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Full Version: I got a job, but I'm worried...
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Quote:What is "Good's powder"?
Goody's powder. Like BC but much better.
Shoes make a huge difference. Might even look at independent arch support bands.
Quote:As a back pain sufferer, no judgements here, but are you carrying a little more belly weight than you normally do?


Indeed. That would actually be an understatement and a direct result of my not being on my feet. When I'm working I can maintain, but when I'm not my weight can balloon a bit. I'm sure the pounds will drop with the new job, but if I don't find an answer here I might not be able to keep the job.

Quote:Yoga. I have done it for years. I have never met anyone who tried it that didn't at least come to mildly enjoy it.

There are plenty of stretches, but you can get aN easy beginner video on Amazon that is 17-25 minutes for $10 bucks. Or,get a DVD at the store, they are all on sale right now because of New Years resolutions.

I got one about 10 years ago for stress. It was only 15 minutes long. It really helped. It's funny, because although I worked out, I never realized how weak I was in flexibility. It really has become a staple of my workouts (I wish I could skip jogging and just do yoga all the time)




I tried looking into some Yoga techniques, but at my weight and physical condition most of the poses are impossible. There are a few I've tried. I'm wondering about physical therapy, although I'm also starting to realize that I won't have health insurance until February.

Quote:Congrats on the job.

I don't know your age but if you're relatively young I wouldn't sweat it. Barring an injury, the pain is more than likely caused from months of being sedentary. You'll be sore for a few days and then bounce back. I would recommend walking and standing as much as possible the next few days to begin the process. To stretch your lower back lay flat on the floor and pull your knees up to your chest.

You'll be fine. I have Holiday Inn Express rewards points to prove it.

Is 43 relatively young?

Quote:I'd suggest you give this little workout a try if you can.




It's less a workout and more a series of exercises designed to help you regain some general strength.


Interesting. I've never seen a foam roller like that, but I might just look into getting one.

Quote:Just walk every day. Try to start with a mile and increasing each week. Start now and in a couple weeks it'll make the world of difference. I started it and my back would kill me but I'm up to 3 miles a day with no problem. If youre working in a factory, it's largely production based performance but you got a few weeks before it really starts to matter. So DO NOT WAIT. Start walking now.


ok  ...if I can't get used to the treadmill, I'll start going on walks, although the snow lately makes it tough.

Quote:Is 43 relatively young?

People get hung up on numbers. It's how you feel overall that counts. Granted, it takes a little longer to bounce back but you still bounce back all the same. You've mentioned no serious illness or injury. Tough it out and you'll be doing waltzes in no time.
Quote:People get hung up on numbers. It's how you feel overall that counts. Granted, it takes a little longer to bounce back but you still bounce back all the same. You've mentioned no serious illness or injury. Tough it out and you'll be doing waltzes in no time.



On the bright side, they just called and delayed my "orientation meeting" one more week due to the snowy weather. It's at that meeting I'll learn what my actual start date is, but this at least gives me a week to work out.


On the bright side, they just called and delayed my "orientation meeting" one more week due to the snowy weather. It's at that meeting I'll learn what my actual start date is, but this at least gives me a week to work out.

There you go.

Just walk, move, stretch and rest for the next week and you'll be ready for sure. Oh, and limit the intake to the old pie hole. Too much food makes you lazy.
Quote:Indeed. That would actually be an understatement and a direct result of my not being on my feet. When I'm working I can maintain, but when I'm not my weight can balloon a bit. I'm sure the pounds will drop with the new job, but if I don't find an answer here I might not be able to keep the job.

You WILL be able to keep the job.

If you haven't already, start a diet right now. Going low carb isn't easy, but it's a great way to get some lbs off quickly. Your weight and shape might make doing certain yoga poses really hard or impossible even, but you can google easy stretches for back pain and start with those. YouTube is a great place to look for that kind of thing. Also find yourself one of those waist/back support things like you see the guys at Home Depot wearing. They can help. And like everyone else has suggested...get your butt on that treadmill!
Quote:People get hung up on numbers. It's how you feel overall that counts. Granted, it takes a little longer to bounce back but you still bounce back all the same. You've mentioned no serious illness or injury. Tough it out and you'll be doing waltzes in no time.

Good grief. I'm 60 and I lost 35 pounds in the last two years and I've been walking at least 5 1/2 miles a day since 1/1/2008.
Good luck with the new job! Is there a mall nearby where you can go and walk without dealing with the elements? Another vote for a good pair of shoes. They are an investment but worth it for the long term. I know that when I gain a few pounds I can feel it in my lower back when I walk.

Definitely start the day with stretching then get on the treadmill and walk for about 20+ minutes.   Do this 3 or 4 times per day leading up to your 1st workday.  It's still going to take a few weeks for your body to adapt to being on your feet and using different muscles but you'll get into the groove within a matter of time.  Also, take an aleve before bed to relax your bones to feel good for the next day.


Good luck --- just remember ... you gotta start somewhere and the more you move around, ultimately the more energy you'll have.   Burning energy actually generates more energy as well !! 

Quote:ok ...if I can't get used to the treadmill, I'll start going on walks, although the snow lately makes it tough.

Treadmill walking is fine too just walk a mile on it and increase it from there.
Everyone I know who use the Scholl's custom inserts all swear by them.


Pricey, but apparently they work, and work extremely well.




Probably going to get some myself soon.  Inserts, that is.

Quote:Definitely start the day with stretching then get on the treadmill and walk for about 20+ minutes. Do this 3 or 4 times per day leading up to your 1st workday. It's still going to take a few weeks for your body to adapt to being on your feet and using different muscles but you'll get into the groove within a matter of time. Also, take an aleve before bed to relax your bones to feel good for the next day.

Good luck --- just remember ... you gotta start somewhere and the more you move around, ultimately the more energy you'll have. Burning energy actually generates more energy as well !!

Stretching before any exercise has been proven to be more harm than good.
Make sure you are honest up front.  Tell your employer what your concerns are. Most of these guys will understand, they aren't heartless large mouth (fresh water) fish turds ... Unless he's some freckled face punk that works at "the finish line".









That's my Son ... Chubby!

Quote:Stretching before any exercise has been proven to be more harm than good.

I hope the NFL knows this.
Quote:Stretching before any exercise has been proven to be more harm than good.


I lost my fluffer job when I threw my back out.



Are you a lawyer?
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