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Full Version: Ryan O- "Gus didn't second guest offensive gameplan but pointed out more max pro would've helped"
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Quote:Dude we should have been AT LEAST 7-9 if not better THIS YEAR.


8-8 next year is the bare minimum the talent would allow.  Don't you get it?  Gus is holding the team back.  He's not making the team better.


The talent alone should get us to 8-8.  The talent alone this year mixed with the breaks we got against our opponents should have had us at 7 wins.  We only got to 5 wins this year.


That's on Gus.  I mean, do you really not see that?  Do you really ignore all those winnable games that we chocked and not put the responsibility on the head coach?


Yes, the D is weak, and yes we have personell issues.  But there were multiple wins that we should have had that we didn't get.  We played down to our competition and we looked out coached on alot of our losses.  Gus is a liability.  That's just the fact.
All true but at some point the people on the field are so called professionals, best of the best. When are we going to watch a player and say hey you see what you've trained to do for years, do that just once. I agree Gus is a liability but let's not act like we have talent all over and he's not getting it done. The only reason he's back is because the offense improved drastically after maturity in a first year offense. Who is the better option that's going to get that kind of results in year one. As Singletary said, this team needs winners. I'm just glad after this year we have something we can hold our hat towards and it's that we have an offense that can score. The options for head coaches this year with what we still have to do is limited
Quote:All true but at some point the people on the field are so called professionals, best of the best. When are we going to watch a player and say hey you see what you've trained to do for years, do that just once. I agree Gus is a liability but let's not act like we have talent all over and he's not getting it done. The only reason he's back is because the offense improved drastically after maturity in a first year offense. Who is the better option that's going to get that kind of results in year one. As Singletary said, this team needs winners. I'm just glad after this year we have something we can hold our hat towards and it's that we have an offense that can score. The options for head coaches this year with what we still have to do is limited

Fair enough...  I'm not gonna over react too much.  Because you're right.  There are players that just aren't good enough.  It's a combination of both.  The difference, I think, is that alot of us put more emphasis on the coaching that some others, like yourself. 


Next year will be interesting, and I hope we have the break out year we all are hoping for.  If we can keep the offensive coaching intact and maybe get a really good defensive coordinator, we may have a good shot at the playoffs.  I hope I'm wrong about Bradley.  I'll eat all the crow in the world if we make the play-offs next year and will be happy to do it.  I'm just not sure if the turn around can happen with the current state of our coaching personnel.
Quote:Fair enough...  I'm not gonna over react too much.  Because you're right.  There are players that just aren't good enough.  It's a combination of both.  The difference, I think, is that alot of us put more emphasis on the coaching that some others, like yourself. 


Next year will be interesting, and I hope we have the break out year we all are hoping for.  If we can keep the offensive coaching intact and maybe get a really good defensive coordinator, we may have a good shot at the playoffs.  I hope I'm wrong about Bradley.  I'll eat all the crow in the world if we make the play-offs next year and will be happy to do it.  I'm just not sure if the turn around can happen with the current state of our coaching personnel.
I'm not confident in this staff myself other than what Olson, QB coach, WR coach and the offensive consultant I believe we had as well. This team is just lacking and it's a big year for everyone involved. Can't desk with this again man
Quote:This is the problem I have with Gus Bradley, why isn't he holding his coaches accountable, in game. I'm all for leaders delegating but at some point the CEO (Gus) needs to step in and demand adjustments when something isn't working. From the sounds of it Gus has little input on the defensive side of the ball as well, in the words of Bob Slydell from the great move Office Space



Gus doesn't know how to lead.  I gave him a pass his first season but it's been clear to me that he isn't improving as a leader/coach/manager since the beginning of his 2nd season.


He's not a bad guy but not everyone is not cut out to be an NFL HC.
does anyone have an idea of who makes the offensive game plan and who would be in charge of making those adjustments like more max protect or what?



it's really hard to be ok with gus coming back in 2016 right now.

Quote:I mean, dude, you saw how right all of us were about Fish... Why don't you guys just trust us on Bradley?

But again...

I'll wait till October 2016... Then, it'll be all about the "I told you so".

I'll shave my head if we're not over .500 in the first 5 games next year.
If you want to see what good coaching looks like, check out Mike Zimmer and what he is doing in Minnesota.

Executed the wing it game plan pretty well. I figured at least at half time we'd figure out that we can't block Watt and Mercilus 1 on 1. Guess not.

Quote:I'll shave my head if we're not over .500 in the first 5 games next year.

If that profile picture is accurate you aren't going out on a limb.  I'll be shocked if we don't start 1-5 again next year.
Quote:We are damn lucky that Bortles wasn't injured in this game.


This buffoon of a head coach couldn't figure out that our tackles were getting destroyed all game and couldn't put a RB or TE or extra lineman in to help defend our QB.


I seriously can not believe we have to go through another year of this stupid [BAD WORD REMOVED] with this guy. Dude literally sucks [BAD WORD REMOVED] at game planning.


What the hell are Khan/Caldwell thinking?
Probably that keeping $13 million bucks between the cap floor and the cap top is money in Khan's pocket and any buyout of a contract would eat away at that pure profit. So 5 more wins maybe next year, or keep all $13 million dollars for sure? Khan has made his decision.
It's amazing what standards we put upon on certain things, and how we simply let it go after repeat failure.  The fact is the fans have zero control over the quality of the product put upon the field with the exception of not buying tickets, merchandise, etc & demanding change but that usually just makes an owner move the team out of the city.  I have serious doubts about the validity of the NFL after watching this season, it simply seems rigged (how else can you explain Carolina Panthers being this good)?
I'll give you the head scratcher that is the Carolina Panthers.  It is very baffling.  When I think about the opening game this season it just doesn't seem real.

Quote:If that profile picture is accurate you aren't going out on a limb. I'll be shocked if we don't start 1-5 again next year.

LOL. That was the point. While I do think we're going to be over 500, I'm not doing anything extraordinary if we're not.
Fake handle.

[Image: 012213-gus-bradley-600.jpg]

Quote:I used to read all the articles on jaguars.com and read ask vic. Havent done either in 5 years.

All there is to read there now is ....we need to fix some things, we're evaluating, and we didn't perform to expectations.

Along with o-no telling the fans things will get better.....Ad nauseam.

"We haven't found a way to win yet. We keep looking. We're close to finding it. When we do, we'll be winners." ~ Gus Bradley

Keep looking Gus! For the sanity of Jacksonville, keep looking!

Quote:This is the problem I have with Gus Bradley, why isn't he holding his coaches accountable, in game. I'm all for leaders delegating but at some point the CEO (Gus) needs to step in and demand adjustments when something isn't working. From the sounds of it Gus has little input on the defensive side of the ball as well, in the words of Bob Slydell from the great move Office Space



From the sounds of what? He has little input on the defense? What makes you think that?

I set my standards low so I'm never disappointed! Start out 2-6 if the bye week is week 9 generally.
Quote:I set my standards low so I'm never disappointed! Start out 2-6 if the bye week is week 9 generally.

Isn't next year's bye in week 5 after the London trip?
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