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Quote:It's absolutely a matter of pc to honor the fallen with the appropriate symbols. For a long time it wasnt, and it isn't bad that it now is.

How is being honored with the appropriate symbol considered PC? I would think it is just the right and HONORABLE way to honor someone that gave their life for their country.
Quote:I'm not trying to drawl you into a religious argument., so stop being paranoid. Lol

I think the issue someone had was that they were all crosses and didn't take into account the different religions of the individual soldiers. Instead of taking it all down, wouldn't it have been easier to add whatever symbols fit the few soldiers in a town of 2300 people that might not fall under that particular religion?

Except, it had nothing to do with religion until one person brought it up.


From the article.


"It was never about religion -- it was just to honor them," Philyaw told FoxNews.com on Tuesday. "I was devastated when it had to come down."

"We wanted to make sure that they weren’t forgotten. We also wanted their families to know that our hearts still bleed for them," she said. "At the time, it never, ever crossed my mind about the religious factor in it."
"The cross is a 'rest in peace' symbol to me," said Philyaw. 
Quote:Except, it had nothing to do with religion until one person brought it up.


From the article.

I'm sure her intent wasn't a "religious" memorial, but like it or not, a cross is a symbol of a religion. It does not mean RIP.
Quote:You've really lost it. You're offended that people are offended, and you're even more offended that their taking offense has offended you.

No, more like I'm sick and tired of people being "offended" that are clearly a minority of our population.  Sometime, somehow these little cupcakes that seem to be "offended" by our society need to be put in their place.


I hope that I didn't "trigger" you, and if I somehow "offended" you well... deal with it.
Quote:I'm sure her intent wasn't a "religious" memorial, but like it or not, a cross is a symbol of a religion. It does not mean RIP.

Perhaps to you.
Quote:Perhaps to you.

So the crucifix is now the universal symbol of RIP? Yeah...it's not.
Quote:No, more like I'm sick and tired of people being "offended" that are clearly a minority of our population.  Sometime, somehow these little cupcakes that seem to be "offended" by our society need to be put in their place.


I hope that I didn't "trigger" you, and if I somehow "offended" you well... deal with it.
I don't trigger or take offense, actually. Outside of very rare, very extreme circumstance. You know that. We've discussed it. You know, back when you were rational and logical and we had rational, logical conversations. Consider this: you're posting because you're offended that someone else took offense at something, and the end result was yet another nameless, faceless human being making a decision that you disagree with. This has become pretty commonplace for you lately. You think that Millennials are ruining America. Know what? I actually agree with you in a lot of ways. I just don't go out of my way to get all offended and triggered by anyone who does something that I disagree with and/or find to be stupid.


Relax. Drink some bourbon. Not that Jim Beam crap, the stuff almost as old as you are. You're not winning any hearts and minds by launching your own personal crusade on an NFL team's website. If you want to go full-on Drifter and rage about every little tidbit of liberal news you find on the internet, that's on you, but please don't try and pass it off as logical conversation about a rational topic. It's not. It's you throwing a fit because someone let their dog crap on your neighbor's yard, and no one's doing anything about it.
Quote:But, just to speak for the other side here, isn't it kind of clumsy to just assume that all their fallen veterans were Christians?  


You conservatives are just looking for stuff to get mad about.   They put up a bunch of crosses, someone called up and said, do you really think you should do that, after all, they may not all be Christians, so they said, hey, you're right, and took them down, and now it's NATIONAL NEWS.

Did you read the article? The mayor said the religious aspect never occurred to her because in her mind crosses are a symbol of 'rest in peace'. Not everyone associates crosses with Christianity as crazy as it sounds.
Quote:Did you read the article? The mayor said the religious aspect never occurred to her because in her mind crosses are a symbol of 'rest in peace'. Not everyone associates crosses with Christianity as crazy as it sounds.

They've been makeshift grave markers for hundreds of years regardless of the faith of the corpse underneath. They are also offensive to segments of the population.
Quote:I'm not going to get drawn into making this into a religious argument.


If a South Georgia town with a population of 2,332 thinks that it's alright to put that memorial up and only one (by some accounts) person disagrees with it, then it should never have been pulled down.  Now in a South Georgia town with a population of 2,332 how many do you think were "offended" by the display because there were crosses involved?

