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Quote:Using mom's wifi to do so.
As long as someone else is paying for it....


This thread is such an epic failure.  It's funny to watch some libs do their little profiling thing while telling the world how conservatives are always angry prudes and how liberals are the tolerant and inclusive ones.  

Quote:Every heard of the [BAD WORD REMOVED] troll? That one sounds like good logic to me.

Would that "bad word removed" troll threat have stopped you from doing the deed? :no:
Quote:Would that "bad word removed" troll threat have stopped you from doing the deed? :no:

Nah my folks where to conservative for that approach they used the good old sex sends you to hell aproach.
Quote:Nah my folks where to conservative for that approach they used the good old sex sends you to hell aproach.

And yet here you are..

Sin is in..
Quote:It's a place where Sanders supporters go to complain and rally.

There may be sub reddit forums like this, but reddit.com is not political in any way that I can see. It is pictures, videos and articles from around the world which get up voted by popularity and hits. There's everything there, the majority of which has nothing to do with politics.
Quote:Nah my folks where to conservative for that approach they used the good old sex sends you to hell aproach.

I'm betting if they had used the scary troll approach, it wouldn't have worked after the first time you touched a bewb. Plus, you don't really want to give your kids anymore issues with sex than necessary...therapy ain't cheap!
Quote:I'm betting if they had used the scary troll approach, it wouldn't have worked after the first time you touched a bewb. Plus, you don't really want to give your kids anymore issues with sex than necessary...therapy ain't cheap!

Thearpy that's for you civilized folk, you got problems go to the pig pen till you feel better!
Quote:Thearpy that's for you civilized folk, you got problems go to the pig pen till you feel better!

Yeah...but then you come out with a whole other set sexual of issues!! :woot:
Quote:Nah my folks where to conservative for that approach they used the good old sex sends you to hell aproach.
Ahh the approach my parents used.  Surprisingly ineffective except in creating a lot of issues for me.  My wife and I will personally be using the 'Be responsible, but don't feel pressured' approach.  As long as none of them end up pregnant before they turn eighteen, I will consider that a success.  I think most other approaches my kids would find ridiculous.  

Quote:Yeah...but then you come out with a whole other set sexual of issues!! :woot:
Oh dang you went there. I got a good laugh out of it. I think that's supposed to disturb me.  :teehee:
Quote:Oh dang you went there. I got a good laugh out of it. I think that's supposed to disturb me. :teehee:

My parents had no moral leg to stand on since I was conceived in the back of my dad's car before they were married and only got married because she was preggers. Then they divorced when I was four. They really weren't compatible and I'm actually glad they split up. I would have had a much more miserable of a childhood had they stayed together. 


My mom and stepdad put the fear of God and fear of the belt in my mind. Plus, I never wanted kids. That's not to say I didn't dally, but I was actually more afraid of having a kid than what God thought or how a belt would feel. I did end up having a daughter and her father raised her after a short but terrifying time of he and I trying to do it. Some are not mentally built to parent and I am one of them. Thankfully he was and she turned out alright. 

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