!
Except win a legitimate election.
Quote:I feel as though my life was enriched by not having to listen to that conference.

I feel the stench just from reading that. Ick.
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