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Viva Las Vegas!
Quote:Is it likely to be hot around 25th September?..

Yeah, probably in the mid 90s at kick off.
Quote:Viva Las Vegas!

You meant to say SAN ANTONIO.
St. Louis.

Quote:Yeah, probably in the mid 90s at kick off.

This is what I want!
They'll move back just so they can move again.
Drinking heavily is pretty much my solution to anything so I'm just going to assume you didn't drink enough in the past.


Consume approximately 6 beers and 3 vodka cranberries with a splash of lime prior to going in the gate.  Upon entry, sober up with a few Dukes 24 oz beers and then go for the frozen margarita/strawberry daiquiri with an extra shot of rum thrown in it via the test tube bottle.


On your way home sober up at a nicely air conditioned sports bar with a few pitchers of miller lite and some wings.  
It's a [BLEEP]. The heat is stifling. My way is thinking it's our home field advantage..like the cold is up north in Dec.

Green Bay will be hatin life, and that should give us a bit of an advantage. But the adage that you can dress warm, but not dress cool comes into play.

Lay off the alcohol...pound a few tailgating, but then water down. I've seen way too many tough guys carried out foaming at the mouth.
I burn during Spring time in Ireland. Any trip to Jacksonville will have to take place in the bowels of Winter.
It's currently 104 in Fresno, just spend some time here and then pack a sweater for the game.
Quote:I always have mixed feelings about the games in the first half of the season because of the heat. It's hard to enjoy myself when I feel like I am going to puke or pass out. I don't drink anymore before the hot games Sick but haven't found that makes much of a difference. I started working out at the beginning of the year and haven't found that makes much of a difference either. How do you all deal with the heat? Any tips?
Drink plenty of water starting 24 hours in advance of kick-off time.  Continue to hydrate during the game.  Wear lots of sunscreen.  Finally, watch the opposing team wilt at halftime (in theory that is)
Quote:It's currently 104 in Fresno, just spend some time here and then pack a sweater for the game.

But it's a dry heat!

There really is a difference. I was working in a warehouse and loading trucks when it was that hot out there. I was pretty much always dry and it's noticeably cooler in the shade. Here I break a sweat before I get to my vehicle. But still, 104 is stinking hot.
Quote:Watch the game on your 60" tv with the AC on at your home.

I lold.
Quote:Oh, and one other trick, Gold Bond! Put it on the twig and berries. I used the green bottle! Oooohhh weeee, now that did take some time to get used to. The gold bottle works fine too. But the green bottle is like having AC down there. Put some on your butt cheeks too. I also use the UA boxers very loose and breathable. After that trick, never had to worry about the heat downstairs.

Edit: apply when dry!!!! Don't use the green bottle after a shower.

Yikes!!!!!  I'm not even sure which forum this belongs in, but it is quite disturbing.
Spend some time outside well in advance of the football season to get acclimated.  Pump fluids the day before you go to a game, and hydrate during the game.  Hot is hot, but it's not nearly as bad if you prepare.  Getting ready for the heat and humidity in advance by allowing your body to adjust to it helps cut down on issues. 

Quote:Spend some time outside
Quote:Yikes!!!!! I'm not even sure which forum this belongs in, but it is quite disturbing.
Lol. TMI I know. But it works really well.

Edit: surely some one else on here can back me up on it Smile
Quote:Lol. TMI I know. But it works really well.

Edit: surely some one else on here can back me up on it Smile

I'm thinking you're alone on this one!!
Quote:Lol. TMI I know. But it works really well.

Edit: surely some one else on here can back me up on it Smile
So what is the difference between the yellow and the green?   :thumbsup:
Quote:So what is the difference between the yellow and the green?   :thumbsup:
Green has menthol in it. Makes it feel like an arctic breeze is freezing your stuff off. Ok, so not that bad. But if you put it on after a shower while you're already damp it does kinda hurt. But the affects while working in the heat are amazing. Stay cool and dry all day.

If you guys try it, you sure wouldn't be knocking it.
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