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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Titans Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Quote:What's the most points scored by 2 teams combined in NFL history? I think this game should be close to breaking the record. Usually you only see teams put up 40-50 when the other team is terrible at everything. We might witness a game where both teams break 50 today.
113.  The Washington Redskins and the New York Giants combined for a total of 113 points in one game on November 27, 1966, in Washington. The Redskins outscored the Giants 72–41.
Still have a shot, td, and onside kick, seems like that scenario every week.
If I had to sum up this team in one word, it would be "bizarre".
Quote:Alcohol can take away your problems right?
im trying and the pain still won't go away
Bortles is playing behind in the 4th...int coming up
EVERYONE IN THE FRONT OFFICE NEEDS TO GO!!! NOW! no excuses!!! this team is a tragedy

Can't see the game, but never seen a fumble on the center? Was it a bad snap or something?
Quote:Y'all should probably blame Gus for that too, huh?

Please shut the [BLEEP] up! You must lovery our defensive coach giving up 35 to a terrible Tennessee team
Am done. Can't watch this crap anymore this year.

Going fishing.
Two TDs in less than a minute. Wow
that snap almost looked like it was on purpose.

Quote:I feel the same way about Gus

Careful, you may get a warning.  The head coach has nothing to do with this.  

Stop talking about the head coach.


This has nothing to do with the head coach
we finally let the Tacks win at home... only us

Like, what in the hell?  Honestly, that was the best outcome if there's a turnover that deep.  They would've scored and taken exponentially more time off the clock, let's be real.

Gus can't coach this team to a comeback victory and Bortles can't lead it to a comeback victory.
I'm lost for words with this team.

Quote:113.  The Washington Redskins and the New York Giants combined for a total of 113 points in one game on November 27, 1966, in Washington. The Redskins outscored the Giants 72–41.

Welp. Guess we won't be seeing that record broken today. Sad
This game is about as whacky and thrilling as the Baylor and Texas game yesterday,. 

Quote:I'm physically ill...

I don't think I've EVER seen a snap that terrible... How do you... As an NFL Center... Launch the ball 15 feet in the air on a snap?

NFL is fixed, bro.
Quote:At least we have Gus for another year.

Yeah he saved his job with a great 2nd half. We still can't seem to get out of our own way though. Tomorrow's highlight shows are gonna make it look even worse with the 2 bumbling plays.