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Full Version: GE Responds to Bernie Sanders
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Quote:Sure doesn't sound like they intend to.
I sure hope they don't
Quote:I don't see anything in that article that has any substance at all.   It's just a bunch of rhetoric about how GE is shipping jobs overseas.  


GE has a responsibility to its millions of shareholders to make as much money as is legally possible.   If that means opening a plant in China, so be it.   They're not doing anything illegal or immoral.   They are doing what they are supposed to do: make money.   If they do anything else, they should be thrown in jail.  


And to say they're destroying the moral fabric of the country by opening overseas factories is just complete hogwash. 

Absolutely.  The thing that they also do to skew the figures in that OP-ED is show the percentage of people employed in the U.S. vs. elsewhere over time.  Is it because of "shipping jobs overseas" or is it because of expansion?


[Image: 160405110805-ge-shrinking-us-workforce-780x439.jpg]

GE said they have customers in 180 countries...It only makes sense to have production facilities around the world for logistical purposes

Generally I disagree with the majority of your posts, but so far I agree with you on this topic

Yesssss.....come to the dark side.
Quote:Yesssss.....come to the dark side.
I was thinking you were coming over to our side
Quote:Absolutely.  The thing that they also do to skew the figures in that OP-ED is show the percentage of people employed in the U.S. vs. elsewhere over time.  Is it because of "shipping jobs overseas" or is it because of expansion?


Without doing any research, I would guess that over the period of the last 20 years, they have expanded to the point of having facilities in 180 countries...I would bet that many of the top level and maybe even mid level management for the facilities are Americans who left the country to run the different overseas facilities...It's also possible that low level common workers have transferred there as well...This would account for a large drop in GE's American jobs and an increase in overseas jobs...It would also be a nice statistic for their opposition to make it look like they are getting rid of American jobs by sending them overseas, even though it's simply Americans transferring from the USA to overseas facilities...
Quote:I was thinking you were coming over to our side

You're more my side than you think.
There is no spoon
Quote:You're more my side than you think.
On this topic yeah, not generally though


The trouble with the far left of the democratic party, in my opinion, is that when they attack "big business" and "corporations" and "wall street," they are only demonstrating their ignorance of how our economic system works to create jobs and support everyone in the USA. 


Some key parts of the editorial: 



"We at GE were interested to read comments Monday by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who told the New York Daily News editorial board that GE is among the companies that are supposedly “destroying the moral fabric” of America."


"GE has been in business for 124 years, and we’ve never been a big hit with socialists. We create wealth and jobs, instead of just calling for them in speeches. We take risks, invest, innovate and produce in ways that today sustain 125,000 U.S. jobs."


"Sanders says that he is upset about GE’s operations abroad — as though a company that has customers in more than 180 countries should have no presence in any of them. He never mentions that we are one of the United States’ prime exporters, annually selling in excess of $20 billion worth of American-made goods to the world. Nor does he mention that our sales around the world support our manufacturing base here at home, along with the thousands of U.S. companies in our supply chain. You want to cause big problems for our suppliers — many of whom are small and medium-size businesses — and their workers? The surest way would be to pull out of those countries and lose those customers."



I totally agree with all this.  

GE Brings good things to light.
Quote:GE Brings good things to light.

They also pay their CEO a zillion dollars to ship jobs overseas. And also not pay taxes. Which must be nice.
Quote:They also pay their CEO a zillion dollars to ship jobs overseas. And also not pay taxes. Which must be nice.

Care to show where jobs are "shipped overseas"?  Can you explain how GE supposedly doesn't pay taxes?


By the way... GE stock has been very good to me.

Ge makes a widget in Ireland that they want to sell for 10 dollars. They sell it to ge america for 11 dollars and they sell it to the consumer for 10 dollars. Gets American subsidiary shows massive losses and doesn't pay taxes.
Quote:Care to show where jobs are "shipped overseas"? Can you explain how GE supposedly doesn't pay taxes?

By the way... GE stock has been very good to me.

Well the mantra is mos def shareholder profit above all else. And you can do your own homework. The link JJ (of all people) provided might be a good place to start. I would also suggest you take a gander at what sen san has to say about it. Good luck in your endeavors.
Quote:Absolutely.  The thing that they also do to skew the figures in that OP-ED is show the percentage of people employed in the U.S. vs. elsewhere over time.  Is it because of "shipping jobs overseas" or is it because of expansion?



G.E. global employees in 2005 - 316000

G.E. global employees in 2015 - 333000

About 5% total growth in that time period, so yeah, looks like "shipping jobs overseas". 
Quote:If US companies don't manufacture things in places like China and import them to the US, then French or German companies will.   Like it or not, we are in a global competition, and the idea that we would hamstring US companies or penalize them for competing is about the worst idea in the world. ... It would double the cost of Iphones and Samsung would put Apple out of business. 


Quote:GE has a responsibility to its millions of shareholders to make as much money as is legally possible.   If that means opening a plant in China, so be it.   They're not doing anything illegal or immoral.   They are doing what they are supposed to do: make money.   If they do anything else, they should be thrown in jail.  


I think this is a big part of what needs to be addressed in discussions of how the government should interact with corporations. Corporations have one overarching goal, to provide return to their investors. While I think you miss a bit by discussing U.S. vs French or German corps., that might be a misunderstanding on my part. My understanding is that most of these U.S., French, and German corporations (or any other nationality) are discussing are actually 'branches' of MNCs. It seems to me these MNCs are very adept at playing a sort of shell game to protect their assets by playing different countries' policies against each other. But as corporations, that is exactly what their job is. What is incumbent upon us as citizens is deciding what governmental policy should be in response to this. 

To take a totally different example, look at seat belts and airbags in the auto industry. Detroit fought tooth and nail against regulations requiring them, as it was an expense they wanted to avoid. The governmental response was to (eventually) require them. Expecting Detroit to do differently voluntarily is wishing it had a sense of social responsibility exceeding what corporations have demonstrated throughout history.
3 of the biggest things that annoy liberals are people who have jobs, people who are successful, and people who are happy.



Quote:3 of the biggest things that annoy liberals are people who have jobs, people who are successful, and people who are happy.


Do you realize at all how out of touch posts like this make you look?
Quote:I don't see anything in that article that has any substance at all.   It's just a bunch of rhetoric about how GE is shipping jobs overseas.  


GE has a responsibility to its millions of shareholders to make as much money as is legally possible.   If that means opening a plant in China, so be it.   They're not doing anything illegal or immoral
.   They are doing what they are supposed to do: make money.   If they do anything else, they should be thrown in jail.  


And to say they're destroying the moral fabric of the country by opening overseas factories is just complete hogwash. 

I dont know that GE is guilty of this.  But many businesses are guilty of employing the borderline slave labor in these countries where the people have no choice and there is no light at the end of the tunnel for prosperity.  It's legal, ya, but not really the MORAL way to do things imo.
Quote:Do you realize at all how out of touch posts like this make you look?
I am having fun with someone else. Of course you wouldn't have understood that. Understanding things isn't your strong suit.
Quote:3 of the biggest things that annoy liberals are people who have jobs, people who are successful, and people who are happy.


This isn't Facebook, Dak.
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