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Favorite new show (To me):


Breaking Bad. I just started the first season 2 days ago. I've never watched an episode. Am I going to love it like I've always heard?

Quote:Favorite new show (To me):

Breaking Bad. I just started the first season 2 days ago. I've never watched an episode. Am I going to love it like I've always heard?

Besides being The Best Show EVER Produced In The History Of Man, it's okay.
Quote:Besides being The Best Show EVER Produced In The History Of Man, it's okay.
That's what I keep hearing. I'll need to temper expectations though. 
I have catching up to do on Homeland, Better Call Saul, Ray Donovan, and Broadchurch so I haven't latched on to anything new yet. 


is the only thing I've started fresh on fairly recently. I'm three episodes in. It's pretty good. 

If you're looking for a good binge watching experience, Bloodlines and House of Cards on Netflix are outstanding shows.

Jessica Jones has some infuriating moments, but I'd still recommend it.
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