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Quote:I take it that you don't like tipping?

If we're talking about cows, sure.


If all I'm doing is looking, I like my bewbs to be free.
Quote:That club was more like a bar, but still a club. It was kind of weird. No cover charge that I remember but this was back in 2001 so it's been awhile. 


We went to a place called Moulin Rouge. The movie with Christina Aquilara came out that year so we were curious if it was anything like the movie. That was a high class joint. 40 marks a piece to get in, you had to buy 2 drinks per person IIRC and if you wanted to talk to one of the girls you had to buy her a drink. They were all gorgeous. They were mostly Eastern European and there was nothing fake. Boobs, butts, face- all natural. And the majority were brunettes. We talked to a girl from some small country. Again this was a long time ago so I don't remember details but it was an interesting experience. 


I loved Germany. There was a lot to experience and we tried to live it up the best we could. 9/11 put a damper on things for a while for obvious reasons, but other than that it was one of the top 5 best things I've ever been able to do/experience. 

My nephew's best friend in school was Russian. He was invited to visit him one summer and reported back that Russian and Ukrainian women were stunning. Of course his friend was rich so I doubt the women he saw were the bubushkas sweeping red square.

Didn't anyone tell the Progressives that Harriet Tubman was a pistol-toting Republican who threatened to shoot the slaves she was freeing?


"You'll be free or die."  ~ Harriet Tubman

Also she said that she could have freed more had they known they were slaves. Very poignant.

Essentially, the greatest political feet of the last 4 centuries is the democrat party stealing the abolitionist legacy of the republican party that was founded to that end.
"A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him" - Ezra Pound


"You cannot enslave a free man.  The most you can do is kill him" - Robert Heinlein

Quote:Didn't anyone tell the Progressives that Harriet Tubman was a pistol-toting Republican who threatened to shoot the slaves she was freeing?


"You'll be free or die."  ~ Harriet Tubman

She didn't just threaten them.  It makes sense though if they run off and get caught they could lead people to you and get the whole operation ruined.  
Quote:Hamilton is the criminal bankster hero, a Federalist, monetarist, and the first American criminal central bankster.


The criminal banksters hate Andrew Jackson.  He fought Speaker of the House Henry Clay regarding renewal of the charter of the Second National Bank.  His last words were reportedly, "I killed the bank".   Central banking remained "dead" until the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.


Andrew Jackson gets a lot of unfair treatment.  His greatest act destroying the criminal bank was overshadowed by a depression that was unavoidable.  His treatment of Indians was a pretty common opinion at the time and if he didn't make the order a president shortly after would have.

They guy paid off the national debt for the only time in history.  Everyone complains about the 1%, income inequality, government overspending, and the super rich having an unfair advantage in everything they do and Andrew Jackson did the most he could do to completely eliminate that.

I'm okay with taking him off the 20$ bill because its a slap in the face to put the face of a guy who absolutely hated a central bank on the central banks most used bill, oddly enough he didn't want to be on there to begin with.
Wow... Really plays into the narrative about Hamilton being gods gift.
On a sort of related note, I think I invented "Common Core" 40 years ago.  I answered an essay Q on an english test using Jackson on a federal reserve note as an example of irony. I virtually copied part my US Hist teacher's Jackson lecture, given a day or two before.


And just to be an arsehole, 1 vote for Burr on the $10.

Quote:That club was more like a bar, but still a club. It was kind of weird. No cover charge that I remember but this was back in 2001 so it's been awhile.

We went to a place called Moulin Rouge. The movie with Christina Aquilara came out that year so we were curious if it was anything like the movie. That was a high class joint. 40 marks a piece to get in, you had to buy 2 drinks per person IIRC and if you wanted to talk to one of the girls you had to buy her a drink. They were all gorgeous. They were mostly Eastern European and there was nothing fake. Boobs, butts, face- all natural. And the majority were brunettes. We talked to a girl from some small country. Again this was a long time ago so I don't remember details but it was an interesting experience.

I loved Germany. There was a lot to experience and we tried to live it up the best we could. 9/11 put a damper on things for a while for obvious reasons, but other than that it was one of the top 5 best things I've ever been able to do/experience.

You are my new favorite poster in the jungle.
Quote:You are my new favorite poster in the jungle.

Ummmm....Thanks? Lol. As much as we disagree on some things I'm glad we can agree on others. :-)
Quote:Ummmm....Thanks? Lol. As much as we disagree on some things I'm glad we can agree on others. :-)

Can anyone really disagree on high class adult clubs? It brings us all together.
Quote:Can anyone really disagree on high class adult clubs? It brings us all together.

Now THAT'S change you could believe in!
Quote:Can anyone really disagree on high class adult clubs? It brings us all together.
Quote:Now THAT'S change you could believe in!

Hahahahaha. I guess so.

It was an experience for sure.
As long as the money spends I dont care who's on it tbh, grats to HT.

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