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Full Version: Toby Gerhart Cut
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Quote:4 shots from the 1 sealed his fate. 

London, 2015.  A day that will live in infamy...


Oh wait, we won that game!!!


But yeah, that was when I realized the Albino Rhino was not long for Jacksonville.  I wish him luck latching on to another team.  


There are a few posters that think he was just hobbled by injuries for every season he was a Jaguar, maybe he can get healthy and prove us all wrong.
His highlight reel here would consist of a screen or two in preseason and I think I recall he had a rumbling run up the middle in preseason too.
Many good Caldwell selections..   this was not one of them.

Clearly, this had to happen and is for the best because he was really never was a good fit for this team anyways. Look at how good Yeldon is and look at what he has to work with in terms of an OL. Gerhart's style of running was matched up with a train wreck of an OL for the last couple of years and look how it all ended. Collectively, with all the RB's production (including Yeldon) on a scale of 1 to 10........ I'd rate it a 3 or 4. It was TIME for him to part ways so this is a good thing. What was not a good thing was all the personal name calling from a several truly ignorants on this forum board.  Provided he loses at least 15 pounds & get's picked up by another team and is given the chance to "compete" he can get his game back on track. If he doesn't get picked up...........the writing will be on the wall and it will be time to turn the porch light off. Or, if he does get picked up and chooses to not take it seriously enough to get back that fire he once had...........he won't last anyways. Ever since he got married, it's like he went soft.................and for sure he packed on way too many pounds. He is at his best at around 210 to 215 pounds. he's much more explosive at that weight.


I wish him well and the good thing is he won't be the subject to any more uninformed insults being hurled at him from very small minds.

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