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Donald Trump now has an estimated 1,047 delegates, and with Ted Cruz bowing out that leaves only Kasich as the other choice going forward in the remaining elections.


The GOP candidates have spent a total of $ 677,972,300 running for the nomination.. WoW  that is over a half billion dollars just to be on the Presidential ballot & doesn't include what they will have to spend on the General Election (plus its not over yet they still go to June)....


I know how we can fix a lot of our problems with the debt... just saying..

Quote: The voters in the Republican Primaries have collectively spoken. But right now, I can't imagine voting for what I consider a picking your poison choice.

Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign. Yet, he's very likely going to get at least one write in vote in November.

If you want to protest vote at least give it to the libertarians that way we can try and get a third party on the national debate stage in 2020. Even if you don't agree with libertarians a third party would at least give us more options.
Looks like lyin' Ted was playing the long game when picking fiorina as his running mate.

She's a pro at layoffs, now she can do what she does best--curb stomp Ted's campaign workers to the streets!!!
Quote:Looks like lyin' Ted was playing the long game when picking fiorina as his running mate.

She's a pro at layoffs, now she can do what she does best--curb stomp Ted's campaign workers to the streets!!!

Heidi staring blissfully into his eyes as he quit on his campaign was very uncomfortable.
Quote:Heidi staring blissfully into his eyes as he quit on his campaign was very uncomfortable.

Almost as uncomfortable as when Lyin Ted punched her in the face and followed it up with an elbow haha
The consensus before Obama served a day in office was that he was the best President ever.  Now, Trump before serving a day in office is the worst President ever.  This gives me hope.

Quote:If you want to protest vote at least give it to the libertarians that way we can try and get a third party on the national debate stage in 2020. Even if you don't agree with libertarians a third party would at least give us more options.

  The only way I will vote for someone on the ballot moving forward is if the candidate is someone who I agree with on most of my key issues and I trust the candidate that he/she stands for them. 
What are your key issues?
Quote: The voters in the Republican Primaries have collectively spoken. But right now, I can't imagine voting for what I consider a picking your poison choice.

Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign. Yet, he's very likely going to get at least one write in vote in November.
Hillary's got this one locked up. I'm going to vote Libertarian and hope the party gets enough support to be in the conversation come 2020.

Or maybe just vote for Kanye.
Quote:Cruz doing the respectable thing now the GOP can focus on the general.

Congrats we get to pick between populism and socialism...

I think that the GOP is pretty much done.  I don't believe that they can muster enough support for Trump to defeat Hillary's coronation election to the Presidency.  We as a country picked the "poplulist" choice in the last two elections and what has that gotten us?


Quote:So our choices are Clinton or Trump, then?


I'm going to go play Russian roulette. With a Glock.

It's pretty much the same thing.


Quote:So much this.


Quote:You guys are [BAD WORD REMOVED].

You think?
Quote:  The voters in the Republican Primaries have collectively spoken.  But right now,  I can't imagine voting for what I consider a picking your poison choice.  


  Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign.  Yet,  he's very likely going to get at least one write in vote in November.  

Possibly two.


Quote:  The only way I will vote for someone on the ballot moving forward is if the candidate is someone who I agree with on most of my key issues and I trust the candidate that he/she stands for them. 

The same here.  I can't in good conscience vote for either candidate, even if it means a Hillary presidency.
Quote:    But right now,  I can't imagine voting for what I consider a picking your poison choice.  



Quote: I can't in good conscience vote for either candidate, even if it means a Hillary presidency.

If you consider yourself voting not for one, but against the other, it becomes slightly more palatable.



Very slightly.
Quote:Almost as uncomfortable as when Lyin Ted punched her in the face and followed it up with an elbow haha

Maybe in addition to his father working with Fidel Castro to take out J.F.K., Donald Trump had info on Ted Cruz being a domestic abuser...

Is it strange that Cruz drops out the day after questions about his father and Oswald go mainstream?  Trump seems almost prophetic.  The "protest" in California only served to underline Trump's message.  Here were illegal immigrants blocking traffic, impeding free assembly, waving Mexican flags and holding up Plan of Aztlan and Reconquista signs. 

Quote:If you consider yourself voting not for one, but against the other, it becomes slightly more palatable.



Very slightly.

In my mind, voting for or against either Trump or Clinton is pretty much the same thing either way.  The only difference is one has a D after her name and the other has an R after his name.  My main focus this election cycle is going to be Congress.
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