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Quote:it's absolutely time to at least give him competition.  I have always been against drafting a lineman in the top 5, especially because tackles just aren't as elite as they used to be.  You're not going to find another Boselli.


I would rather take a mid first rounder or a 2nd round-3rd round pick and bolster the offensive line that way.  


Luke needs to be pushed.  If he beats out solid competition for a starting job - fine.  But he shouldn't be just given the job on a plate like this regime has done in the past (i.e. Brewster, Pasztor)

I can get behind that, I'm all for having good depth and guys that will push others. Just saying Joeckel is a lot better than this board gives him credit for. Tough to say after the pathetic showing Sunday, but that was far from the norm for Luke. He isn't great, but he's solid, and that's good enough for now. The left side of the line looks worse than it is because of Beadles who is a bottom LG in this league.


Quote:but the point is - every team has the offseason to get better.  if we get "better" but Houston, Tennessee, and Indy got "more better" than the Jags - we are left at 4-12 or 5-11 again.


Every year we add pieces and we think we're solid.  We added 4 starters through free agency on defense last year and REGRESSED.

I get that, but we have yet to direct a draft or FA to defense. We've been building up the offense which looks great for basically the past 3 seasons. Last year we finally did for the most part try to build up that defense, but our top pick that plays a vital position was hurt and we had Clemons and Branch to play there because of it. You really can't do any worse than what we had out there at LEO. We also didn't have one of the best pass rushing DT's in the game in Big Sen. Bottom safety tandem in the league as well.


IDK, I guess I just want to wait and see what happens when we build up the D like we did the O. Sure, we have guys like Colvin, House, Odrick, Miller, and Telvin that I think are key cogs to this defense, but pass rush and safety play is far from set and we had below average player at those positions, which include two of the most vital positions for this defense if you look at any team that uses this or listen to Gus about it.


If we can land a guy like Gipson or Weddle, and we get Fowler back and get another pass rush option via FA and we're not far ahead from this season or look mightily improved, I'll be right there with you and ready to move on and get someone that can take all this talent to where we should be. I'm down for Gus to be fired, but I get why we didn't do it too. Who wants the Browns job? No one, because they constantly change coaches. May as well just realize we really were lacking in some areas on D, and that is really the main problem we had this year was defense. We had a top 10 offense in all reality. Let's focus one offseason strictly on defense like we will, and see what happens come next year.
Quote:I know that everyone is frustrated, but I don't get why everyone gets upset about press conference statements. They might as well be scripted from the same typewriter.

I guess what I mean is, what else is he going to say that he / every coach hasn't said already?

Not criticizing people for being frustrated, I just don't know what people expected to hear.

Come on - it doesn't matter what Bradley said. Some of these pseudo coaches just have to share their insight and genius with the rest of us - as if their 323 prior posts saying the same thing wasn't enough for you to catch their drift.
Quote:I agree 100%, pathetic, dreadful, etc. etc. This last game was all of that. But you can't move on from a high pick like that and use high end resources to solve a problem that really isn't 99% of the time, just have to hope he takes a bigger step or is at the very least more consistent next year. Build the defense, gain a piece here or there for the OL if you can, but the likelyhood of getting a caliber player to replace a guy like Joeckel is unlikely. He takes his lumps here from this fanbase, which is fair considering where he was taken and you expect more, but he is a solid LT. Not huge on Alfie, but it's true when he states LT isn't what it once was outside of a few elite premier LT's like Tyron Smith, Joe Thomas, etc. He's pretty middle of the pack, and still has upside to hopefully take another small step or like I said, at least be more consistent and not always have that one time a guy where it's like "[BAD WORD REMOVED] ARE YOU DOING!!!"
If you aren't huge on Alfie, then why would you credit him with an idea that he just regurgitated from a dozen or so articles published in major sports outlets that were written about this topic over the past 3-4 years?
Quote:He does that too. After he gets sacked, he never yells at the OL


He's too cool for school.


Time for him to realize that he's going to have to do some getting in some guys butts next year.



All the good ones yell at the OL sometimes

You've clearly never played the game. Yell at his Oline huh? Just keep on watching from the couch and yelling at the tv... It won't realize how moronic you sound.
Quote:If you aren't huge on Alfie, then why would you credit him with an idea that he just regurgitated from a dozen or so articles published in major sports outlets that were written about this topic over the past 3-4 years?
What do you expect him to say? It's the truth. What else should he say when people keep saying how Luke is so awful and we should cut him. The NFL's LT's are lacking, and yet it seems like 90% of the Jags fan base that tweets at him doesn't realize this, including a lot of people on here. 