It's in how you read it I suppose.


I read it as the one person questioning the use of crosses prompted the city to realize they made a mistake.
Quote:Then use something that represents the country to honor them.

It was ill advised to put up crosses to memorialize the fallen due to the fact that it was done on public property.  The mayor should have know better than to approve this, and should have given some thought to finding another way to pay tribute, whether it was with 79 American flags (which would probably offend yet another segment of our society) or perhaps the flag of the branch of military each fallen hero belonged to.


That being said, the uproar over this was a little silly.  I don't think there was any malicious intent here.  I think the intentions were right.  The thought process was flawed.  This is about recognizing those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.  That is what matters, and that is what should be the focus here.


Hopefully the city finds a politically correct way to address this so the easily offended can find something else to be outraged over.
Quote:They've been makeshift grave markers for hundreds of years regardless of the faith of the corpse underneath. They are also offensive to segments of the population.
Exactly.  Not to mention, if you look at the picture above from Normandy, I would venture to guess that there were a lot of agnostics and atheists buried under those crosses, and nobody has expressed outrage in 70 years. 
Quote:No, more like I'm sick and tired of people being "offended" that are clearly a minority of our population.  Sometime, somehow these little cupcakes that seem to be "offended" by our society need to be put in their place.


I hope that I didn't "trigger" you, and if I somehow "offended" you well... deal with it.

Ahh yes, we get to the real crux of the situation.  The majority wants to put the minority in 'their place'.  Much like groups in the middle east want to put minorities over there in 'their place'.  That's what this hate for PC all comes down to isn't it?  The minorities have gotten 'uppity' and actually started speaking out, and the majority can't have that.  Only the majority matters to the majority.
Quote:Exactly.  Not to mention, if you look at the picture above from Normandy, I would venture to guess that there were a lot of agnostics and atheists buried under those crosses, and nobody has expressed outrage in 70 years. 

The person originally questioning whether the crosses were appropriate was not outraged, they merely asked if all those fallen service men and women memorialized in that town were Christian. The outrage came from people like JIB, who overreact to a rational decision made in response to the person's question.


Quote:...the caller offered to make a donation should the city plan to build a permanent memorial.

Seems reasonable to me.
the cross is offensive no matter the situation. im currently petitioning that it be removed from this country. separate church and state and burn all crosses.  Thanks. Have a blessed scientific day.

Also I don't think "This is the way it's been done for years!" is a good argument.  Shouldn't grave markers for honored veterans who died in the war be about the soldiers, and not about the people who make the memorial?  Even if it wasn't done in the past, it's something we should strive to do now.  I'm sure there was no offense intended here, but offense does not have to be intentional.  

Quote:79 American flags (which would probably offend yet another segment of our society)

And to that subset of the population, I say "screw off." That would be the perfect memorial. It's a secular symbol and one they died for.
Quote:It was ill advised to put up crosses to memorialize the fallen due to the fact that it was done on public property.  The mayor should have know better than to approve this, and should have given some thought to finding another way to pay tribute, whether it was with 79 American flags (which would probably offend yet another segment of our society) or perhaps the flag of the branch of military each fallen hero belonged to.


That being said, the uproar over this was a little silly.  I don't think there was any malicious intent here.  I think the intentions were right.  The thought process was flawed.  This is about recognizing those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.  That is what matters, and that is what should be the focus here.


Hopefully the city finds a politically correct way to address this so the easily offended can find something else to be outraged over.




I would only add, ...the easily offended reside on both sides of the issue.   Those who are offended by the crosses, and those who are offended by taking down the crosses.  


To me, publishing stories like this is nothing but trolling by the news media.   It's so easy to push people's buttons these days.   It's all about manipulating the masses, corralling the voters, so the special interests (on both sides) can raise some money or get themselves elected.  
Quote:the cross is offensive no matter the situation. im currently petitioning that it be removed from this country. separate church and state and burn all crosses. Thanks. Have a <del>blessed</del> scientific day.

Worst parody account ever. Get a job, bro
Quote:Worst parody account ever. Get a job, bro

Why get a job when I can just live in my mother's basement and eat doritos all day?  I forgive you for this comment. May science bless you.
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