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@RapSheet. Sen'Derrick Marks checks into mental health facility after Malick Jackson signing.
Quote:Just looked it up 4 yrs 18 million. I know it would bother me some if I was him. Yea they know it is a business but pffffft it is all about the money right. I am not talking about his playing time. Its like me making 3 bucks an hour and my teammate making 15 bucks an hour to do the same job. We will see.
If Marks was ever asked about it he would probably say it doesnt bother him but in reality we're all humans and you bet he's jealous of the $$ but i dont think he's the type to make it an issue in the locker room
Quote:If Marks was ever asked about it he would probably say it doesnt bother him but in reality we're all humans and you bet he's jealous of the $$ but i dont think he's the type to make it an issue in the locker room

I agree, he won't make it a locker room issue but he'll use it as motivation going into the year and that's a good thing.  I also think he'll be Jackson's biggest fan because it will make his job so much easier.
Quote:I agree, he won't make it a locker room issue but he'll use it as motivation going into the year and that's a good thing.  I also think he'll be Jackson's biggest fan because it will make his job so much easier.
Between FA and the Darft we are going to find one or two defensive players that make everyone else better.


When teams have to scheme specifically against a player, someone else gets loose.


Quote:Started thinking about this the other day didn't he sign a four year 20 million deal? I know he has been injured but he had a better year than Jackson the year before last. I wonder if he wishes he had tested free agency. Is malik better than a healthy marks?

Yeah I do think Malik is better then a healthy Marks. Malik is a couple years younger and Malik is more

versatile. Malik has had success. Both at the 3tech and as a 3-4 defensive end. While Marks really

struggled with Titans as 3-4 defensive end. I think Malik's height helps and he plays at lower weight as well. I'm excited to see them together on 3rd downs.
All Marks needs to consider is how much Jackson's value increased when he had quality talent on the DL with him.

Quote:All Marks needs to consider is how much Jackson's value increased when he had quality talent on the DL with him.

Quote:All Marks needs to consider is how much Jackson's value increased when he had quality talent on the DL with him.

And in a future forecast messy mearballs
I think Marks has been around the league enough to realize that the Jackson signing makes the entire defense better. He may be jealous of the money (and who wouldn't be) but it wont affect his play or how he conducts himself. 

If the team were 11-5, instead of 5-11, this might be more of an issue. It could be down the road now, but at present, I think everyone knows what's going on here.

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