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.... That's not entirely.... Accurate
Quote:It's 1968 all over again

It is, but I can't figure out why. In 1968 the big issue was the Vietnam War, but what the heck is getting people so pissed off today? What am I missing? The issues today are trivial compared to 1968.
Quote:It is, but I can't figure out why. In 1968 the big issue was the Vietnam War, but what the heck is getting people so [BAD WORD REMOVED] off today? What am I missing? The issues today are trivial compared to 1968.

Illegal immigration for one. We are being invaded from the South and Trump wants to stop it. That's what these "Rent-A-Mob Prostesters" are... the Invaders and thier supporters.

Quote:It is, but I can't figure out why. In 1968 the big issue was the Vietnam War, but what the heck is getting people so pissed off today? What am I missing? The issues today are trivial compared to 1968.
It's the natural evolution of a two-party system afflicted with rampant gerrymandering. As districts get redrawn to essentially ensure victory for one side the only threat an incumbent has to face is from within his own party. That creates a race to the extreme of showing how much you are the opposite of the other party. As a result the overall stance of each side becomes more extreme as well as each side thinking about the other only in stereotypes. If you vote Republican, you are a gun-toting, immigrant hating, truck driving who only watches Fox News. And if you vote Democrat, you are a tree-hugging, rich-people-hating, liberal pinko who only gets his opinions from the Daily Show and Rachel Maddow. As both parties are now at the extreme, it's easier to think of them as less human and more caricature in turn enabling people to set aside their general principles.
Quote:It is, but I can't figure out why. In 1968 the big issue was the Vietnam War, but what the heck is getting people so [BAD WORD REMOVED] off today? What am I missing? The issues today are trivial compared to 1968.

The primary issue is the role and level of control the government will have in our lives. It's not trivial at all, we just have zero candidates who truly represent the American people. We're given the choice between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism and told if we dont pick one then we're bad people, and all the while the government just grows more and more powerful.
Quote:It's the natural evolution of a two-party system afflicted with rampant gerrymandering. As districts get redrawn to essentially ensure victory for one side the only threat an incumbent has to face is from within his own party. That creates a race to the extreme of showing how much you are the opposite of the other party. As a result the overall stance of each side becomes more extreme as well as each side thinking about the other only in stereotypes. If you vote Republican, you are a gun-toting, immigrant hating, truck driving who only watches Fox News. And if you vote Democrat, you are a tree-hugging, rich-people-hating, liberal pinko who only gets his opinions from the Daily Show and Rachel Maddow. As both parties are now at the extreme, it's easier to think of them as less human and more caricature in turn enabling people to set aside their general principles.

Enforce the law vs. Give California back to Mexico. Which one is extreme again?
Quote:It is, but I can't figure out why. In 1968 the big issue was the Vietnam War, but what the heck is getting people so pissed off today? What am I missing? The issues today are trivial compared to 1968.
It's a culture of outrage and the mentality that people have a right to not be offended.  We've gotten so thin skinned as a nation as a result of political correctness that you don't need a war to protest.  Mere words are grounds for a good old fashioned protest. 


The funny thing is that we ARE in a war that these yahoos could be protesting, but the fact that they're not, and that they're simply doing as they're instructed to do by hitting the streets to attack people for who they support in an election tells you that they don't really have a cause beyond getting the ultimate video that goes viral on YouTube.  These are nothing more than rent-a-mobs, many of whom are getting paid to protest.  Ask them what they're protesting and watch the incoherent responses you get from these people.  It would be comical if it wasn't so ugly.
FBT is correct that these are mobs hired by pro-Clinton PACs and told to pretend they are Bernie supporters.  She's trying to make Trump AND Bernie look bad, and the media is right there to help, along with liberal mayors and police departments. 


One thing that makes it clear these riots are directed from high above is the fact that the cops all stand down.  Police car on fire?  No problem.  Trump supporters chased and beaten?  Nothing to see here.  We saw this in Ferguson; the police were ordered to allow the looting and burning.


So, what is the purpose?  To foment a race war?  It's certainly not helping Clinton win an election.  The optics look like a Donald Trump infomercial.  The protests are blatantly anti-American and anti-1st Amendment.  These events make the police look like paid stooges.   


The next stage of this is for Trump supporters to retaliate.  So far this has not happened.  The plan is backfiring.  MoveOn may have to supply provocateurs in Trump shirts and hats to stir things up.  It's the Reichstag all over again. 

Quote:FBT is correct that these are mobs hired by pro-Clinton PACs and told to pretend they are Bernie supporters.  She's trying to make Trump AND Bernie look bad, and the media is right there to help, along with liberal mayors and police departments. 


One thing that makes it clear these riots are directed from high above is the fact that the cops all stand down.  Police car on fire?  No problem.  Trump supporters chased and beaten?  Nothing to see here.  We saw this in Ferguson; the police were ordered to allow the looting and burning.


So, what is the purpose?  To foment a race war?  It's certainly not helping Clinton win an election.  The optics look like a Donald Trump infomercial.  The protests are blatantly anti-American and anti-1st Amendment.  These events make the police look like paid stooges.   


The next stage of this is for Trump supporters to retaliate.  So far this has not happened.  The plan is backfiring.  MoveOn may have to supply provocateurs in Trump shirts and hats to stir things up.  It's the Reichstag all over again. 
You sound like you need a tin foil hat.
Quote:You sound like you need a tin foil hat.

That's very clever, and I can tell you put a lot of thought into it.  So think about this:  Why would violent protesters not be arrested?  
Quote:You sound like you need a tin foil hat.

Its not theory, its playing out in real time.
Quote:That's very clever, and I can tell you put a lot of thought into it.  So think about this:  Why would violent protesters not be arrested?  
Unsupported claims, followed by wild speculation, followed by a false equivalence. There's even a hint of slippery slope fallacy. It's a pathetic argument from people so busy looking for a conspiracy that taints their opposition that they fail to see the much more likely scenario: People are [BLEEP], especially so when they think they have the moral high ground. 

Quote:Its not theory, its playing out in real time.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Quote:You sound like you need a tin foil hat.

[Image: eD5lEuy.jpg]
Quote:The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Tell that to the people bleeding in the streets for having the tamarity to support a political candidate.
Quote:[Image: eD5lEuy.jpg]

Meh, Europeans have a notorious history of averting their gaze while their citizens get put into cattlecars.
Quote:Meh, Europeans have a notorious history of averting their gaze while their citizens get put into cattlecars.
And that's two for two on Godwin's Law. Would you like to go for the threepeat? I'm sure you can find a joke in there about a war you had nothing to do with, doesn't even have to be WW2.
Quote:Meh, Europeans have a notorious history of averting their gaze while their citizens get put into cattlecars.

Mass internment of Japanese Americans on American soil didn't occur in Europe.
Quote:Mass internment of Japanese Americans on American soil didn't occur in Europe.

Well, yes, that's physically impossible.
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