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Full Version: Thank God for Life
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Quote:Man, probably nobody loves this news more than me. I am coming up on my one year anniversary of being diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma (clear cell). In layman's terms, it is a particularly nasty form of kidney cancer. I have lost one kidney to it. I am stage 4, and have it in my bones also. Fortunately I am in remission. Despite all that, I still take drugs (chemo) that has reduced the quality of my life to little more than bedrest most days. My beautiful new wife is struggling bad with all of this. I have lost nearly 100 pounds since falling sick. I used to have the look of a football player. I was big and had muscles. I was 258 at the time I checked into the hospital and was diagnosed. I am struggling to not fall under 170 now. I rarely eat, get out of bed, or live any sort of meaningful life anymore. Just earlier tonight my wife told me that she feels like she has already lost me because that me is long gone. I am struggling more than at any other time in my life. I need to find a way to fight and perhaps I can use your story as inspiration to keep soldiering on. My wife wants me to fight harder than I've ever fought in my entire life. I need to do that because I am not going to leave her. She is my world. I am very afraid for the first time in my life. I would gladly lay down my life for my wife and my daughter, and have considered doing so because I still have really good life insurance and haven't lost that yet. That's not what she wants though. She wants me to beat this thing. Statistically, I have a 6% chance of living 5 years or more. Not real good odds. I likely will lose my employment sometime next year. They put me on involuntary medical leave a week ago until January. They haven't parted ways, but if they do, I lose a 6 figure life insurance policy to my wife and daughter. Pressure is knowing that I can stop taking a pill, and nature will take it's course and my family would be set up for life. It's tough. I think I should, but she doesn't want that.


I am so glad that you are out of this forest of misery. It is no place to be.


God Bless. Smile
Hang in there buddy. Its a wonder what the body will do to stay alive. I was 240 but now have leveled off at 185. This is a slow process but each week I am better. Going on 7 weeks. I am sorry I have not checked this post in awhile. I have quite frankly been disgusted with the Jags. Keep your head up and fight on!!!!



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