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Quote:I could've done the same damage in that nightclub with 2 Glock 17s, are those next?

The Orlando shooter shot over 100 people, no telling how many he missed. I'm no expert on guns, how many times did he have to reload in comparison to the Glocks?
Quote:The Orlando shooter shot over 100 people, no telling how many he missed. I'm no expert on guns, how many times did he have to reload in comparison to the Glocks?

No idea, but 2 Glocks with 15 rd magazines bring similar numbers of rounds to bear.
Quote:The Orlando shooter shot over 100 people, no telling how many he missed. I'm no expert on guns, how many times did he have to reload in comparison to the Glocks?

Standardized magazine hold 30 rounds when you flip tape two mags together you've got a quick 60 rounds. So 100 rounds roughly 4 to 5 times reloading but an AR is quick and easy to load. Just drop the clip insert a preloaded mag and good to go.
All this talk about why you need 30 or 15 rounds or why you need an AR or an AK is missing the point, I've said it before I don't have a single rifle for any other reason then I believe in an armed populace to counter an armed government.

I don't use an AR or my AK to hunt, I don't keep it accessible for self defense, I don't carry it daily in case of an emergency, I keep it load cleaned and locked up for one reason.
Quote:Standardized magazine hold 30 rounds when you flip tape two mags together you've got a quick 60 rounds. So 100 rounds roughly 4 to 5 times reloading but an AR is quick and easy to load. Just drop the clip insert a preloaded mag and good to go.

So again, why would you need that high capacity of ammo?
Quote:A new day... A new angle on the gun topic I'd like to present to you all:

With the current discussion between Trump and the left being should we relinquish due process (Trumps idea) or should we curtail assualt weapons and large round magazines?

I submit the following quote to you:

<span style="background-color:rgb(238,238,238);">Koper, Jan. 14</span><span style="background-color:rgb(238,238,238);">: So, using that as a very tentative guide, that’s high enough to suggest that eliminating or greatly reducing crimes with these magazines could produce a small reduction in shootings, likely something less than 5 percent. Now we should note that effects of this magnitude could be hard to ever measure in any very definitive way, but they nonetheless could have nontrivial, notable benefits for society. Consider, for example, at our current level of our gun violence, achieving a 1 percent reduction in fatal and non-fatal criminal shootings would prevent approximately 650 shootings annually … And, of course having these sorts of guns, and particularly magazines, less accessible to offenders could make it more difficult for them to commit the sorts of mass shootings that we’ve seen in recent years.” </span><a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.factcheck.org/2013/02/did-the-1994-assault-weapons-ban-work/'>http://www.factcheck.org/2013/02/did-the-1994-assault-weapons-ban-work/</a>

I wouldn't conceed a single new gun law in exchange for eliminating 100% of gun violence. Not a single one.
Quote:So again, why would you need that high capacity of ammo?

God forbid I ever had to defend myself against a tyrannical government foreign or domestic, that's the purpose of the 2nd amendment.
Quote:All this talk about why you need 30 or 15 rounds or why you need an AR or an AK is missing the point, I've said it before I don't have a single rifle for any other reason then I believe in an armed populace to counter an armed government.

I don't use an AR or my AK to hunt, I don't keep it accessible for self defense, I don't carry it daily in case of an emergency, I keep it load cleaned and locked up for one reason.

Your weapon is useless if this armed government comes for you. Ask Randy Weaver or David Koresh.
Quote:Your weapon is useless if this armed government comes for you. Ask Randy Weaver or David Koresh.

That's a whole different debate but my right to have that protection as minimal as it may be is mine.
Quote:One wonders if the Founding Fathers anticipated the development of the type of weapons and the scope of violence we have today, and whether it would have affected the wording of the 2nd Amendment.

No wondering about it. There are still laws on the books that are way outdated. Fines for not having horses properly secured when in town, cleaning horse crap on streets or be fined, etc etc.

The rules of engagement and war and weapons have changed due to what we call " advancements",

IF...the framers had a crystal ball and could've seen how things are now, I'm sure the wording would have been tweaked.

