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Full Version: The EPA needs to just go away.
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People in China and India live in cities where the breathable air is the equivalent of sucking on an exhaust pipe. In the U.S. there are YouTube videos of people setting their tap water on fire. In South Florida they are literally pumping feces into areas where people swim and the "drill baby drill" crowd is roundly ignoring the latest massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but sure.. we can trust corporations to do the right thing when it comes to hazardous materials. We should dismantle the EPA. Get the [BLEEP] outta here.
Quote:In theory senators would represent the interest of state governments and be much less likely to approve legislation that would burden state budgets.

As a recent "for instance", the Senators representing the state governments would never have approved the ACA with its future burden through the Medicaid expansion. Though Medicaid is a desirable program in the populace, there is nothing to balance the desire with the financial responsibility, and as a result the States are getting hosed. Senators who could be recalled by the State government he or she represents would be much more likely to consider the needs of the state above the needs of the general population, thereby creating the balance of intent between the Houses as intended. 
Quote:People in China and India live in cities where the breathable air is the equivalent of sucking on an exhaust pipe. In the U.S. there are YouTube videos of people setting their tap water on fire. In South Florida they are literally pumping feces into areas where people swim and the "drill baby drill" crowd is roundly ignoring the latest massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but sure.. we can trust corporations to do the right thing when it comes to hazardous materials. We should dismantle the EPA. Get the [BAD WORD REMOVED] outta here.

What a rambling mess.


1. The EPA has no control over India or China, and their overzealous environmental rules were partly the reason manufacturing (and the accompanying much worse pollution) moved to China.


2. The tap water fires were caused by naturally occurring gases in the ground water, not by corporate pollution and once again the EPA can do nothing about acts of nature.



3. If you were referring to this story about "pumping feces," it was caused by birds, not humans. There was no "pumping."




4. The Gulf oil spill was because of the prohibition on offshore drilling. It was a problem of drilling a mile deep, near shore shallow wells do not have that problem. In any case, naturally-occurring bacteria ate up the oil fairly quickly, and there was no significant damage to the environment. However the media quoting EPA alarmists did cause a lot of needless cancellations of reservations along the Gulf Coast and the resultant financial loss.


So the EPA was worthless for three of your four points, and their rules contributed to the 4th.


Polluting air and water is illegal. That would still be the case without the EPA, but the laws would be written and controlled by our elected officials rather than made up by unelected bureaucrats. We don't need a massive bureaucracy micromanaging our lives in the name of environmental protection.


Even if that's your desire, closing the EPA and opening a replacement would enable the government to get rid of the bureaucrats who are causing harm to individuals. Apparently that can't be done in any other way (see the original story about not being able to fire a pedophile, never mind the lack of accountability among the VA employees who caused the deaths of thousands(?) of veterans).

Quote:People in China and India live in cities where the breathable air is the equivalent of sucking on an exhaust pipe. In the U.S. there are YouTube videos of people setting their tap water on fire. In South Florida they are literally pumping feces into areas where people swim and the "drill baby drill" crowd is roundly ignoring the latest massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but sure.. we can trust corporations to do the right thing when it comes to hazardous materials. We should dismantle the EPA. Get the [BAD WORD REMOVED] outta here.

Doesn't the fact that state owned and ran countries like India and china do a much worse job managing pollution on any level kind of defeat the argument for a state ran agency enforcing pollution policy?
Quote:Doesn't the fact that state owned and ran countries like India and china do a much worse job managing pollution on any level kind of defeat the argument for a state ran agency enforcing pollution policy?

What happens when the Inspectors take charge? The same thing that happens everywhere and every time, an overly-regulatory environment that ensures their continued employment, because they can't ever declare victory and go home. There's always the next Crusade.

Quote:What a rambling mess.


1. The EPA has no control over India or China, and their overzealous environmental rules were partly the reason manufacturing (and the accompanying much worse pollution) moved to China.


2. The tap water fires were caused by naturally occurring gases in the ground water, not by corporate pollution and once again the EPA can do nothing about acts of nature.



3. If you were referring to this story about "pumping feces," it was caused by birds, not humans. There was no "pumping."




4. The Gulf oil spill was because of the prohibition on offshore drilling. It was a problem of drilling a mile deep, near shore shallow wells do not have that problem. In any case, naturally-occurring bacteria ate up the oil fairly quickly, and there was no significant damage to the environment. However the media quoting EPA alarmists did cause a lot of needless cancellations of reservations along the Gulf Coast and the resultant financial loss.


So the EPA was worthless for three of your four points, and their rules contributed to the 4th.


Polluting air and water is illegal. That would still be the case without the EPA, but the laws would be written and controlled by our elected officials rather than made up by unelected bureaucrats. We don't need a massive bureaucracy micromanaging our lives in the name of environmental protection.


Even if that's your desire, closing the EPA and opening a replacement would enable the government to get rid of the bureaucrats who are causing harm to individuals. Apparently that can't be done in any other way (see the original story about not being able to fire a pedophile, never mind the lack of accountability among the VA employees who caused the deaths of thousands(?) of veterans).

Define "significant" damage.  Do you mean biologically significant or statistically significant? Most of the short chain alkanes in oil will be photo-oxidized, or respired by hydrocarbon degrading bacteria, but that is only one fraction of crude oil. The other fractions containing cycloalkanes and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are more recalcitrant to degradation, and those are the ones that can accumulate in animal tissues. I know because I've worked with with these microorganisms. 

Quote:Define "significant" damage.  Do you mean biologically significant or statistically significant? Most of the short chain alkanes in oil will be photo-oxidized, or respired by hydrocarbon degrading bacteria, but that is only one fraction of crude oil. The other fractions containing cycloalkanes and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are more recalcitrant to degradation, and those are the ones that can
accumulate in animal tissues. I know because I've worked with with these microorganisms. 

That's all you're going to comment on? This was about the EPA. Way to pick out one tiny side comment, the accuracy of which had no bearing on the EPA, and argue about it.

Significant is noticeable. There has been no noticeable long-term environmental damage from the oil leak, and not even much short term damage. In any case the EPA contributed nothing to preventing this.


"Can" is a weasel word. Anything "can" happen. Have any animals actually been found to have toxic levels of PAHs because of the spill?

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