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Quote:So it doesn't scare anyone that she had to ask her aide how to charge her iPad?

I said before on many occasions that I do not like Hillary Clinton (imagine that), but she certainly is not that stupid.

Quote:I said before on many occasions that I do not like Hillary Clinton (imagine that), but she certainly is not that stupid.

Yup, she is, google it.
Quote:Yup, she is, google it.


Burden of proof is on you since you are claiming it.


That aside, this is lowest of low hanging fruit. If this is what makes you dislike her then you have more issues then choosing a candidate of the currently available knuckleheads. 
Of all the things to criticize...


It must be tiring looking for more things to hate about Hillary Clinton.

Quote:Of all the things to criticize...

It must be tiring looking for more things to hate about Hillary Clinton.

You want someone completely lacking in common sense? Awesome.

Burden of proof is on you since you are claiming it.

That aside, this is lowest of low hanging fruit. If this is what makes you dislike her then you have more issues then choosing a candidate of the currently available knuckleheads.

First result. Geez.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/what-we-learned-from-52000-pages-of-hillary-clintons-emails/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjcwt6Ox9PMAhVIXR4KHVAaCiMQFggNMAA&sig2=s7AYm4r-Bka_XKpDP3-23A&usg=AFQjCNGW5hrbR1b4MDedTrZCty8w-Pn-1Q'>http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/what-we-learned-from-52000-pages-of-hillary-clintons-emails/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjcwt6Ox9PMAhVIXR4KHVAaCiMQFggNMAA&sig2=s7AYm4r-Bka_XKpDP3-23A&usg=AFQjCNGW5hrbR1b4MDedTrZCty8w-Pn-1Q</a>
Quote:Of all the things to criticize...

It must be tiring looking for more things to hate about Hillary Clinton.

Oh and did I EVER use the word hate? You like to throw that lame crap against walls with zero evidence backing it up. I said its scary that she doesn't have the common sense to know how to charge an iPad.

How the heck is that hate rhetoric? Explain that to me o enlightened one, tell me how I hate her for her lack of common sense. Please put more words in my mouth.
Quote:Oh and did I EVER use the word hate? You like to throw that lame crap against walls with zero evidence backing it up. I said its scary that she doesn't have the common sense to know how to charge an iPad.

How the heck is that hate rhetoric? Explain that to me o enlightened one, tell me how I hate her for her lack of common sense. Please put more words in my mouth.

Why does it matter, we should all hate scum like her.
Quote:Of all the things to criticize...

It must be tiring looking for more things to hate about Hillary Clinton.

I think you're just like the rest of the US, you see that letter by their name and automatically just believe what they say. That applies to both R and D. Just pure stupidity.
Quote:Oh and did I EVER use the word hate? You like to throw that lame crap against walls with zero evidence backing it up. I said its scary that she doesn't have the common sense to know how to charge an iPad.

How the heck is that hate rhetoric? Explain that to me o enlightened one, tell me how I hate her for her lack of common sense. Please put more words in my mouth.

You've spent an entire page harping on an ipad issue that clearly implies that you hate her.  You spent this whole day, instead of discussing issues that matter, discussing a flippin' ipad...


Free Trade...  The Clinton Crime Bill.  The deregulation of the FCC.  I mean there are alot of things that you could really discuss as to why she's not a good candidate and would be bad for the middle class.


You decide to waste our time on an ipad.  
Quote:I think you're just like the rest of the US, you see that letter by their name and automatically just believe what they say. That applies to both R and D. Just pure stupidity.

With all due respect.  I want you to look up at the response I provided just above this one.  Then read your quote here.  Up at my response.  Back down here...  Up there...  Down here...


Do you see the irony in your statement?  Pepperidge farm does.
Quote:With all due respect. I want you to look up at the response I provided just above this one. Then read your quote here. Up at my response. Back down here... Up there... Down here...

Do you see the irony in your statement? Pepperidge farm does.

Lol. Typical.
My god you partisan people are dumb.
Until all of you Ds n Rs ([BLEEP] n [BLEEP]) realize all politicians are only in it for themselves we are screwed
What you don't realize is I think both Trump (Cruz too) and Clinton are awful. They don't even deserve to be mentioned as potential POTUS. Though neither does the clueless Bernie.

We are EFFED
Quote:Until all of you Ds n Rs ([BLEEP] n [BLEEP]) realize all politicians are only in it for themselves we are screwed

Insulting the majority of the public does nothing to further the cause
Quote:Insulting the majority of the public does nothing to further the cause
The "majority" have an IQ of 95. I don't care what those relative [BLEEP] think.

Because they wont research for themselves.. They will let the media think for them.
Let's talk more about iPad usage so that our newest member feels more comfortable with the debate topics.

It's awesome that this poster feels comfortable calling the US stupid and [BLEEP]. I think he may be over compensating for his own feelings of inadequacy.
Quote:Let's talk more about iPad usage so that our newest member feels more comfortable with the debate topics.

It's awesome that this poster feels comfortable calling the US stupid and [BLEEP]. I think he may be over compensating for his own feelings of inadequacy.

You didn't refute one single thing.

Low IQ making your brain hurt thinking? I'm sorry.
I'm not here to refute your claim... you didn't even cite any source for why your opinion should be considered.

Your behavior in the past day makes it clear you are not here to have a discussion, but to troll the jungle.

Now, if you want to behave like an adult and make actual points and provide your opinion in a manner that garners respect, I'll consider your point of view.

Otherwise, I say good day, sir.
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