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Full Version: Trump crushes New Hampshire Primary
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Quote:Slogans are cool...


[Image: 65965008.jpg]

You're fired.
Quote:Yeah, gas is low, great. Meanwhile, wages have been actively decreasing, public dependency on social programs is at an all-time high, nearly 1/3rd of the country is out of the labor force, we are $21 Trillion in debt, our prison system is more crowded than ever, the borders are totally unsecured and law unenforced, race relations are near an all-time low, and income inequality has reached new highs. Let me also add that post education costs more now than EVER before, our country spends more on public education per student than any other nation in the world yet has one of the worst global educational rankings for a first-world nation, the pharmaceutical lobby is bigger and more destructive than ever, illegal drug trafficking is nigh unstoppable, and health insurance costs have risen exponentially.

But at least gas is low (until the market crashes this year).
With fuel costs way down, the domino effect should affect a lot more. There shouldn't be any more fuel surcharges , shipped items should be lower, etc etc....are they? Ask big business, airlines,etc.

prison system over crowded? Bernie says he will fix that, so you should be on board. Wages low? Yep. Yet Unions are being fazed out,and while prices increase, wages are stagnant.

Student loans? Yes. And Boy Wonder Rubio wants to raise interest rates on loans. Gov Skeletor Scott approved in state tuition fees for children of illegals.

Border? Hasn't been secured...ever.

Race relations..all time low? All time? Uh huh. Like pools and water fountains with white only signs? All time low. Pffft. It's not great, never has been, but all time low? Straight outta Trumpton.

Debt? Yes. Borrow money..and give payouts to Israel and other countries. Nation building...on borrowed money. Rand Paul had that right.

And so it goes.
Quote:Obama was the worst offender I can remember of recent. "Hope and Change!" "What are we hoping to change and how?" "You just have to believe!"

Trump supporters are wired the same way.

Never before have truer words been spoken
Yeh... All that bs about competence in government, strong trade, strong military, free market healthcare, enforcing immigration policy, etc. Thats all bunk.

Thats exactly like a none descript one or two word slogan that was code for an economic system that has failed wherever attempted.
He'll win Nevada, and South Carolina too.  He really should have won Iowa had Cruz not cheated.

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