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IMO an 8-8 record would be purely based on the quality of the talent accumulation and only reflect on the GM.  The coach has to get over the hump.  I think we blew multiple opportunities last year to have a respectful record.  Considering we weren't prime time or post season ready yet, the better draft position does serve us well this year.


The only fault I find is knowing the Joekel draft was poor and chucking some of the players we had.  Sure they weren't in the long term strategy but did we really gain anything overall in capspace?  Water under the bridge at this point really.

Don't forget, for the Joeckel draft year, Caldwell was using Gene Smith's scouts due to the time shortage from his hiring to the draft that year.  Seems like he got that turned around pretty good for year 2.

No GM bats 1000.  But Caldwell has done better than many of his peers around the league  - and clearly better than what we've had in Jax for several years. 


I have confidence that we'll come away from this draft with a couple of early contributors and at least three long term starters.  There is talent to be had at positions of need and he's shown he's pretty good at identifying it. 

Quote:I'm still not impressed with Caldwell... wow... he drafted a guy that chucks int's at critical times in a game. wow... he drafted a guy that scored 1 TD rushing last year... wow... he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played... wow......our record sure looks impressive under Dave....

How can you just not mention Telvin, Allen Robinson, Hurns, House, Brandon Linder, Cann, and Colvin? Plus the guys you mentioned are BALLERS. Blake Bortles and TJ Yeldon are studs.
Quote:I still don't get the vh3 hate.
Not hating. Just think at 5, he would be a reach.
Quote:IMO an 8-8 record would be purely based on the quality of the talent accumulation and only reflect on the GM. The coach has to get over the hump. I think we blew multiple opportunities last year to have a respectful record. Considering we weren't prime time or post season ready yet, the better draft position does serve us well this year.

The only fault I find is knowing the Joekel draft was poor and chucking some of the players we had. Sure they weren't in the long term strategy but did we really gain anything overall in capspace? Water under the bridge at this point really.

Yes, we gained a lot overall in cap space. The 2012 roster that went 2-14 had the 5th higest salary cap. This current roster has considerably more talent and way more cap space going forward. Not only did we clean up the cap and create more space but it allowed us to acquire Jackson, Gibson, Beachum, Marks, House, Thomas basically every free agent we have now.

Had we kept those players from that 2012 roster we would not have been able to acquire these guys.
Quote:I am amazed to learn that you are actually able to put your pants on by yourself.
I dont believe her
Quote:I'm still not impressed with Caldwell... wow... he drafted a guy that chucks int's at critical times in a game. wow... he drafted a guy that scored 1 TD rushing last year... wow... he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played... wow......our record sure looks impressive under Dave....
I bet you're fun at a party.
Quote:I'm still not impressed with Caldwell... wow... he drafted a guy that chucks int's at critical times in a game. wow... he drafted a guy that scored 1 TD rushing last year... wow... he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played... wow......our record sure looks impressive under Dave....
Classic David4499 post
Quote:I still don't get the vh3 hate.

I dont know that its hate, but more so that he just wouldnt make sense now with the Amukamara signing. VH3 is a good football player, and will be a good one on the next level. Just at this point, he'd probably be the #3 CB at best, and we need defensive contributors now.
Quote:I'm still not impressed with Caldwell... wow... he drafted a guy that chucks int's at critical times in a game. wow... he drafted a guy that scored 1 TD rushing last year... wow... he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played... wow......our record sure looks impressive under Dave....

Quote:I am amazed to learn that you are actually able to put your pants on by yourself.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://m.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/49fb0y/how_to_put_on_pants/'>https://m.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/49fb0y/how_to_put_on_pants/</a>
Quote:Don't forget, for the Joeckel draft year, Caldwell was using Gene Smith's scouts due to the time shortage from his hiring to the draft that year.  Seems like he got that turned around pretty good for year 2.

Many are still complaining about his coach hire, yet letting him off the hook for it in the same breath.
Quote:Here we go again lol.


It was a big mistake to draft Joeckel over Ansah... Anyway, I am happy with Dave so far.

Hindsight's always 20-20.  Joeckel and Fisher was the big debate at the time.  Look at what happened to Dion Jordan.  The draft is a crapshoot.  Caldwell has done an excellent job even if he's had a whiff here and there.
After Gene Smith the last 2 drafts have been good. If Dave has another good draft he will be around for as long as he wants. I strongly believe we will have a winning season this year thanks to improved defense, Bortles further improvement, and overall the team playing up to the level it should be on paper.

The 2013 draft is being touted as one of the worst ever so I don't think you can really grade him in that draft.  In the last 2 drafts he's picked a franchise QB, an elite WR, pro bowl caliber LB and OG and several other players who could be really good. Throw in a couple of top tier FAs who wouldn't have even considered the Jags 3 years ago and you'd have to say overall he's done a heck of job so far. 

Joeckel was just one of his big mistakes. The worst is Bradley, and then Joeckel and Beadles.


There were a few of us who wanted Ansah.

Quote:Joeckel was just one of his big mistakes. The worst is Bradley, and then Joeckel and Beadles.


There were a few of us who wanted Ansah.

Few have the stones to be critical of this, and I'll never understand why.


It's as if they pretend anything on the coaching side of the fence isn't his wheelhouse.  As if we were back in the days of Del Rio vs. Shack, where it was some "committee" where everyone points the finger at everyone else.


Dave "has the conn" on he HC.


It's his sandwich.
Quote:I'm still not impressed with Caldwell... wow... he drafted a guy that chucks int's at critical times in a game. wow... he drafted a guy that scored 1 TD rushing last year... wow... he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played... wow......our record sure looks impressive under Dave....

Wow....look who is here. Wow....everyone look at David. Wow....he is so desperate for attention. Wow...every respond to him.
Quote:I'm still not impressed with Caldwell... wow... he drafted a guy that chucks int's at critical times in a game. wow... he drafted a guy that scored 1 TD rushing last year... wow... he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played... wow......our record sure looks impressive under Dave....
All this stuff you've pointed out is true, but let's put it in perspective.


Yes, Bortles has thrown some int's at critically bad times (as though there is a good time to throw an int). However, he has also set new franchise records and was mentioned as possibly one of the best young quarterbacks in the league. So, would you 'throw out the baby with the dish water'?


Yeldon is an upgrade over what we've had since MoJo. But even the best will struggle if the offensive line is poor at blocking; and let us not forget this was his rookie year.


'he drafted a guy with gold shoes that still hasn't played'. No one could've predicted the injury to Dante Fowler. Things do happen that sometimes we just have to absorb and roll with. We don't know yet if Fowler will be an asset or not; but, he was very good in college so that's all anyone has to go by until we get the chance to see him against pro level competition.


our record... yup, we've sucked for years now. But remember, we were worse than awful prior to Dave getting here (thanks Gene). It was obvious that we were going to have to go through at least several years of rebuilding once the decision was made to pull the trigger on a total rebuild. Gus Bradley hasn't been able to provide a winning season for us as yet; but keep in mind what he has had to work with. This season... the fourth season of the rebuild, is make or break time for the HC. We have substantial talent on the team now with some experience to boot. We are in the weakest division in the NFL also, so there are no more excuses. I think Dave picked Gus because at the time he appeared to be the best available candidate. Whether or not Gus makes it will largely reflect on Gus more so than on Dave.


I don't have a man crush on Dave by any means; however, he has actually been pretty solid on most of his picks. Remember, no one hits 'home runs' on all their picks. He's only had a few disappointments so far (Joeckel for instance) so I think he is worth hanging onto regardless of how the chips fall with Bradley.

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