Yes, he's a top pick that you expect to be elite and a cornerstone. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen, especially in a draft that was as awful as it was in 2013. But he's solid and that's better than the alternative unless we want to put another top 5 pick into that position in Tunsil or Stanley, which wouldn't be smart considering how much help we need on defense.
To announce his resignation.
Blake gotta cut the INTs in half next season
Quote:What do you expect him to say? It's the truth. What else should he say when people keep saying how Luke is so awful and we should cut him. The NFL's LT's are lacking, and yet it seems like 90% of the Jags fan base that tweets at him doesn't realize this, including a lot of people on here. 


Yes, he's a top pick that you expect to be elite and a cornerstone. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen, especially in a draft that was as awful as it was in 2013. But he's solid and that's better than the alternative unless we want to put another top 5 pick into that position in Tunsil or Stanley, which wouldn't be smart considering how much help we need on defense.
I never said it wasn't the truth, I just said the concept wasn't his idea and he doesn't deserve the credit that you, for some odd reason, decided to bestow upon him for repeating other peoples's work.
Quote:I never said it wasn't the truth, I just said the concept wasn't his idea and he doesn't deserve the credit that you, for some odd reason, decided to bestow upon him for repeating other peoples's work.
That's not anyone else's work though, it's common knowledge.


I'm referencing Alfie because he constantly gets tweeted at how Joeckel blows and he always responds with the same thing, LT is a weak position and Joeckel is middle of the pack, which I agree with, so I regurgitated it here.

Quote:That's not anyone else's work though, it's common knowledge.
So you were just sucking up to Alfie because common knowledge doesn't need crediting.

Quote:So you were just sucking up to Alfie because common knowledge doesn't need crediting.
LOL, sure, that's what I was doing if that's what you want me to say. I have so much to gain to do so.


Someone is a little salty when it comes to Alfie Crow. My lord.

Quote:Honestly, Joeckel was solid this year outside of this last game. Sure, he gets beats now and again, but generally, the pressure is due to Beadles from the left side. Joeckel is solid enough, and put a starting caliber player next to him at LG and that helps him even more. I think we're ok at that spot. Was he worth the pick a few years ago? No, but outside of Ansah, no one was...so it is what it is. He certainly isn't as bad as this fan base seems to say.
Disagree...Joke might not give up a sack all the time straight up but he gets pushed back into Bortles lap pretty darn often!
Quote:I have no doubt you probably would. Real bright.


I love what Coughlin did when he was here, but many of you simply live in the past. He was 12 wins above .500 with the Giants, in twelve years. He hasn't had the Giants in the playoffs for four seasons. But that would be ok by you? You'd be making remarks about senility or some other brilliant statement.

Thanks for your valuable posts as always.  Coughlin won 2 Super Bowls with the Giants.  He wouldn't be a long term solution but he'd be head and shoulders better than Gus Bradley.  Have someone as an understudy with Coughlin for the next few years with a plan for them to succeed him and it could bode well for us.


At least I have an opinion...from what I can tell, your opinion is simply bashing everyone else's opinion. :thumbsup:
Quote:Disagree...Joke might not give up a sack all the time straight up but he gets pushed back into Bortles lap pretty darn often!
I agree, he isn't fantastic, never argued he was. But again, in this day and age and watching football week in and week out, I see plenty of LT's get pushed around and sometimes even abused. Just doesn't look to me like that strong of a position. He's also young and has one of the worst LG's in the league right next to him to go with Wiz who had some major ups and downs himself. Not a one man crew here, need to have guys next to him he doesn't need to constantly worry about too. Hopefully Cann sures up the left side next year and makes it a non-liability at least.
Quote:but the point is - every team has the offseason to get better.  if we get "better" but Houston, Tennessee, and Indy got "more better" than the Jags - we are left at 4-12 or 5-11 again.


Every year we add pieces and we think we're solid.  We added 4 starters through free agency on defense last year and REGRESSED.



I get tired every year of people claiming that we will be better with an off season of OTAs, draft, Free Agency, camps, etc.  What do they think the other 31 teams do during the off season?


It's also clear that the great teams (like the Pats) get way better than we do in the off season (and not just because they have Brady).
Well, the offense got mightily better from 2014 to 2015....due to the defense being pathetic we just ended up not seeing it a ton in the win column.


I get what you guys mean, as everyone has another offseason to get better and grow, but with how pathetic our pass rush and safety play was this year, I guess it's hard to not think there will be good improvement. Our top pass rusher had 5.5 sacks this year...and that was coming from a non-pass rushing position. Pretty sure Colvin was 2nd.......


It was honestly just pathetically awful this year. Hard to not expect at least some improvement, and our offense was headed by three 2nd year players in Bortles/ARob/Hurns.

Quote:I don't understand your post saying I'm talking with complete nonsense.  I'm not advocating for letting the front office and ownership off the hook on the absolutely blown opportunity this year.


This looks like a three year plan and it is just some front office mistakes?
Well for starters, you claimed it was always a 5 year plan.  He asked for evidence, and you shared your opinion and zero evidence.  
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