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Telvin, Colvin and House

the rest could be replaced. 

I'm not seeing what you guys see in Colvin for him to be considered a building block


what am i missing?

What I'd like to see them find in draft\FA this off season:

- a free safety that can play single high at least 'solid' (hopefully better)

- a CB to play opposite House

- competition with more speed at Otto

- another LEO to rotate with Fowler that isn't named Branch or 40 years old

- better talent to rotate with Miller and Marks in the middle


It's a lot to ask in one off season but its do-able.
Quote:Telvin, Colvin and House

the rest could be replaced. 
Uhh, Marks and Odrick?
These are your hopeful building blocks


LEO: Fowler

DT: Marks and Miller 

LDE: Odrick

LB: Telvin

CB: House, Colvin


I think the players above you hope come back next year healthy and improved upon their year last year. This defense has soooo many holes that we realistically can't plug all of them in one off-season. Which means we "ride it out" with some players, which are the following:


MLB: Poz is OK, but we'd need someone to eventually replace him. 

OTTO: Skuta's been solid actually. I have no problem with him returning. 

SS: Cyp. I'm not the biggest fan of Cyp, but I don't think we can add holes. Keep until he can be replaced by someone better (Sample?)


The rest are replaceable, with the biggest hole positionally as FS. And while Fowler and Marks are listed as "core", they are very much questionable health wise (and in DFJ performance wise), making pass rush still our biggest need.

Quote:Uhh, Marks and Odrick?

I stand by my statement. 


Odrick, Marks, Fowler, Miller

Smith, Poszluszny

Colvin, House

Keep cyp but definitely look for an upgrade
Quote:I stand by my statement. 
You don't think those two are core defensive players? Bold statement.
Quote:Roy Miller is a backup DT on most teams. 


I was down on Miller and rather harsh with my words about him after watching Doug Martin get the best of him, but overall he's had a standout year. I do think there are a few NTs hitting free agency that might represent an upgrade, but I'm now thinking he sticks around.


I also really like Odrick and feel like he gets a bad rap. He holds the edge well enough and makes some plays in the backfield. He's actually leads the Jaguars DL in sacks, and that's not even his primary duty.


I really feel that with Sen'Derrick back at full healthy and Fowler out on the edge, that the Jaguars have a formidable DL. Replace Skuta with a sack master like Jaylon Smith, and suddenly the Jaguars have a fierce defense. The only other positions lacking are the two Safety spots (I have my eyes on FS Eric Berry) and a 3rd CB to go along with House and Colvin.

We're a lot closer on defense than some of you guys think. The players are, for the most part, there. It's the scheme that sucks.
Telvin and Fowler are the only building blocks, the rest are placeholders or on the downturn of their careers
Quote:We're a lot closer on defense than some of you guys think. The players are, for the most part, there. It's the scheme that sucks.


It's not even the scheme really. It's just that the scheme requires key players at the LEO and OTTO spots, and those players were missing.


Everyone needs to be looked for an upgrade except for Fowler, Smith, and Colvin( At the nickel position) Atleast need to add dept. Odrick needs a pass rush option to replace him. House is thrown at 30 times a game that's why he has all those PDs, Marks hasn't really played in a year, Safeties are aweful although I think Sample could become good. Poz is in his 30s.

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