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Quote:Its funny that you bring this up. I have never seen this movie, but a lot of my liberal friends and conservative friends reference it consistently to validate their own points of view. I guess that is why it appeals to people.

Pretty sure a thousand years of Bernie supporters breeding is way more likely to lead to a night of rehabilitation than Don supporters.

Sorry, movie reference. You should really check it out.
Quote:Pretty sure a thousand years of Bernie supporters breeding is way more likely to lead to a night of rehabilitation than Don supporters.

Sorry, movie reference. You should really check it out.

Truth, its relevant regardless of your political position.
Quote:Democrats aren't very good at this internet/computer thing, huh? Who knew these cup holders also held free AOL trial disks too.

Didn't one invent the interwebs after flunking out of divinity school and on his way to becoming a wealthy man by selling carbon futures while jet setting around the globe in private planes and multiple SUV caravans telling us the inconvenient truth he concocted in his free time?
We are a nation of idiots. Keep supporting either side of the right/left paradigm and you will get nothing but empty promises, 0 accountability and expansion of government. Just look at the voting records, nothing but progressive ideas pushed through even on the republican side. 

Quote:Sure, but fence sitting accomplishes nothing. Pick a party, faction, cauase, whatever, and support it. I support anti-globalism which is why I supported Ron Paul in 2012 and Trump in 2016.

 "Pick a faction and support it."  That sounds very closed-minded.  Open your mind.   Your "side" is not always right.  
May I then ask how many support Occupy. Anonymous and other " fringe" entities? Labor Unions, yes even with their faults, that protect, or try to workers rights? Tea Party?

Just picking the best of two evils isn't a solution. But all the above mentioned can do something in numbers....it's an uphill fight against a bigger number...money which equals influence.
Quote: "Pick a faction and support it."  That sounds very closed-minded.  Open your mind.   Your "side" is not always right.  

Enjoy your neutrality now while your rights are slowly stripped away.
Quote:Enjoy your neutrality now while your rights are slowly stripped away.

What I see is that both factions are stripping away my rights.   The left wants "safe zones."  The right wants to tap my phone. 


Why throw away your ability to think and analyze things by declaring loyalty to one faction or the other?    Don't be a soldier for a faction.   Be an independent thinker. 

Back to topic, what are the next computer issues for the Democrats? Already had failed healthcare.gov site, Email hacking, this hacking. What's next? 


Are they going to start asking for political affiliation on job applications to better understand if you are capable of using electronic devices?

Quote:What I see is that both factions are stripping away my rights.   The left wants "safe zones."  The right wants to tap my phone. 


Why throw away your ability to think and analyze things by declaring loyalty to one faction or the other?    Don't be a soldier for a faction.   Be an independent thinker. 

So called "Independent thinkers" are about to let the left crush the 1st and 2nd amendment. There is a side to be taken on this...
Quote:What I see is that both factions are stripping away my rights.   The left wants "safe zones."  The right wants to tap my phone. 


Why throw away your ability to think and analyze things by declaring loyalty to one faction or the other?    Don't be a soldier for a faction.   Be an independent thinker. 

Quote:So called "Independent thinkers" are about to let the left crush the 1st and 2nd amendment. There is a side to be taken on this...

They are taking away the 2nd Amendment?  What???  Is it a bill they are looking to pass through or what?


No, you just think there is.  And don't let us independent thinkers stop you from voting.  Go out and get those pick a side votes.

Quote:They are taking away the 2nd Amendment?  What???  Is it a bill they are looking to pass through or what?


No, you just think there is.  And don't let us independent thinkers stop you from voting.  Go out and get those pick a side votes.

Democrats Launch Filibuster-Style Blockade On Guns

Looks like a lot of the DNC's info has been released by the Russians. Looking through it now.



Love seeing these actor donors who I will never watch again.
Quote:Soon, Russia will be our. BFFs


Russia is an enemy with whom this country can work.  Their economy is in the dumper, so most of the racket they're making in recent years has been intended on trying to prop up their oil trade and keep the country from imploding completely.  Putin's chest thumping has been nothing more than acknowledgment that there is zero respect for Obama and his administration.  That includes the botched term as Secretary of State for one Hillary Clinton where her reset button gaffe kicked off a multi-year tour in ineptitude.


I know you desperately want to focus on Trump here, probably because if you dared to look at who your dream boat is getting the majority of her financing from, it would make Trump's business dealings as a private citizen.  She's selling influence to the highest bidder, and you're on your knees kissing her bloated ankles. 



Quote:Russia is an enemy with whom this country can work.  Their economy is in the dumper, so most of the racket they're making in recent years has been intended on trying to prop up their oil trade and keep the country from imploding completely.  Putin's chest thumping has been nothing more than acknowledgment that there is zero respect for Obama and his administration.  That includes the botched term as Secretary of State for one Hillary Clinton where her reset button gaffe kicked off a multi-year tour in ineptitude.


I know you desperately want to focus on Trump here, probably because if you dared to look at who your dream boat is getting the majority of her financing from, it would make Trump's business dealings as a private citizen.  She's selling influence to the highest bidder, and you're on your knees kissing her bloated ankles. 


Oh, noo, that sounds as dangerous as the Australians, the Norwegians and the dread Rockefeller foundation!!!!
Quote:Russia is an enemy with whom this country can work. Their economy is in the dumper, so most of the racket they're making in recent years has been intended on trying to prop up their oil trade and keep the country from imploding completely. Putin's chest thumping has been nothing more than acknowledgment that there is zero respect for Obama and his administration. That includes the botched term as Secretary of State for one Hillary Clinton where her reset button gaffe kicked off a multi-year tour in ineptitude.

I know you desperately want to focus on Trump here, probably because if you dared to look at who your dream boat is getting the majority of her financing from, it would make Trump's business dealings as a private citizen. She's selling influence to the highest bidder, and you're on your knees kissing her bloated ankles

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/16/nations-clinton-bashes-for-terrorism-gave-big-bucks-to-clinton-foundation/'>http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/16/nations-clinton-bashes-for-terrorism-gave-big-bucks-to-clinton-foundation/</a>
Why do you always refer to her bloated ankles. This coming from a quad chinned blow fish.

Your man crush on Trump is obvious, but of course you'll just say, he's better than Ms Pantsuit, cankles, etc. Yet his appearance is nothing short of comedy gold..err...orange. So flaming her on her appearance while defending Hair Trump is pot meeting kettle.

So, while I'm on my knees, as you state, kissing bloated ankles, I get a visual of you, knees and Donald. Not pretty.
I like how thinks he's a big shot, because he sells insurance.

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