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Full Version: Shame on you for saying Hurns wouldn't get 1k. Now pay the man
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Quote:Dont like it. Stay cheap, if he wants to get into a bidding war, trade him or let him walk.

I don't see him acting like that. He'll want to stay here
Lol@ anybody not wanting to lock Hurns up long term.

10 TDS and over 1,000 yards.

Not to mention he is our #2 WR. Let me say that again....he went over 1000 yards and scored 10 times and he is our #2.

And still 1 game to play.
Quote:No don't pay anyone yet. Jags biggest problem is they reward players after one season of production. Let him finish out that rookie contract

It's a double edged sword.  If he has another great year next year, the price is going up.  It's always a gamble when you put money in someone's hands who has never had it before.  Are they working just to get that carrot or does the possibility of becoming "great" also motivate them?  Also, does he play scared in his final year trying to make sure he doesn't get injured going into free agency?


I say give him a team friendly, fair deal in the offseason.
Caldwell has done a good job structuring these deals. I don't see how giving Hurns a pay raise would hurt us. Not like he's going to ask to be paid like Calvin Johnson.
its not a huge problem at this point and its one im more than happy to be in after the few years we had. but with all this young talent showing out, it's gonna be a fun couple years in the front office when these rookie contract start expiring.

He'll want the security of a new contract with some guaranteed money in it.  There's too much risk to him not to sign any fair deal that's presented.  The team will use that as leverage to not over pay him.  He's getting a contract this offseason whether some of us like it or not.




And if not during the offseason, at some point during the early part of the season next year.

Although Colston was drafted, I think Hurns would receive a similar deal to what Colston got in 2008. Although the money wasn't disclosed... probably 4 million a year?

Why do we need to pay the man now?

Are we at risk of losing him?

Is he going to do even better and thus command more money?


Let's pump the brakes. 

ARob and Burnsy both improved from year 1 to year 2. But they have rookie contracts to play out. 


No need to "pay the man" until we need to.


So quick to spend other people's money... lol

Quote:Why do we need to pay the man now?

Are we at risk of losing him?

Is he going to do even better and thus command more money?

Let's pump the brakes.

ARob and Burnsy both improved from year 1 to year 2. But they have rookie contracts to play out.

No need to "pay the man" until we need to.

So quick to spend other people's money... lol
He's a core player, so I feel he should be locked up. He would still be in his prime after his 2nd contract ends, and his eventual extension won't be expensive.
Quote:He's a core player, so I feel he should be locked up. He would still be in his prime after his 2nd contract ends, and his eventual extension won't be expensive.

He'd still be in his prime if we wait 1 more season too.

He just finished year 2 of a 3 year deal. And is a RFA after that year. Giving us first rights and all that.

If he continues to be a core player, he'll get paid.


Meanwhile, a contract like Arobs gives him another year but makes him an UFA after year 4.


Still... no need to pay anyone right now. I would wait to see what the cap situation is after free agency this offseason.

Hurns could be extended mid-season, with Arob an offseason priority next season.


We aren't at risk of losing Hurns to another team. And if he gets injured, we save money, and if this was an blip instead of consistent, then we'll save the money.

We have some solid other WRs that could make a leap also.

I say give him a team friendly, fair deal in the offseason.

lol ... well, if it's team friendly will it be considered fair by Hurns and his agent? These things tend to follow standards set by others. I don't the numbers of UDFAs that have done so well - but Hurns has achieved some stats that are among the best ever for a two-year UFDA receiver. He ain't gonna be cheap.
Hurns will probably get a new deal this off season. It's in the best interest of the team to do so as any continued support feces will only make him more expensive if they wait.

As far as draft picks like Linder? No reason to do anything with their contracts.
Support feces? 

Caldwell better not lowball him. After the season he's had and how receiver deprived this franchise has been I would laugh in his face if I were Hurns..

Good job Hurnsy, you earned every penny heading your way.

No more Bobby Shaw, Matt Jones, Mike Thomas, Jarret Dillard, Charles Sharon, Troy Williams, Torry Holt, Troy Edwards, Chaz West, Mike Brown.

I'm sure I am missing a bunch of other scrubs but we finally have two 1000 yard receivers!

....for the next 10 years

Oh by the way they are double digit scorers.
Quote:I'm beginning to think BB5 can make any WR look good. I'd be careful before paying a WR big money.

Easy there. He's not Tom Brady. He's the only QB that does that.
Quote:lol ... well, if it's team friendly will it be considered fair by Hurns and his agent? These things tend to follow standards set by others. I don't the numbers of UDFAs that have done so well - but Hurns has achieved some stats that are among the best ever for a two-year UFDA receiver. He ain't gonna be cheap.

The cost is irrelevant for that type of production on a team with the cap space this one has available. The longer the team puts it off, the more expensive the price will become. I'm not worried about Hurns slacking off once he's got a new deal.
Quote:The cost is irrelevant for that type of production on a team with the cap space this one has available. The longer the team puts it off, the more expensive the price will become. I'm not worried about Hurns slacking off once he's got a new deal.

Agreed. Hurns has to be signed. He seems, as far as i can see that he's not the type of player to slack off once paid.
All that really matters is if Hurns is going to want to stay a Jaguar or does he want the most money he can get... honestly what the jags are going to offer him will not be the highest offer that would be made... but its not going to be insanely far off either... Hurns knows as well as the rest of the league scouts and head offices that he is a motivated and talented player,.. but this year he is also a product of a team who relied only on its offence to win the game, with a QB who is elite at scrambling. the league isn't crazy and neither are his agents.. His overall "value" to stay in Jax will be more than the money is worth with another team. If he goes else where to a team looking for him to be the man... and the team isnt capable of making him the man... his stock could forever be ruined..... they will always say it was Blake not Hurns that year. He will play the safe route and stay with Jax, and they will reward him with a short but well earned contract giving him the perfect opportunity to play the game, develop and help this team into the payoffs... if he trends up like he has been at the end of his contract he will be young enough to sign a 5 year bomb deal......thats his best route and he knows it

Just my two cents here. Everyone still needs to realize that as good as Hurns is, Guys of his talent level aren't too hard to find with a good GM and a legend WR coach. With that said, We really do need him here for atleast 2-3 more years while we find more talent through the draft. 

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