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Quote:The momentum is in favor of Clinton. Besides Faux news, I'm not hearing anything about this on other corporate media.

Unfortunately, I don't think even this scandal can keep her from the presidency. (I'm hoping by saying this I jinx her.)

We know that you and many liberals like you always dismiss anything from FOX News, so I found a few other sources of information for you.




The Washington Post


The New York Times


The New York Daily News


NBC News


ABC News


Take your pick.  She's pretty much toast.  I don't think that the democrat party will get behind Bernie Sanders, and if they do it's pretty much "election suicide" for them.  My guess is that it will be either Joe Biden or by possibly a far stretch Elizabeth Warren.
Quote:I cam across this <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/26/opinions/clinton-email-server-ig-report-opinion-cox/index.html'>Opinion piece on CNN today</a>. Apparently, she possibly can be charged with <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071'>this crime</a>, though it's highly unlikely. The last line of the OP-Ed is interesting.


Lol, no offense jj... but as a trumpette, you should not throw stones from your glass house. :-)
Quote:We know that you and many liberals like you always dismiss anything from FOX News, so I found a few other sources of information for you.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/25/politics/state-department-report-faults-clinton-over-email-use/'>CNN</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/25/hillary-clintons-email-problems-just-got-much-worse/'>The Washington Post</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/26/us/politics/state-department-hillary-clinton-emails.html'>The New York Times</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/king-clinton-caught-lying-year-email-scandal-article-1.2651043'>The New York Daily News</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/what-state-department-email-report-means-hillary-clinton-n580516'>NBC News</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/clinton-email-big-takeaways-state-dept-report/story?id=39382143'>ABC News</a>

Take your pick. She's pretty much toast. I don't think that the democrat party will get behind Bernie Sanders, and if they do it's pretty much "election suicide" for them. My guess is that it will be either Joe Biden or by possibly a far stretch Elizabeth Warren.

I appreciate you giving the extra sources!

Here's the thing... most Americans are just not paying attention to the scandal. And while, as you point out, there are articles on line. The majority of coverage is not covering this email story.

That's the point I'm trying to make. This sandal, both online and on tv, is getting in effect minuscule coverage as compared to every other topic. The scandal is being drowned out, and therefore is a non-factor, unless she is indicted...
Quote:I appreciate you giving the extra sources!

Here's the thing... most Americans are just not paying attention to the scandal. And while, as you point out, there are articles on line. The majority of coverage is not covering this email story.

That's the point I'm trying to make. This sandal, both online and on tv, is getting in effect minuscule coverage as compared to every other topic. The scandal is being drowned out, and therefore is a non-factor, unless she is indicted...

Why exactly do you think that is?  I'll give you a hint.  It's in bold in your quote.
Quote:Joe Biden's name will be on the ballot in November. They're prepping the white horse now.

That would be nice, but you still have to make her give it up. To what extent are the delegates bound to vote for her on the first ballot? Would she have to give it up voluntarily? The Clintons have battled their way through numerous scandals and I don't see why she wouldn't try to battle her way through this one.
Quote:That would be nice, but you still have to make her give it up. To what extent are the delegates bound to vote for her on the first ballot? Would she have to give it up voluntarily? The Clintons have battled their way through numerous scandals and I don't see why she wouldn't try to battle her way through this one.

Naw brah, Obama is gonna let the FBI and DOJ indict her, there's no way she'll be on the ballot. It was the perfect plan for Uncle Joe to escape the primaries unscathed.
Quote:That would be nice, but you still have to make her give it up. To what extent are the delegates bound to vote for her on the first ballot? Would she have to give it up voluntarily? The Clintons have battled their way through numerous scandals and I don't see why she wouldn't try to battle her way through this one.

Here's the thing.  There is enough evidence against her to bring her up for an indictment.  What the real question is, will an Obama administration do it?  This is the real question.  Not bringing an indictment in a political season will certainly be a partisan issue.  Doing so pretty much ends her political career.


Now consider this as well.  It's pretty clear that the Clintons and Obama aren't exactly "friendly" with each other.


My guess is that in the end, she won't be prosecuted for any crimes, but will be pretty much out of the political scene.
Quote:Naw brah, Obama is gonna let the FBI and DOJ indict her, there's no way she'll be on the ballot. It was the perfect plan for Uncle Joe to escape the primaries unscathed.

How do you get her off the ballot if she doesn't want to go?
Quote:The investigation has revealed that Clinton State Department staffers used this server to work with the Clinton Foundation staffers to come up with ways for Hillary to acknowledge the donations of their benefactors and recognize the commitment these nation states and evil corporations showed to the foundation.  Keep in mind, these weren't low level staffers we're talking about in the State Department.


She basically used her position to do fundraising for the foundation, and the big donors she was courting weren't concerned about doing the world any good.  They were looking to buy access to the Secretary of State, and potentially the President of the United States. 


Also, there's of evidence that she used her influence as the Secretary of State to solicit big ticket donations to the family foundation for earthquake relief in Haiti.  In fact, the email chain showed that not only was she trying to get funding that would be routed through her family charity, but they were going to push that money to another Clinton sycophant who was on the board of the family foundation whose partner came up with the plan to rebuild the schools, and was going to implement the plan.  


There are emails that show she also had State Department staffers soliciting Norway for donations for a program that she announced at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting.  Not legal to do so, but she's Hillary Clinton, so she's above all that hogwash.


It's hard to dismiss the graft and corruption that is a trademark of the Clinton playbook.  It's not like there's a track record or anything of them selling the Oval Office to the highest bidder to give them access and special favors, right?

Thanks for the insight. I'd always assumed she was up to something, just trying to place the chicken and egg  in the correct order.
I'll have to see it to believe it as far as Hillary going down. I've heard this 100 too many times. It'll be interesting to see what hapoens.
If they give it to Biden, Trump gets what he wants and Bernie probably runs as independent. No stopping the Trump train.
Quote:Lol, no offense jj... but as a trumpette, you should not throw stones from your glass house. :-)

Trump negligently mishandled classified documents? #linkplease?
Quote:How do you get her off the ballot if she doesn't want to go?

[Image: jail-cell.jpg]
Quote:I'll have to see it to believe it as far as Hillary going down. I've heard this 100 too many times. It'll be interesting to see what hapoens.

If only she would, maybe Bill wouldn't stray so much.
Quote:If only she would, maybe Bill wouldn't stray so much.

I actually seen a fully body shot of Hilldog the other day.. That woman put on some weight.. She looks like a pear..
Quote:That would be nice, but you still have to make her give it up. To what extent are the delegates bound to vote for her on the first ballot? Would she have to give it up voluntarily? The Clintons have battled their way through numerous scandals and I don't see why she wouldn't try to battle her way through this one.
She's not Bill.  He could always turn on the charm and weasel his way out of scandals.  She was the pit bull behind the scenes who was trashing anyone who popped up and appeared to threaten their ascent.  She doesn't have the capacity to mount a charm offense.  They're trying, but nobody is buying it. 


If the time comes and indictments are handed down, the party will find a technicality to get her out of the way if she opts not to give up the fight.  Personally, I hope she either gets indicted, and refuses to step aside, or that she not be charged, but the FBI leaks out their recommendation and as many facts as they can.  Either way, she won't win the election in November.  Keeping her out of the Oval Office is the goal. 
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