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Full Version: NFL could force Titans to sell team
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Quote:If it sells then Fred Smith will buy.  He's a TN guy and I doubt he moves the team.

   If Fred Smith does buy the Tennessee franchise,  my guess is Smith would try to move the team to Memphis the first opportunity he gets.   Smith tried to get an NFL Franchise in Memphis for many years before the Houston Oilers moved to Nashville. 
Quote:If the jaguars had just kept Del Zero they probably could have won the division last year. Coaching is holding the talent back in a major way, and unless Kiffin can somehow cover up baldy's shortcomings I can't see how the team stands a chance at winning the AFCS with Luck healthy.
The texans will likely still get to second thanks to the Jaguars continual inability to pass protect, and the titans will continue to bring up the rear as the only team in the division with comparably bad coaching to the Jaguars while having less talent on the roster.
The lack of talent as well as depth on the defense last year Bill Belichick couldn't of squeezed any more wins out of last year.
[Image: nfl-map-09543.jpg]


If he moves the team to Memphis he might attract more fans since the Rams are moving to the west coast they could embrace the Titans?

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