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The US debt reduced by more than $60 Billion since the Trump Inauguration!


On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. On March 8th, more than a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,879 billion. Trump has cut the US Debt burden by $68 billion and 0.3% in since his inauguration!



Quote:The US debt reduced by more than $60 Billion since the Trump Inauguration!

On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. On March 8th, more than a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,879 billion. <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/debt/search?startMonth=01&startDay=20&startYear=2017&endMonth=02&endDay=21&endYear=2017'>Trump has cut the US Debt burden by $68 billion</a> and 0.3% in since his inauguration!

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/03/amazing-us-debt-decreased-60-billion-since-trump-inauguration/'>http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/03/amazing-us-debt-decreased-60-billion-since-trump-inauguration/</a>

Drifter needs lessons on National Debt
A President is finally running this country like the average American family runs it's household. Have a budget, stick to it, and if possible, stick some money away for a rainy day.


(I didn't know it rained for 8 years straight starting in 2008)


(Waits for post to be removed by a communist admin for being offensive to some snowflake)

The logjam the republicans are creating made this happen. Unfortunately it will not last. When Trumpcare goes into effect the deficit will cont to rise again.