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Full Version: Drexel Professor Tweets He Was ‘Trying Not To Vomit’ After Passenger Gave Up First-Class Seat For Soldier
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Putting leftist in every sentence is very fox news...you finally joining your estranged conservative friends?
Quote:And that's where you're wrong. If I were to say that conservatives are racist because a few are racist, wouldn't that be wrong?

There have been many racist actions taken by conservatives but not all conservatives are racist. This professor doesn't speak for all liberals. He's his own person. It's not as black and white as you're making it out to be.
But, people MUST be outraged!!! Didn't you know? /sarcasm


As a veteran my knee jerk reaction is anger at the disrespect he shows here. In general I find his idiocy to be disturbing and it's sad there are folks who even think this way, even moreso that others agree with him. 
Quote:Have you seen 80% of the liberals on this board say they agree with him? No, not a single one. In fact, I've never heard this from anyone say anything like what this guy said before this article.


You're becoming a full blooded Trumpette, pulling numbers out of your [BAD WORD REMOVED].

I hope they dont, most of them aren't leftists.
Quote:Putting leftist in every sentence is very fox news...you finally joining your estranged conservative friends?

Nope, just not giving the word "liberal" away to leftist authoritarians any more. Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism have always been close cousins, but Leftists are pretty far removed from any semblance of Liberalism and it's time we quit conflating the two.
Horseshoe theory. They all want the same thing, total power over every aspect of life
Quote:Not really, about 80% of leftists agree with him while 10% thinks he went too far. The Looney Left doesn't think he went far enough.
And what about the other 10%? Lol

You're just creating numbers which sounds really fun! 73% of conservatives are racist while 6.2% are not.
Quote:And what about the other 10%? Lol

You're just creating numbers which sounds really fun! 73% of conservatives are racist while 6.2% are not.

Perhaps you should read my comment again using a pad of paper and a calculator to help with the hard part?
Quote:And what about the other 10%? Lol

I'll take, What is the looney left as the other 10% Alex for $1000
typical liberal behavior. Like the past president, the hatred for the military runs deep.

Much like ignorance in a Con

Quote:The world today!

I don't like what you said, so let me physically assault you! Why not just ignore the ignoramus.
[Image: 1mmhw0.jpg]
It was soldiers returning from Vietnam who introduced exotic, potent strains of cannabis to America. I love the military.

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