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Full Version: These "citizens" should be honored as heroes
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I think Trump is organizing these anti-Trump rallies.  Lawless, violent invaders waving a foreign flag and demanding to take over our country.  Demonstrating against free speech, free travel and the right to peaceably assemble.  Burning American flags, trashing police cars, smoking tires like high school infants.  The "optics" are perfect for Donald Trump. 

They can burn all the flags they want on the other side of the wall. And believe me, it will be a big, beautiful wall and Mexico will pay for it, that I can tell ya.
Quote:I think Trump is organizing these anti-Trump rallies.  Lawless, violent invaders waving a foreign flag and demanding to take over our country.  Demonstrating against free speech, free travel and the right to peaceably assemble.  Burning American flags, trashing police cars, smoking tires like high school infants.  The "optics" are perfect for Donald Trump. 

Yet liberals were doing that long before Trump came to power. That or he's got the longest reaching foresight in the history of ever.
Quote:They can burn all the flags they want on the other side of the wall. And believe me, it will be a big, beautiful wall and Mexico will pay for it, that I can tell ya.

It will be the greatest wall you've ever seen, I can promise you that
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