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Quote:Suppose it depends on your definition of sanity.

The biological definition of sanity for an organism is the preservation of its own life, and genetic material and ensuring the best outcome for its offspring.
Quote:The biological definition of sanity for an organism is the preservation of its own life, and genetic material and ensuring the best outcome for its offspring.

Is someone who gets a vasectomy insane?
Quote:Is someone who gets a vasectomy insane?

Prevention =!= Termination
Quote:Is someone who gets a vasectomy insane?

And risk the family jewels? Is someone who kills their two year old sane?
Quote:And risk the family jewels? Is someone who kills their two year old sane?
You get to keep your jewels. No I'd consider that on the insane side of things.

Is it sane for a mother and father to divorce?

Right,so we realise that the definition of sanity is not black and white.
Quote:Correct the women should also be criminalized that's my stance at least.

What about if she was raped?
Quote:What about if she was raped?

That doesn't change anything, after the first trimestet shes still ending the life of an innocent third party.
Quote:That doesn't change anything, after the first trimestet shes still ending the life of an innocent third party.

Though we disagree on the issue you surely cannot disagree with that statement. Regardless of the genesis or need for termination the act of abortion is the death of an innocent third party.

Unless your really don't think 20 week old unborn humans are human.

To which I say crikey.
Marlin brand had a great line
Quote:Though we disagree on the issue you surely cannot disagree with that statement. Regardless of the genesis or need for termination the act of abortion is the death of an innocent third party.

Unless your really don't think 20 week old unborn humans are human.

To which I say crikey.

Are 20 month old babies viable? It's a tough one because it's not like termination is a frivolous decision. Also punishing women for making what is obviously a tough decision seems a bit backwards to me. But we know this whole "pro life" thing is actually religious dogma.

But hey if you guys want government to make all your decisions for you, I guess that's up to you...
Yeah you tell me last. Next thing you know the religious nuts will be storming the beaches to keep Jews out of ovens!
Since when did religious nuts do that?

Weren't to worried about civilian right to life while dropping nuclear weapons on Japanese...
Quote:Are 20 month old babies viable? It's a tough one because it's not like termination is a frivolous decision. Also punishing women for making what is obviously a tough decision seems a bit backwards to me. But we know this whole "pro life" thing is actually religious dogma.

But hey if you guys want government to make all your decisions for you, I guess that's up to you...

That's ridiculous making it criminal to end a third parties life has nothing to do with government making decisions for anyone.
Quote:That's ridiculous making it criminal to end a third parties life has nothing to do with government making decisions for anyone.

Seems you want to get them involved though. Do you think Women want to have abortions as some kind of contraceptive? 


Maybe give women the Niqab too and make sure they don't date any men without a male family member present?
Quote:Seems you want to get them involved though. Do you think Women want to have abortions as some kind of contraceptive? 


Maybe give women the Niqab too and make sure they don't date any men without a male family member present?

I want government involved the same way anytime murder occurs otherwise what's the purpose of government?
Quote:I want government involved the same way anytime murder occurs otherwise what's the purpose of government?

Well then protest against the death penalty then...Most civilised countries have moved on
Quote:Well then protest against the death penalty then...Most civilised countries have moved on

Adventures in Missing the Point
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