There was a time when mustard gas was legal.
Quote:God forbid I ever had to defend myself against a tyrannical government foreign or domestic, that's the purpose of the 2nd amendment.

Drone Tank Bazooka Flamethrower Grenade Launcher SAM Apache etc meet AR-15.
Quote:Drone Tank Bazooka Flamethrower Grenade Launcher SAM Apache etc meet AR-15.

AR-15 meet F-16.
Quote:I wouldn't conceed a single new gun law in exchange for eliminating 100% of gun violence. Not a single one.

Eric, do you consider RPGs or missiles arms? If not, why not? I am not trying to grill you, and I think you can find statements from me regarding my concerns about limiting gun rights. But my perspective also takes into account what Indy2Jax  said. I am just not really seeing how useful your AK is in this hypothetical defense. Yet you value that more than the annual loss of lives  of thousands, and injury to 60 or 70 thousand more. I am not sure if that was hyperbole on your part. Maybe I am being too literal. But my immediate thought flashes to a (ridiculously unlikely) hypothetical scenario, where we pass the exact same 'Assault Rifle' ban that was on the books a few years ago for the next ten years. To me, net result 10 years later upon its lapsing is maybe 60000 fewer deaths, several hundred thousand few injuries, and ten years of lost sales of  'Assault Rifles' or whatever name you wish to use. If I considered such a hypothetical possible, I would have to think about it. But it sounds like you would reject it out of hand, even if you believed it would result in what I said. Am I being inaccurate in my understanding? 
Quote:I wouldn't conceed a single new gun law in exchange for eliminating 100% of gun violence. Not a single one.

What if you knew that one of your kids was going to be killed by gun violence?  You'd be willing to sacrifice that?  
Quote:So again, why would you need that high capacity of ammo?

Why do we have a need to explain a right?
Quote:No wondering about it. There are still laws on the books that are way outdated. Fines for not having horses properly secured when in town, cleaning horse crap on streets or be fined, etc etc.

The rules of engagement and war and weapons have changed due to what we call " advancements",

IF...the framers had a crystal ball and could've seen how things are now, I'm sure the wording would have been tweaked.

There was a time when mustard gas was legal.

The "law" has nothing to do with our rights, they are inherent and do not come from the "law." The Founders knew this then and would know it now.
Quote:What if you knew that one of your kids was going to be killed by gun violence?  You'd be willing to sacrifice that?  

What if you knew your kid was going to choke on a piece of pizza, would you be willing? Or die in a car wreck? Or slip in the tub and drown? Life is full of risk, you cannot eliminate them all but you can prepare for them.
Quote:What if you knew your kid was going to choke on a piece of pizza, would you be willing? Or die in a car wreck? Or slip in the tub and drown? Life is full of risk, you cannot eliminate them all but you can prepare for them.
Of course, pizza is not involved in 10,000 plus deaths a year,a 600,000 injuries, although fighting for that last slice can get brutal. BTW, how is the national campaign for the legalization of fugu going? 


Edit, added a 0 to number of deaths to reflect posts earlier in thread.

Quote:Of course, pizza is not involved in 10,000 plus deaths a year,a 600,000 injuries, although fighting for that last slice can get brutal. BTW, how is the national campaign for the legalization of fugu going? 


Edit, added a 0 to number of deaths to reflect posts earlier in thread.

Sure it is, we have a huge health care crisis in this country because of obesity and diabetes. Everyone should immediately give up eating whatever crap you're eating and start eating a govenrment prescribed diet.
Quote:Sure it is, we have a huge health care crisis in this country because of obesity and diabetes. Everyone should immediately give up eating whatever crap you're eating and start eating a govenrment prescribed diet.
You know, you may be on to something here. I know that I, personally, would be more upset if pizza was banned, than say, one subset of firearms, like in the ban expiring in 2004. Still, if banning pizza for 10 years would save 100,000 lives and over a million injuries, I think I would have to at least consider it. Especially if one of the deaths was to my kid. You wouldn't?

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